
What is blush?

"Why, master?"(asking because master is expecting for me to ask)

"It's because I never got to do this before. It's my first time. I always watched in movies, like how a group of best friends hang out late at night and do fun stuff. I want to experience it."(happy)

"But master had told me in the beginning that, master has a group of best friends."

(William's face turns gloomy and tearful in a flash)

"Not has, Kyla, but "had".They were my best buddies but they all died in a strange accident. (tears dripping) I recently found out that their deaths have something to do with me. The killers targeted me but they died instead of me. I told you at the beginning that I will take you to meet them! I meant to visit their grave.''(looking down.)

(Kyla stares at William, not knowing what to say to him)

''Master.!''(looking at the instant noodles)

''Yea?''(looking at Kyla and wiping his tears)

''The noodles are cooked.''(still looking at the noodles)

''Ohh right!! Let's eat some.''(passes a cup noodles to Kyla and starts eating his).''YUMMM this tastes good!!! right? (looks at Kyla cheerfully)

''Yes master''(poker face)

''Come on, you got to show some happy expression. Your expressions are always dull.''(Moves his chair closer to Kyla) '' I will show to express happiness through your face, okay!!''

(William adjusts his seat in a way that they sit face to face. He then stares at her face with confusion for a long time. Kyla keeps aside her noodles.)

''Master ?? Is there anything wrong''(confused look)

''I see!! since I am used to being my side for quite a while I stopped blushing.''(says to himself )

''What is blush, master?''(leans forward)

''You don't know what blushing??''(leans backward as a reflex action)

''....''(shakes head)

''Blushing means...hmmm.....blushing means.....Oh!! okay. When a guy likes a girl, he starts to blush whenever he comes close to her or whenever he talks to her.''(According to my theory)

''So master you mean that...''( leans backward, looks sideways and starts thinking)

''Mean what?''(you understood so quickly)

(Kyla turns her face towards William and leans forwards again)

''Say!!''(sits straight)(very close to Kyla)

''Master you mean, that you like me??''( I thought you suffered from some sickness)