
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantasy
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103 Chs

The Feline Lich

In the midst of the rapidly escalating conflict, the appearance of the dark feline monster, a terrifying entity commanding the undead, sends a wave of terror through Viru and his subordinates.

Its sinister presence, a blend of feline grace and dark necromancy, cast a shadow of dread over the battlefield.

Albus, immune to fear, quickly analyzed the formidable opponent: a class-unlocked feline 'lich' with the power to manipulate the dead and summon skeletal warriors.

This Lich was obviously too powerful for Viru's army. His army will be defeated if Viru doesn't think of alternatives.

Viru, struggling to overcome the paralyzing fear, turned to Albus for guidance.

The AI's advice was clear and urgent: deploy the dungeon core to shield and rejuvenate their forces, a necessary defense against the looming threat.

Viru's recent ascension to Stage Level 4 bolstered their chances, but Stage Level 5 would offer a significant advantage.

According to Albus's predictions, people were going to die even in the best case scenario.

Viru was very close to advancing into stage level 5, which had a massive update.

'Only if I had reached the final stage level 5, this situation would become easier to survive' Viru thought.

His focus immediately shifted to an idea to quickly advance to the final stage level 5, which would let him establish a Permanent Dungeon.

'Request the village chief to make all the rabbit folk turn into your subordinates, this will provide you with experience points that you need to advance'

Albus concluded.

It was a brilliant idea. Seizing Albus's suggestion, Viru approached the village chief, urgently proposing that the rabbit folk join him as subordinates. The chief, having witnessed Viru's strategic prowess, agreed without hesitation, convincing her people to follow suit. As 23 rabbit folk pledged their allegiance, Viru's experience surged, propelling him to the final Stage Level 5. A notification confirmed his advancement, accompanied by a rush of power and potential.

Viru's body surged with the power of his strong subordinates and their racial skills.

With no time to lose, Viru deployed his core. Its influence expanded to a 100-meter diameter, enveloping the village and the menacing lich. The core's healing aura began to work immediately, invigorating Viru's allies, their energy and morale visibly bolstered.

Amidst this, Pyra got stronger by fully understanding her fire element, her strength now unmatched within their group. Luther, Zain, and Rex have also unlocked their elemental magic attributes, while the goblins evolved to the second stage. Atleast 8 of the rabbit folk increased their strength notably by collecting experience and are on the verge of unlocking their attributes. Even 2 of the rabbit folk archers unlocked their elemental attributes. The sudden escalation in their abilities provided a glimmer of hope in the grim scenario.

Luther unlocked an ice attribute which enabled him to fuse ice elements into his axe attacks and Zain unlocked his earth attribute controlling the terrain to his advantage.

Monsters had to be 3rd stage-evolved beings to unlock elemental attributes.

While beings like Humans, Demi-humans, elves, etc. Already possess enough intelligence but must collect enough experience to unlock their elemental attributes.

However, the lich, undeterred, summoned an additional 25 skeletal warriors. These were not the frail undead they had faced before but second-stage warriors, armed and formidable.

All the hopes that surged among the subordinates plummeted again to the bottom of the well. Terror reigned again, making the aura of the core to push against it with all its strength to improve moral.

Viru, analyzing the situation, ordered a strategic retreat to deploy the newly enhanced wooden wall, now a formidable barrier. It wasn't the weak wooden fence anyone. They looked more sturdy and dense with significantly better defence. Their were one meter in length. Viru could deploy the walls which was enough to surround the dungeon's main hall.

Viru's quick thinking led to a fiery defense strategy. He instructed Pyra to ignite the wooden wall with her fire-based attacks, exploiting the skeletons' vulnerability to flames. The wall blazed, creating a fiery barrier that slowed the advance of the skeletal warriors. Eventhough the fire wasn't burning brightly, it still lowered their movements up to a noticeable level.

Yet, the odds remained daunting. The lich's presence continued to terrorize their ranks, its dark aura a constant threat. The 15 second stage skeletons, each a formidable opponent, pressed against their defenses. The situation was dire, the enemy's numbers and strength overwhelming. If not for the core's influence bolstering their spirits, fear might have overtaken them.

Viru knew they faced a pivotal moment. The battle's outcome would hinge not just on brute force but on cunning, strategy, and the unyielding will to survive. As the lich hovered ominously, its power yet to be fully unleashed, Viru realized this was more than a fight for survival—it was a test of his resolve as a leader and the strength of the bonds he had forged with his diverse band of warriors.

After the unlocking of elemental attributes comes the unlocking of classes.

The feline lich, with its superior 'Lich' class, stood as a chilling testament to the intricate hierarchy of power within Revara.

The lich's specialized class granted it abilities far beyond the scope of a classless entity like Pyra.

Pyra, yet being the most powerful in the group, possessed no legit class. This disparity in class and power highlighted the daunting challenge Viru and his team faced.

In the world of Revara, the assignment of a system class was not a matter of mere choice or preference. It was a recognition, a rite of passage earned through dedication, skill, and a profound connection to one's chosen path. A swordsman wasn't simply one who wielded a blade; they were warriors who had honed their craft, dedicating hours to mastering the art of swordsmanship. Similarly, archers were more than individuals with a bow; they were experts who understood every nuance of their weapon, aligning their skill with their elemental attributes.

After a dedicated time to the art, they will receive their own desired class system as a Divine message from the voice of the world, Revara.

Viru's 'Dungeon system' was a prime example of this. It wasn't merely given; it was earned, a reward for his arrival in Revara. This system had recognized Viru's inherent qualities, bestowing upon him powers that shaped his destiny.

In contrast, the lich's necromancer class was a culmination of dark practices and forbidden knowledge, a path walked by few but feared by many. Its ability to manipulate the dead, to bend the very essence of life and death to its will, was a power that few could match. The skeletal warriors it summoned were not mere minions; they were extensions of its will, each bone infused with dark magic, each movement a testament to the lich's dominion over the nether realms.

As Viru and his group faced this formidable enemy, the difference in class was strong. They had numbers and a variety of skills, but they lacked the specialized abilities that system classes provided. This was a battle of raw strength and courage against the refined, chilling power of a necromancer.