
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Summon dungeon soldiers

Now that the unlocking of pyra's system is done. With Viru's new ability to summon monsters as a result of the dungeon master privileges, he had the opportunity to strategically bolster his forces. However, his choices were limited to the races already scanned and cataloged in Albus's database. This limitation meant he had to carefully consider which beings would be most beneficial in reinforcing his team and contributing to the overall strength and functionality of his dungeon.

From Albus's scanned database, the available options included

Veery (common)

Goblins (common)

Rhino Warriors (uncommon)

Korken Monsters (uncommon)

Rabbit folk

Each of these races had unique attributes and abilities that could potentially serve different roles within Viru's growing domain.

The Veery, while common, were agile and could serve as excellent scouts or messengers due to their ability to fly and navigate quickly. Goblins, also common, were versatile; they could be trained for various tasks, including hunting, gathering, or simple combat roles.

The Rhino Warriors, being of the uncommon race, offered substantial strength and resilience, making them ideal frontline fighters or guards for the dungeon. Their formidable presence could deter potential threats and provide a solid defense.

The Korken Monsters, another uncommon race, were known for their defensive capabilities. Their tough, scaly skin provided natural armor, making them excellent protectors of key locations within the dungeon or in battle.

Summoning the Rabbit Folk, a Demi-human race from Albus's database, offered Viru valuable strategic benefits. Their building skills would enhance his dungeon's development, their agility made them excellent scouts, and their communal nature promised to strengthen the unity within his diverse group of subordinates. This decision would significantly bolster both the functional and defensive capabilities of Viru's growing domain.

Viru was aware, however, that not all beings were possible to summon. The Crimson-eyed Veery, like Pyra, was a rare blessing and not a separate race that could be replicated at will. Similarly, the Humanoid Goblin, a hybrid of two races, was beyond Albus's current capability to recreate, as it didn't have the function to create half-races.

Given these options and limitations, Viru had to strategize effectively. He needed to choose beings that would not only strengthen his team but also contribute to the sustainability and security of his dungeon. Other than these facts, he immediately needed more fighting power to defeat the feline Lich before them.

'I'm going to summon five kroken monsters and five rhino warriors'

Viru finalised.

Viru's strategic decision to summon five Korken monsters and five Rhino warriors of stage two was a move that Albus concurred with. The addition of these creatures was intended to bring a significant shift in the dynamics of the ongoing battle.

The Korken monsters, with their natural defensive capabilities, were deployed to bolster the ranks of the archers and the melee fighters, including the goblins and rabbit folk. Their presence would provide much-needed support, allowing these fighters to focus more effectively on their targets without being overwhelmed.

Meanwhile, the Rhino warriors, known for their formidable strength and resilience, were poised to make an immediate impact on the front lines. Their addition would alleviate some of the pressure on Zain, enabling him to join Rex and Luther in directly engaging the tougher skeletons that feline Lich created.

As soon as Viru made his choice, the Korken monsters and Rhino warriors materialized on the battlefield. Without hesitation, Viru issued commands for them to integrate into the existing formation and contribute to the fight. Their arrival was timely, injecting fresh vigor into Viru's ranks and bolstering their defense and offense.

With these new additions, Viru's team gained a significant boost in strength and versatility. The Korken monsters, with their defensive prowess, and the Rhino warriors, with their offensive capabilities, complemented each other and the existing team members. This strategic deployment promised to tip the scales in their favor, offering a glimmer of hope against the formidable feline Lich and its army of skeleton warriors. The battle was far from over, but Viru's leadership and quick thinking had given them a fighting chance.

The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos and fury as Viru's enhanced team faced off against the remaining 24 of the feline lich's second-stage warriors. The newly summoned Korken monsters and Rhino warriors immediately threw themselves into the fray, their arrival shifting the tide of battle.

The Korken monsters, with their natural armor, formed a defensive line, shielding the archers and other melee fighters. Their broad, scaly arms deflected the relentless strikes of the skeleton warriors, creating openings for counterattacks.

The Rhino warriors charged into battle, their powerful strikes causing the skeletons to stagger back. Each swing of their massive limbs was like a battering ram, breaking through the defenses of the undead warriors with brute force.

Zain, now able to focus on more strategic combat, moved with newfound agility, flanking the enemy and striking at their vulnerabilities. Luther, alongside Rex, engaged in direct combat, their combined strength overwhelming the skeletons they faced.

Amidst the clashing of weapons and the roars of combat, Albus's voice cut through to Viru, revealing that he could harness his subordinates' abilities and traits.

'As the dungeon master, your subordinates' power flow through you, you can harness it and use it on yourself' Albus mentioned.

This revelation was a game-changer. Viru, elated, decided to channel Pyra's newly acquired fire fist ability.

As he focused, Viru felt a surge of Pyra's fiery energy coursing through him. With a battle cry, he launched himself at the nearest skeleton warriors. His fists, now engulfed in flames, struck with the power and precision of Pyra's brawler class. Each hit landed with explosive force, sending skeletons reeling and shattering their bones.

Pyra, taking to the skies, became a blur of fiery destruction. She swooped down on the skeletons, her flaming fists leaving trails of fire in the air. The remaining goblins and rabbit folk, inspired by the display of power, redoubled their efforts, fighting with renewed vigor.

The battle raged on, with each member of Viru's team playing a crucial role. The archers, taking advantage of the Korken's defense, fired volley after volley. Rex, with his enhanced agility and strength, danced around the skeletons, his sword cutting through them with lethal precision.

As the fight neared its climax, only seven skeleton warriors remained, battered and barely standing. These last warriors, however, were different. They moved to either side of the feline lich, acting as its final line of defense. The lich itself, its eyes glowing with malevolent energy, prepared for a final, desperate stand.

Viru, surrounded by his team, readied for the concluding clash. They had fought hard and overcome great odds, and now the end was in sight. With determination in their eyes and unity in their hearts, they prepared to face the lich and its last guardians, ready to end the battle once and for all.

'I shall not be defeated by you weaklings with newfound power'

The feline lich, sensing its impending defeat, let out a chilling scream, a sound that was as dark and terrifying as the creature itself. Refusing to fall to what it deemed 'weaklings,' it channeled its dark, necromantic energy into the last seven skeleton warriors. These warriors began to transform, their bodies swelling and growing into towering figures of dread.

Albus quickly analyzed the situation and confirmed a dire turn of events: the skeletons had become stage three Knights, a formidable upgrade fueled by the lich's desperation. The battlefield took on a grimmer aspect as these new adversaries loomed over Viru and his team.

The dark kingts wore armor covering more than 50 percent of their body, leaving less possibility for a weakness. They wore a cape which protected from the attacks behind them.

The lich, now actively joining the fray, unleashed devastating blades of darkness. These ethereal weapons sliced through the air, aiming to cut through flesh and bone. The Korken monsters and the elite members of Viru's team managed to either dodge or bear the brunt of these attacks, suffering deep wounds in the process.

The battle escalated into a desperate struggle for survival. The Dark Knights, empowered by the lich's magic, fought with ruthless efficiency, their every strike potent and deadly. Viru's team, though formidable, suffered losses – five brave souls fell under the relentless assault of the dark magic and the knights' blades.

Despite the odds, Viru and his remaining subordinates fought with relentless determination. Luther and Rex engaged Dark Knights with the assist of the summoned subordinates, their combined slowly wearing down its defenses. Zain, despite his injuries, held the line, using his body as a shield to protect the others.

Pyra, her fiery spirit undimmed, darted through the battlefield, her flaming fists a blur as she struck at a Dark Knight. Viru, channeling Pyra's fire abilities, fought alongside her. Together, they were a tempest of fire and fury. The archers kept the lich busy using their pin point precision blows under the cover of the krokens. This gave the elite to deal with the dark kingts faster.

Finally, after a grueling battle, Viru and his team managed to defeat the Dark Knights. The lich, now exposed and vulnerable, faced the wrath of Viru and Pyra. In a coordinated assault, they unleashed their fire fists in unison, a powerful combination that the lich couldn't withstand.

The lich let out one final, anguished howl before collapsing to the ground. As the dark magic dissipated, its face was revealed – a haunting visage resembling a hybrid of a cat and a human, a testament to its unnatural origins.