
5. Swamp monster

The humanoid goblin, now fully rejuvenated, pledged its unyielding loyalty to Viru, much to his and Pyra's contentment. Their collective strength increased by this new ally, the pair shared a moment of mutual recognition of their growing force. With the goblin's addition, the need for balance in their ranks became obvious —defense was their next tactical priority.

As Viru's Synergic Empowerment skill leveled up, he could now access both of his second-stage evolved subordinates' powers.

Pyra's instincts grew even sharper, and so did her strength and agility.

The humanoid goblin had tough skin and his power was greater than Viru, which Viru can now channel to himself. Making him as strong and tough as the Humanoid goblin.

After further thoughts about his future plans,

'We need a meat shield!' Added viru

As dusk approached, marking a narrowing window of opportunity, Viru signaled a brief interlude. They had enough time to seek out and secure one more subordinate before nightfall. Pyra, understanding the urgency, was once again dispatched on a reconnaissance mission to identify a being with the robust defensive capabilities they badly needed.

Meanwhile, Viru seized the moment to educate himself with the details of his newly unlocked 'Dungeon Layout' skill. Albus provided a thorough briefing: the core could now be housed within a rudimentary wooden hut, complete with a bed and encircled by a modest one-meter-high wooden fence. This new defensive structure could be creatively placed within the sensitive zone at Viru's desire.

'My dungeon is a hut with wooden fence!!!!?, I do have a long way to go' murmured viru.

However, a new limitation presented itself—once positioned outside, the core cannot be take back until any intruders within the zone were defeated or expelled, underscoring the strategic importance of its placement. With the core's destruction equating to his death, Viru acknowledged the weight of this responsibility with newfound seriousness.

'This should not be a problem since, placed in a wooden box, the enemy should be barely able to notice it, but I still have to be careful on its placement' thought Viru.

'The core's durability has been increased to 30 and slow down effect has been enhanced and can be used on higher level enemies' Albus pointed.


The enhancements to the core's defense and the augmented slow down effect, now potent against even mightier adversaries, were welcomed improvements. A secure night's rest within the hut was a novel comfort, and as Viru imagined the future upgrades and expansions that awaited him at the next level, his resolve hardened. The path ahead was clearer now, with every new ally and ability lighting the way forward.

Pyra returned with a dead horned rabbit. The horned rabbit, albeit a lowly level 1 creature, was a testament to Pyra's growing adeptness. Such quarry, which may have posed a modest challenge under different circumstances, was effortlessly subdued by the veery's sharpening prowess. Pyra's reconnaissance also yielded valuable intelligence; amidst the formidable foes lurking nearby, one creature stood out for its exceptional defensive capabilities.

Their subsequent meal—half an hour of culinary distraction—offered a brief respite. Utilizing the flame oil torch supplied with the wooden hut, they cooked and consumed the rabbit, savoring the sustenance and the moment of peace it brought.

As they ate, Viru listened to what Pyra had to say about the nearby monster that she had discovered. Finally one of them piqued Viru's interest. After the discussion, they set out as Pyra guided them to this monster.

After an hour of cautiously maneuvering through the forest, the trio reached the destination.

Approaching the pond identified by Pyra, they observed the peculiar monster in its natural habitat. Albus, ever vigilant, initiated the appraisal process. Before them stood the swamp monster, an amalgamation of human and crocodile features, its body a fortress clad in high-density scales. This Scaly Korken, a second-stage evolved entity, was precisely the kind of defensive bulwark Viru and Pyra sought to enlist. Its highlighted defensive attribute of 18 and HP of 70 was a strategic asset that could pivotally fortify their team's resilience.

With Albus's identification complete, Viru and Pyra could now strategize on how to best approach and recruit this powerful potential ally into their growing legion of dungeon subordinates.

Viru considered their precarious situation as they observed the imposing monster before them. His strategic mind raced through possible scenarios, each one highlighting their disadvantage in a direct confrontation. It was clear that brute force wasn't going to win this battle. Viru reflected on the utility of Albus's scanning ability, pondering whether it was worth engaging the monster solely to gain the ability to recreate it later. Such a move seemed like a misuse of their strategic edge. He only had one chance to create a monster out of nothing. He was unwilling to waste it on a mere unevolved kroken monster.

Even though this monster before them is in the second stage of evolution, the subordinate created using the 'Summon Scanned subordinate' skill will only give them an unevolved kroken Monster.

Even as he weighed the risks, a sliver of hope emerged—perhaps they could encounter a rare or high-ranking monster and manage to scan it, a prospect that both excited and worried him. It was a risky gamble, one that might promise greater rewards but also posed significant dangers.

As Pyra, paid attention to the subtleties of their environment, she sensed the presence of another creature, Viru's focus sharpened instantly. Albus's appraisal confirmed their new challenge: a second stage evolved rhino Warrior. This new foe boasted an intimidating blend of raw power and sturdy defense, tipping the scales differently from the Scaly Korken but no less dangerous.

Viru now faced a critical decision. Engaging the Rhino Warrior could potentially yield a powerful ally if they could subdue and convert it, but the likelihood of success was uncertain. Every choice carried weight, and in this unforgiving landscape, the wrong one could spell disaster.

Albus started to recite the nature on the historical rivalry between the rhino warriors and the Korken species over resources in jungle. They fight often. Viru's cunning plan began to take shape. This knowledge, provided by Albus, presented an opportunity to pit the two formidable monsters against each other, conserving their own strength and potentially gaining a new subordinate without a direct conflict, stealing the fight at the right movement.

[Author note: Find the reference pictures of the Rhino warrior and kroken monster in the comments.]

With Albus's high predictive accuracy lending confidence to their strategy, Viru set the stage for an orchestrated clash of the titans. He directed Pyra to incite the rhino warrior, guiding the angered beast toward its natural adversary. Pyra, with precision and agility, managed to execute Viru's command flawlessly. Her talons, though insufficient to penetrate the rhino's thick skin, served their purpose in provoking it.

Careful to remain out of harm's way, Pyra lured the infuriated rhino warrior directly into the path of the Scaly Korken. The tension in the air was palpable as the two monsters locked onto one another, a rivalry rekindled by Pyra's calculated interference.

Viru's concern grew as he watched Pyra engage in this dangerous dance, fully aware that her safety was not guaranteed. Pyra was more than a subordinate; she was a trusted companion whose strength lay not just in her abilities but in her unyielding spirit and loyalty.

After tense moments of maneuvering, Pyra succeeded in her mission. The rhino warrior, now in the proximity of the Scaly Korken, had no attention to spare for the veery. The monsters, driven by deep-seated rivalry, prepared to settle an old score, giving Viru and his allies a chance to watch and wait for the opportune moment to act.

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