
My Dungeon is also a General Store: Conquer, Create and Conquer Again

[ Ding! You've acquired the Universal Dungeon System! ] "Okay." [ Congratulations, you're now able to hijack dungeons, purchase and also build new ones too! ] "Eh, okay." [ You have acquired 100,000 Dungeon Points. You can claim daily rewards for even more. ] "Sure." [ Ding! Your dungeon can now access the General Store function! ] [ Ding! You have acquired a dragonʼs egg! ] [ Ding! You have summoned two progressive servants! ] [ Ding! You have just installed an Enchanter's Forge in your dungeon, would you like to hire utility monsters to manage it? ] Elden Online, the most popular VRMMORPG on the web. They were hosting a one-time event known as the Double-Tier Leveling Event, and the entire platform wanted to partake in this. As the players eagerly waited for the event to begin, a celestial comet collided with the neural net of HyperTech Industries, the brilliant minds behind this game. This cosmic encounter changed reality as a whole - the souls of the players were transported from the real world to the game world, which had now become a tangible reality. Death was real, and the possibility of a "restart" button was foolish. However, Shin, a nonchalant player at level 9, acquired a new class - Dominator, the gameʼs strongest class. As a result, he gained a system, granting him the power to conquer dungeons and shape them to his will. Thus, he became a Dungeon Lord. And soon after would come to be known as the Shopkeeper. Some wondered why he had such a name, but it was easy... His dungeon was also a general store. Within its walls, Shin sold - skills, magical artifacts, scrolls, magic stones, crystals... It was a death game, however, he wasn't the least bit bothered... --- Other tags, #Beasttaming #Dark #Gore #Forging #Dungeon-building #Level-up #Summons #Villain #Lordship #LitRPG #No-Harem

ElderTurtle · Games
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22 Chs


The Sila Labyrinth.

After navigating just a bit of it, Serix and the group of players arrived at the final floor. Shin was carried by Ragz, they made sure to leave no one behind as one thing that was popular with most dungeons was its ability to alternate directions. All they knew was that they were in the Sila Labyrinth which was all thanks to the display that popped up as they moved.

But now, they were faced a critical decision.

Serix took charge of the conversation.

"Listen, everyone, if we choose to retreat now, we risk venturing deeper into this labyrinth, perhaps losing ourselves on multiple floors. We were lucky to be teleported to somewhere just around the final floor, if we advance forward, all that'll be separating us from getting out of this dungeon would be the final floor boss."

Serix also thought of the possibility that this might be an event setup by the management, but it didn't look likely because he'd have gotten leaks of the information from his reliable sources. Withal, he went with the idea. Hoping that if they defeated the floor boss, then they'd be able to escape this daunting situation.

Aqua looked on the mysterious door that separated them from the labyrinth's final boss.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely fine with this idea.." she voice her concerns.

Ragz rolled his eyes, already annoyed. "Here we go again."

"Not now, Ragz," Serix softly told him. Then, he looked at Aqua. "What's the problem?"

"We don't have a guidebook with us. Which also means we have zero information on the boss we're about to fight."

"Oh," Serix realized her problem with the plan. "That's not going to be an issue," he told her.

Still, Aqua wasn't fine with the idea. "You don't know that..."

"Does it really matter?" he asked her.

"Of course it does, what if we're dealing with a BBR here? We'll all be left to die."

There was no way for a player to distinguish between an Open Boss Room (OBR) and a Barrier Boss Room (BBR).

It didn't sit well with Aqua.

A guidebook was essential when it came to dungeons because the key to victory in MMORPGs was preparation and game sense. From Aquaʼs perspective, if they knew enough or at least just a little bit about what they'd be up going up against, it'd give them a good idea of what to use in battle and how to use it.

The golden eyes of Serix carried confidence. "You don't have to worry. We're not alone in this. We've got each other."

The grizzled veteran of the group, Ragz, chimed in with a sly grin. "And besides Serix hereʼs a level 50 player. The final boss in this labyrinth won't be more than level 15. We can't lose even if we wanted to."

Aquaʼs eyes narrowed as she locked her gaze onto Serix. "Woah, you're really a level 50 player!" Her words reverberated through the room, causing everyone to turn their attention towards Serix.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin forming.

"Yeah, that's right. But it's no biggie," he reassured them, his casual tone belying the power he possessed. "Right now, our main focus should be on taking down the final floor boss."

Aqua gripped her staff tightly. "Yes."

Other players replied as well.


"You got it!"

"Let's all do our best and get outta here!"

"I couldn't agree more."

The group of nine players stood in front of the boss room, ready to face whatever awaited them. Serix took a moment to assess the team, his gaze sweeping over each member. "Alright, we've got four Warriors. Two Knights, one Berserker, and one Swordsman," he announced, outlining the composition of the group.

The group also consisted of three Mages.

"Two support mages and one versatile mage," Serix continued, giving a nod of acknowledgment to each of them.

Finally, there were 2 Rangers, both skilled archers who specialized in long-range attacks and agility. "Remember," Serix addressed them, "take a few minutes to review your statuses and equip any necessary items. We need to be fully prepared the moment we step into that boss room."

They had to set their gear in order in case they were dealing with a BBR.

Just as everyone began to disperse to check their equipment via their menu board, Ranger 2 raised his hand, hesitating for a moment before speaking up. "Um, excuse me. Can I ask a question?"

Serix grinned, encouraged by the interruption. "Shoot," he replied, and found himself chuckling at his own pun, earning him puzzled glances from Aqua and Ragz.

"Hey, I thought that was a pretty good one," Serix defended himself when he noticed he was the only one laughing.

Unfortunately, both Aqua and Ragz seemed unimpressed.

"No," they replied in perfect unison, their deadpan expressions saying it all.

The moment passed, and Serix cleared his throat, refocusing his attention on Ranger 2. "Alright then, you have a question?"

Ranger 2 asked his question calmly. "Since we're kinda worried about this being a BBR, wouldn't we have to carry this guy with us?" He pointed with his thumb towards Shin, who was peacefully sleeping in a sitting position, his arms crossed over his chest.

Serix furrowed his brows. After a few moments of contemplation, he rubbed his chin and nodded. "You make a good point," he acknowledged. "Once we defeat the boss, we won't be able to go back the same way we came in to retrieve him."

Before the matter could weigh heavily on their minds, before anyone could even speak up, Aqua stepped forward. "I'll take responsibility for Shin," she sharply answered. "We can carry him into the boss room with us."

Ragz's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's crazy," he blurted out.

Serix raised a hand to signal Ragz to quiet down.

"It's actually not a bad idea," he said, a hint of approval in his voice. "But it does put..."

"Shin," Aqua told him.

Nodding, Serix continued. "Yes, it does put Shin in danger."

Aqua shook her head then smiled. "I can use my support magic to shield him from harm," she explained confidently. "If we can all keep the boss engaged long enough for us to defeat it, then we won't have to worry about his safety."

Immediately, Serix admired her. "That works," he said, nodding slowly. However, he was still a little concerned. "But keep in mind, Aqua, it'll limit your ability to fight." It was a valid point, one that Serix couldn't ignore.

However, Support Mage 2, standing beside Aqua, spoke up. "I'll assist Aqua," she offered. "That way, we can protect, um, Shin while still supporting you and the others in fighting the boss."

"That's a solid plan." Serix grinned.

The group exchanged nods of agreement.

2 minutes later,

Everyone was going through their equipment. As for Aqua she was meticulously surveying her character sheet.

|| S T A T U S ||

Basic Information]

Character Name: Aqua

Race: Elf

Class: Mage

Sub-class: Support Mage

Level: 9

HP: 428/428

MP: 206/206

EXP: 15/1,125


Strength: 8

Dexterity: 7 ( +2 )

Intelligence: 25 ( +8 )

Vitality: 8 ( +3 )

Agility: 8 ( +1 )

Magic Skills]

• Healing Touch: Restores 50 HP to a single target (Cost: 25 MP)

• Cleanse: Removes a single negative status effect from a target ally (Cost: 10 MP)

• Buff: Increases a single target ally's strength by 10% for 3 minutes (Cost: 15 MP)

• Mana Shield: Creates a protective barrier that absorbs 50% of incoming damage for 1 minute (Cost: 90 MP)

Extra Skills]

• Arcane Knowledge: Increases intelligence by 5%.

• Aura of Calm: Reduces mana cost of all skills by 10%.

• Expedite: Increases casting speed by 10%.


«Hood of Enlightenment» (+2 Intelligence, +1 Agility)

«Robe of Serenity» (+1 Intelligence, +1 Vitality)

«Gloves of Wisdom» (+2 Intelligence, +1 Dexterity)

«Leggings of Harmony» (+1 Intelligence, +1 Vitality)

«Golden Adept Staff» (+2 Intelligence, +1 Vitality, +1 Dexterity)

|| C L O S E ||

"I really should get better gear.." Aqua sighed heavily.

Serix raised an eyebrow as he watched her mumble something. "Is uh, everything okay?"

She quickly nodded. "Everything's fine, don't worry."

"O... Okay then," Serix responded.

They stood before the towering doors of the boss room, Serix, adorned his blue leather swordsman attire, unsheathed his sword.

He turned to his comrades.

"Listen up, everyone," Serix addressed them. "There's only one thing I need to say to you all: let's win this."

One by one, they nodded.

Their expressions reflected their shared goal.

Ragz was already excited. "Come on!" he exclaimed.

With a unified breath, they placed their hands on the massive stone door.

As their combined strength pushed against it, the door groaned and gave way, revealing the dreaded sight that awaited them within.

At the end of the dimly lit chamber, shrouded in darkness, stood final floor boss: Xalgun.

The room, once obscured in darkness, suddenly burst into an ethereal glow as torches lining the walls ignited in a brilliant display of azure flames.

The final door slammed shut with a resounding thud, sealing them within.

Support Mage 1 tried to use his teleportation crystal, but it didn't work.

"My teleportation crystal isn't working.."

Ragz, rubbing the back of his head in realization, remarked, "So, it really was a BBR after all."

A faint chuckle escaped Serix's lips as he replied, "Yes, unfortunate, but we're more than capable of handling it."

Suddenly, the Versatile Mageʼs hands trembled slightly.

It pointed at Xalgun's details that hovered above its head.

- Level: 25

- HP: 700

- MP: 300

- Attack Power: 100-105

- Defense: 70

- Magic Power: 50

She frowned and turned to Ragz. "Didn't you say it would be at most level 15?"

Ragz, sheepishly scratching his thick beard, admitted, "Sometimes, I don't understand the mechanics of this game."

A soft voice from Serix as he spoke. "No need to worry. We're still several levels higher than it. We've got this."

Before they could further deliberate, Xalgun leaped out from its stationary position. With a deafening roar, it unleashed its first attack, activating its Extra Skill, [Spectral Minions].

In an instant, three spectral figures materialized beside the boss.

- Minion HP: 120

- Minion Attack Power: 30

- Minion Defense: 10

- Minion Abilities: Basic melee attacks and a spectral blast that deals damage over time.

These minions, though weaker compared to Xalgun, were capable of causing chaos with their ability to distract and deal damage over time.

"STICK TO THE PRE-PLANNED STRATEGY!!" Serix reacted quickly.

The knights acted as tanks and positioned themselves at the forefront, their mighty shields ready to soak up the minions' attacks. With shields raised, they formed an impenetrable wall, ensuring the DPS classes could unleash their devastating barrage without drawing aggro.

"Alright! You guys are up!" Knight 1 shouted.

Archer 1 grinned. "Yeah, we got it.."

"We'll make an opening for Serix and Ragz." Archer 2 readied himself.

The two archers, their bows crackling with the raw power of elemental magic, took aim and let loose a flurry of arrows. Each arrow, with the speed of lightning, streaked through the air, finding their mark in the chests of the spectral minions.

Two of the three minions staggered, pierced by the onslaught of magical projectiles.

But they'd only lost about 30 HP each.

With a caring glance towards Shin, Aqua guided him to the safety of a corner within the vast boss room. Standing by his side, Support Mage 2 cast a protective barrier, enveloping Shin in a shimmering shield, to keep him safe.

"Okay, that's done, we need to regroup with the others," said Support Mage 2.

Aqua nodded with understanding. "Right. Let's go."

She wasn't comfortable with this, she was scared, but it wouldn't be fair if she didn't put effort into this like they were doing.

30 seconds later,

The opening they'd been waiting for was available.

The two Archers had already taken care of all three spectral minions.

"You ready, Ragz?!" Serix called out.

A sharp grin spread across Ragz's face as he replied, "I was born ready, boss!"

The Versatile Mage was already summoning the immense power of his most devastating Magic Skill, [Overshot]. A buffed up lightning element attack-type magic.

"Prepare yourself, Aqua," Serix said. "This is it."

Aqua nodded.

After, she and the other two Support Mages cast protective buffs on Serix and Ragz, ensuring their survivability in case things took a dangerous turn.

Even at their current level, they weren't planning on being complacent.

While the support mages worked their magic, Aqua's eyes never left Xalgun. She was aware the Versatile Mage had previously cast a debuff that would increase critical hit chance, but something irked her about this boss.

But there was no time for that; victory demanded everything they had.


Finally, the Versatile Mage had sent its attack.

A powerful lightning bolt conjured from mana which molded itself to become a powerful arrow-shaped lighting that carved through the ground.


It shattered barrier surrounding Xalgun but didn't directly damage it.

"That's all?!" the Versatile Mage cried out.

It served its purpose nonetheless. Everything was in place.

"Enough of an opening, I'd say," Archer 2 proclaimed. "It's time for the swordsman and the berserker to strike."

With a fluid motion, Serix spun his sword, displaying his mastery over his chosen weapon, resting it firmly atop his shoulder. Ragz, his colossal sword held high, matched Serix's confident stance.

"WE GOT IT!!" they shouted.

A burst of unparalleled speed.

Serix and Ragz, lunged towards their final target.

Victory seemed imminent, their plan executed flawlessly.

A single hit from a level 50 swordsman and a level 41 Berserker should be enough.


Out of nowhere, Xalgun brandished its massive sword, «Blade of Eternity», with a visceral force, swinging it mercilessly towards them.

'W... What...? How is it so fast?!' Aqua immediately thought.

In an instant, blood splattered across the battlefield as Ragz was brutally torn in half, his body rended by the sheer force of the monster's strike.

Serix had the agility of a swordsman, unlike a Berserker. So, he skillfully evaded the onslaught, but not without consequence. His left arm was severed, leaving him sprawled on the ground, wracked with pain.

"MY ARM!" Serix bellowed.

He couldn't understand why it hurt so much. He didn't expect the pain sensors to be so high.

"Serix, no!" Knight 2 cried out.

But before any further words could escape his lips, the gargantuan Xalgun appeared abruptly, almost teleporting right before the two knights. In one swift motion, its colossal sword cleaved through their once impenetrable barriers and shields, tearing through their flesh and bone like mere playthings.

Limbs were severed, heads flew through the air, and a shower of blood painted the room.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Archer 1's voice cracked, horrified. "Isn't this supposed to be a level 25 boss?"

Yes, but not exactly.

Xalgunʼs special features made it unstoppable. It was these same special features Shin would see and decide that they were dead.

The special features were,

- HP Scaling: Xalgun's HP scales with the number of players fighting it, increasing by 200 HP per player.

- Attack Power Scaling: Xalgun's attack power scales by 100 for every 5 levels above level 25.

- Defense Scaling: Xalgun's defense scales by 40 for every 5 levels above level 25.

- Magic Power Scaling: Xalgun's magic power scales by 120 for every 5 levels above level 25.

Swordsman - Level 50, Berserker - Level 41, Support Mage 1 - Level 20, Support Mage 2 - Level 26, Aqua - Level 9, Knight 1 - Level 25, Knight 2 - Level 27, Archer 1 - Level 23, Archer 2 - Level 19...

Combined, it left Xalgun at,

- HP: 700 (base) + 6 players x 200 HP + 4 players x 200 HP + 2 players x 200 HP = 4800 HP

- Attack Power: 100 (base) + 10 levels above 25 x 100 + 4 levels above 25 x 100 + 2 levels above 25 x 100 = 2200-2250

- Defense: 70 (base) + 10 levels above 25 x 40 + 4 levels above 25 x 40 + 2 levels above 25 x 40 = 1090

- Magic Power: 50 (base) + 10 levels above 25 x 120 + 4 levels above 25 x 120 + 2 levels above 25 x 120 = 590

The tide of battle had abruptly turned against them.

Xalgun, far from following the expected patterns of a scripted boss, began to adapt and evolve, growing stronger with each passing moment. Its repertoire of debilitating debuffs stole precious HP from the players, siphoning their life force to replenish its own.

There was no hope for them...

Xalgun summoned spectral minions, ethereal beings that easily evaded the archers' attack range, slashing through the support mages with ruthless efficiency.

Aqua was fortunate enough to already be attending to Serix, if not, she'd be dead.

She channeled what little magic she could muster in order to help Serix.

The pain pulsed through Serix's body as he tightly clenched his severed arm, blood gushing out in spurts. "Aqua, forget about me! Quick, tend to Ragz!" he managed to gasp with a hoarse voice.

But as soon as the words escaped his lips, Aqua's face contorted in horror.

"Serix... I... I'm sorry," Aqua's voice quivered as she spoke, her eyes welling up with tears. "Ragz... he's gone. He didn't make it..."

Serix's eyes widened, fear. "No... no, that can't be," he muttered.

His grip on his severed arm tightened, his knuckles turning white, as he fought to control himself.

Closing his eyes, Serix took a deep breath, his teeth grinding against each other. He slowly released his mangled arm, letting the blood drip onto the ground below. "Aqua," he spoke, his voice low and steadier than before, "stay back. I can't afford to lose anyone else."

Aqua's gaze flickered with concern. "But... But you're not fully healed yet."

Ignoring her protest, Serix shook his head, the transformation in his demeanor all too apparent. "The time for talking is over."

The Serix she knew was long gone. All that remained now was a cold, burning rage.

Without hesitation, Serix reached into his inventory and pulled out a small vial of healing potion. Down it went in one swift motion. A faint glow enveloped his body, his wounds slowly closing, but far from fully healed.




The story came to pause,

"That's enough," Shin calmly interrupted. "It should be ten minutes now..."

He cared more about getting out of the dungeon than the story Aqua was telling.

The only reason he even listened in the first place was because he was bored and it was a smarter move to allow Aqua get everything off her chest before they stepped out of the dungeon.

"Let's see if we can open the door now." Shin yawned.

Cleaning the small teardrops on her cheeks, Aqua forced a smile. "Y... Yeah..."