141 Return to the Carnival

The ominous sky still looked as haunting as ever, with spectral lights breathing through the violet patches in waves. The moon, however, had disappeared behind the clouds, relinquishing its nightly duties to the blinking stars scattered across the airy velvet.

As Xander stepped in through the little gap in the dull gray fence, the carnival sprang to life with its shimmering lights, and the rides swung back into motion, grinding and roaring like untamed beasts.

Shouts and screams filled the night as the apparitions of little kids and revelrous young teens flooded the carnival ground, eager to experience all that the carnival had to offer. 

As Xander walked down the grassy field, the unmistakable stench of rusted metal wafted into his nostrils, reminding him of the numerous abandoned junkyards in Merantis which had become the final resting place for the mangled corpses of wrecked cars and piles of discarded appliances.


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