
My Dream

What happen when a girl has to chose between dream or love??? A romantic realistic adult story . When girl leaves everything to be an actress but after fulfill the dream when she misses her husband badly and wants him so badly. This story is only for 18+ reader.

IBK · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

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"Jane what are doing??? Have you gone mad???" asked the boy with a frustration tone to Jane while she was on top of him.

A pretty handsome young man who was completely free to push her away but he did not do that.

"Yes, I am mad for you" a drunken voice come from her lip.

Jane was starting unbuttoning his shirt. The boy was very surprise because of her action, but he did not do anything because he became weak while she touches his chest.

After finishing the shirt task, she went up for kiss him and when her lip touched his forehead, he seemed to lose control but somehow, he controlled himself. His cheeks became red it's hard to control.

Jane kissed nose, eyes, cheeks and ears lop wildly.

Suddenly, he waked up and pushed her lightly on another side of sofa and sit in another side.

"Jane, you are not in your sense please don't do that, you will regret tomorrow." A worried manly sweet voice came.

"Leo, I will never regret, because it's you" says Jane while she was buried her head in Leo's chest a familiar scent, she missed all time.

Leo was melting, Jane was the one who was drunk then why he felt like he was also drunk.

He suddenly holds her wrist and pull her in his arm she immediately wrapped her hands around his neck tightly while he is going towards the bed room.

Her back touched the familiar bed but Leo was hesitated so he was standing in front of the bed and watching her, she suddenly grabs his shirt corner and pull him to her.

Leo was top of her. A drop of tear came from her eye and her hand immediately went to his neck.

He suddenly licked his tears with his tongue, he knew that she might forget about this present time but now he wanted to be with her. He knew that it's maybe their last night to stay together.

"You know, I love you" a sad emotional voice came from her. He knew that the right sentence was," I loved you" but he did not say anything, they just looked at each other.

Maybe she was waiting for the answer so she tried to say something but he covered her lip with his. His one hand went to her neck then the lower parts, and another hand loosen her hair, he touched the whole upper parts of her body, through her simple but stylish dress she also touched his chest from his unbuttoned shirt.

Their body would in high heat, his one hand went to her back to lightly pulling her up and unzipped her dress, placed her comfortably in the bed then started kissing her forehead, nose, eyes, cheeks ears and then lips, it's a very passionate kiss.

Sorry for late update , I will try my best for updaily.

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