
Prelude to the Journey

Author Note-:

I'm sorry for not discovering the messed up name of Officer Jenny's daughter. The daughter was named Jenny Blues and I had shortened her name to initials J B which got converted to **somehow on webnovel. I'll be using the name Jenny for the daughter now and Officer Jenny for her mom.


Robin and her mom Olivia started living with us after that. I took Robin out to the town for the next whole week and introduced her to the Pokemon world slowly. She was fascinated by the variety Pokemon showed, as well as their abilities and evolution and the profession of Pokemon Research. Wondering, why the concept of pirates wasn't common in Pokemon world, as it was a common thing in One Piece world with every other child screaming to be a pirate king, I explained to her the concept of journeys undertaken by trainers, starting when they are 10 years of age. Hence, adventuring, which was labelled as a pirates way of life in her original world, was something legal and appreciated by this world. On learning of that fact, she told me with slight tears in her eyes.

Robin-" You know, I wanted to try to find a way back to my world. I had never seen or imagined a world like this. When you first told me about this world, I just thought that you're sugarcoating things and this world is just like Sabaody Archipelago, beautiful from afar, but with nasty environment underneath it. The very fact that incidents like Ohara never happened here and the tale of Brandon made me fall in love with this world. I don't think I'll ever forget my original world, but I'm definitely never going back to it."

Robin, as shown in the anime, had a passion for knowledge and could spend the entirety of her days holed in Professor Oak's library. I didn't allow that to happen though. I would take her out to the forest on occasion and introduced her to Gary, Daisy, and Jenny. Daisy, I think, has a love of cute things and on seeing Robin, she instantly kidnapped Robin. She and Jenny spent the day together with me and Gary knocked out of the house. We two just went out to play with my pokemon, as Gary didn't have any yet. Altogether, Robin was able to strike a friendship with the girls and began enjoying a decent childhood she deserved.

As for Olivia, after she became something like a floor manager in the restaurant, she broke out of her character as an archeology maniac and struck a beautiful relationship with our family. My mom and Olivia, being two single mothers shared a strong bond of friendship, which had really evolved into a sisterly relation, with Olivia mentally accepting mom as a big sister. Guess the disaster in her home-world made her discover the beauty and support brought out by human relations. I had thought that once she found out about Pokemon ruins and research based on them, she would take off to study them, but I guess, I had underestimated the power of my mom. After Robin told Olivia about Pokemon ruins, Brandon, and other stuff, Olivia simply stated, "I have had my share of study of history. I may like it but right now, enjoying the time with my daughter is the most important to me. I missed out on a large part of your childhood. I won't forgive myself if the only memories of you I have are those of an obedient and too-good-to-be-true daughter. You don't need to worry about my job. Let mom worry about that. Btw, I heard you found friends. Mind telling me about them."

Robin then proceeded to tell her about Daisy, Jenny, and Gary and our adventures at Professor Oak's lab. Olivia burst out laughing when told that I and Gary were literally kicked out for the girls to have their time. As Robin and Olivia got used to living in this world, Robin, being the intelligent kind, started delving into Pokemon research. I took the opportunity to study Eevee's evolution with her. And boy we had a blast!

About two months after the arrival of Robin and Olivia, both of the Eevees evolved, both into something new and what I had never seen before. The childish naughty one evolved to a bluish-green Sylveon looking creature. It had the power of controlling winds and I named it Skyreon, (based on a wind element bird Skyress from the anime Bakugan). My guess was that she was affected by Bodhi's training of solar winds and it's relation with Growlithe. The clever planning prankster evolved to what I had expected. A completely black, red-eyed ghost type pokemon, whom I named Spookeon. I had somehow expected the outcome of Spookeon's evolution. The reason being, firstly, it was a prankster to the bone, like normal ghost types are which made me think that he perhaps had a ghost type ancestry. Secondly, he was quite attached to the Pokeball Professor Oak gifted me and very readily entered it by himself. I knew Agatha as a ghost type Pokemon master and the Pokeball probably had remnants of whatever type of energy ghost type pokemon had. One peculiar thing or rather amazing thing about Spookeon was that he had 3-tomoe Sharingan eyes. Nope, no Sharingan abilities whatsoever, not even any advancement in dynamic vision, but just the look. I almost had quite an exciting moment thinking of raising a Madara Uchiha in Spookean but all the hopes were shattered. Spookeon himself had quite a laugh seeing my misery. Well evolution aside, I had known of the evolutions like Sylveon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, and the like and had planned to do some research on it. But seeing evolutions of Skyreon and Spookeon, I thought of doing actual research on Eevee evolution instead of plagiarizing on my previous knowledge. Along with Robin, I began research on Eevolutions and made quite a lot of discoveries.

The research was big and I couldn't handle it alone, so I, Robin, and Gary joined hands for it. We requested Professor Oak to provide us a huge batch of Eevees if possible, which he agreed to after a lot of persuading. Since we weren't starting with eggs, we started simply by controlling their environment. There were simulator capsules available for simulations of different kinds of environment and for some kinds of energies, I took care of. We observed that all Eevees had some kind of preference to energies, some are attracted to shadows, some to haunted areas, some towards the grass, some liked ice, some psychic energy, some draconic energy, some fairy energy, and a lot of other energies. By the end of six months, we had been able to evolve all of the Eevees without using anything like the firestone or Waterstone or anything of that kind. We were able to discover a lot more than the species I had imagined before. We published the results of our research with the help of Professor Oak, who was genuinely amazed at our research and the standards we had followed during the research. He was amazed to see the potential of environmental effects on the path of pokemon evolution after seeing the different pokemon we had discovered. Fire-type Flareon, Water-type Vaporeon, and Electric-type Jolteon were known quite well by almost everyone. Our research found out

Ghost-type Spookeon

Steel-type Metalion

Rock-type Stoneon

Poison-Type Toxeon

Grass-type Leafeon

Psychic-type Espeon

Dragon-type Drageon

Fairy-type Sylveon

Ice-type Glaceon

Bug-type Beuteon

Dark-type Umbreon

Fighting-type Puncheon

Fire-ground type Laveon

Flying-type Aereon

All these evolutions dropped a bomb on the Pokemon scientific community. Having Gary in our team helped as he was able to garner more attention compared to me and Robin, being a member of the Oak family. The bomb could have been bigger but I decided to hold back two Eevee evolutions and kept them as a secret, known only to me and Robin, wind type Skyreon and something truly impressive, a cosmic type Cosmeon. I decided to keep that Cosmeon for Robin and had her train her own team of Eevee evolutions.

I was content with Skyreon and Spookeon only, as having everything for myself would make everything boring later. While I and Gary stopped research on this subject, but Robin, who had found her calling in Pokemon research continued work on Eevee evolutions. As she was a genius in One Piece world itself, she kept questioning every variable in the research and after one more year, dropped another bomb on the scientific community, claiming that ancestry of Eevee played a big role in what he was compatible with. An Eevee with fire-type ancestry would evolve into Flareon the fastest and Glaceon the slowest. She earned her name in the Scientific community and successfully gained the title of Researcher and had her limit of carrying Pokemon removed. I showed her the Cosmeon and Skyreon (different from mine) that had evolved in space and told her that we could not publish about these two, the reason being, they lived in an environment with the legendaries and thus their environment couldn't be replicated and we couldn't rely on Professor Oak forever, so we had to wait to announce about the evolution conditions of Cosmeon and Skyreon. We could however take them on our travels and claim to find them accidentally.

Apart from this research, I had joined Professor Oak in an attempt to make Pokedex. I didn't go into details of reading Pokemon data but was working on real-time cloud memory and miniaturization of Pokedex. My purpose was for the Pokedex to turn it into a smartphone I was quite used to in my previous life. It was easy as I had support from the library, but I limited the technology to data sharing, data protection, and photography. I made a point to tamper it so it could absolutely not be used to develop derivative technologies.

Now apart from the things in our research fields, my training with pokemon had increased in intensity and the time spent on training also increased. My purpose of the training was for my pokemon to have at least one battle with Ho-oh before leaving for the journey. I was also able to make a time chamber for training. Despite saying that I wanted to enjoy taking everything slowly, I am a human so I also had greed for more power, hence I developed the time chamber, thinking that it would become my OP cheat. Reality shattered that pipe dream of mine as I discovered that only pokemon and currently, only Pokemon without legacy crystals could use it. Also, they could only improve their physical and mental strength i.e. they could practice higher degree of control of their power. For example, Growlithe could use it to increase the amount of fire and wind he could control and could increase his base speed, but he couldn't practice moves or try to come up with new ones. Also, the capacity of the time chamber only allowed 1 month for one day. I immediately had Growlithe, Skyreon, Spookeon, and Onix enter it for training. I gave them videos of training regime directly to their brains and started work on improving it to allow those with legacy crystals. There was a cheat though, with the increase in strength and control of energies, learning new moves became easier for them. Pikachu and Arbok couldn't enter and Bodhi couldn't enter as the time chamber couldn't contain help in practicing cosmic energies yet. All this stuff happened about half a year after Robin's arrival.

About one month after the usage of time chamber, two important events happened. Firstly Growlithe finally evolved to a huge majestic Arcanine. He stood at almost 3 meters on height and had developed a very beautiful greenish-blue colored mane and a bushy yellow colored tail with greenish-blue fur mixed in it. The eyes had changed to an absolute sky blue color and raging winds seemed to surround him. I checked if he was now able to merge a legacy crystal and found that he could actually merge with 2 of them, both of them from contractors of Kaze on Stigma, Kazuma Yagami, the contractor of the wind and a hypothetical ancestor of the Kannagi clan, the contractor of fire. I asked Arcanine if he wanted to merge but he refused to merge at the moment, the reason being, he had found that his power was growing in the time chamber and he could postpone learning new moves for now. Having a stronger body and control would yield greater benefits at the time of merging the crystal and he didn't want the opportunity to strengthen himself pass by. The second thing that happened was the hatching of Mewtwo. The first one he saw on hatching was Bodhi. As Bodhi had fed him cosmic energy, Mewtwo had a deep connection with her. I allowed Mewtwo about 1 month of playtime after which I started training him. The amount of training was limited though. All the newborns had fun with their childhood and I didn't wish for Mewtwo not to enjoy the gift of life. He became very friendly with Skyreon and Spookeon and became spoilt enough to start pulling pranks. Pikachu suffered initially as he looked the smallest and easiest to bully. But the three of them learned their lesson quite soon when Pikachu gave Skyreon and Spookeon a good beating followed by a lecture to Mewtwo. Well, he was a child and started tearing up, which caused Pikachu to comfort him, like a genuine elder brother. Let me remind you that Mewtwo was only about 20 centimeters tall and looked quite cute with eyes looking like the endless cosmos without any iris and a tail which was striped black and white, like a galaxy. So an image of those eyes shedding tears could touch the heart of anyone and Pikachu fell victim to it. However, I could see that Pikachu knew that Mewtwo took advantage of him, but he didn't seem to mind that much. Finally seeing someone smaller than him, maybe Pikachu took himself to be the big brother. He then proceeded to give an earful to Skyreon and Spookeon for spoiling Mewtwo, all the while Mewtwo sitting on his head, nodding every time Pikachu made a point. I had to hold my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Imagine a 40 cm tall person having a 20 cm tall kid sitting on him and the 40 cm person giving a serious lecture to someone, with the 20 cm guy acting like a judge.

I made a quick escape from the space where the whole ordeal was going on and simply burst out laughing, rolling on the floor while holding my stomach. Mr Mime, the Miltanks and a Blissey were present in the house and showed quite a curious expression at my antics. I showed them what happened in the space and a laughter bomb exploded in the house. Even the gentle Miltanks were rolling around laughing. I had Mewtwo meet them after a while and my gosh, Miltanks are like mothers of all Pokemon. They showed a very expression to the Mewtwo and grabbed him to feed him their milk. It might sound repetitive but motherly love is quite a sight. I still appreciate the love they had given to all of my pokemon. They had fed even Ekans and Onix when they were small.

Apart from these, Onix and Arbok also grew, with Onix reaching a length of 10 meters and Arbok reaching about 8 meters. I had been feeding Onix with all ores I remembered from the earth as well as different kinds of metals and alloys. For better strength when he evolves to Steelix, I was feeding him tonnes of Titanium. I once had a thought of feeding him radioactive metals, but then quickly denied the thought as bringing radioactivity to this world won't be a good choice. Sometimes, I used my aura to exchange a small amount of Vibranium and Adamantium from the Marvel world. The exchange was quite hefty though, as I could only get a few kilograms with all my aura. I fed him all that and decided to wait till it was time for him to evolve and feed him more of those fantasy metals. For Arbok, I started to exchange all kinds of poison I could remember, the original poison of king cobra, spectacled cobra, African cobra, Black Mamba, pit viper, Russel's viper, tiger sea snake, jellyfish, common krait, rattlesnake, scorpions, black widows and a lot of different poisons from the animal world. I did try to avoid incurable poisons though and exchanged anti-venoms for all the poisons I exchanged. I was afraid that the bite of Arbok would use that poison and kill someone, but later, I was pleased to discover that he could control the efficacy of the poison and further control it after it enters someone. This took a load off my shoulders and I began feeding him with fantasy poisons as well. Being a poison dragon slayer now, he could easily increase strength, and furthermore, it developed a skill, mind reading. He could, like Eric-the poison dragon slayer, hear the thoughts of others and as I had trained him to increase his speed, could act accordingly quite easily. While training, Aracanine often had trouble defeating Arbok now. Pikachu, however, was able to easily blast Arbok, but his resilience was sure rising.

About six months prior to leaving, I was able to improve the time chamber to allow pokemon with legacy crystal, but there was still a catch, they could only use it once a month, hence I could only double their training time. Further progress seemed improbable at the time so I asked Arcanine if he wanted to merge with the legacy crystals again. He agreed this time and he really gained a lot of strength, compared to Pikachu and Arbok. Bodhi could still not enter the time chamber, but Mewtwo could. During the last 6 months, I had Mewtwo trained like crazy. It wasn't my fault though. It so happened that he followed Pikachu into the time chamber by himself. After that, he started entering the time chamber for normal pokemon every other day and showed visible improvement. The first ability he mastered was the meteor. Turns out the meteor was taxing for Bodhi as she was quite heavy. You can't expect a 5-meter tall elephant to be light, right? So ha was able to hold the state of the meteor for a long time. He also learned gravity crash, gravity punch, solar wind, pulsar wave, meteor shower, comet tackle from Bodhi. Pikachu, like a true elder brother, taught him the use of aura and very patiently guided Mewtwo in using it. I had thought of teaching hand to hand combat to Mewtwo, but Pikachu took that role and taught combat arts to Mewtwo. Pikachu was a genius as he incorporated the tail into his combat style and taught the same to Mewtwo.

Skyreon and Spookeon grew quite strong and six months before commencing my journey tested for legacy crystals. Skyreon was compatible with the sky-dragon Grandeeney's legacy crystal as well as Sheria the sky god slayers crystal. He was also compatible with Serena's legacy crystal with the seed of Gale dragon, but I avoided as two legacy crystals were enough and the third one would be an overkill. Spookeon was compatible with Mira's legacy crystal and received the seeds of her take over souls, so in the future, Spookeon could use the same powers as Satan's soul, demon halphas, satan's soul sitri, and Seilah forms.

Finally two-weeks before leaving the journey, I took the opportunity to meet Ho-oh and challenge him for the very first time. Before the battle, I had made some preparations as I knew this was a chance for Onix to evolve and for Arbok to increase his powers as a poison dragon slayer. I used an entire month's worth of aura to get some very strong things for the two, vibranium, adamantium, and Uru metal for Onix, and for Arbok, I exchanged the most powerful poison ever mentioned anywhere in any story. It was from an Indian poison known as 'halahal' the poison that could erase the existence of the universe simply by existing. According to the story, the cobras had drunk the diluted vapors of that poison and that is the reason, they still have one of the most potent poisons in the snake world and became figures of worship for the Indian community. I could only get half a drop of that and fed it to Arbok directly before heading to battle with Ho-oh.

For the battle, I had to buy an independent space within the farm space as a battle with Ho-oh would definitely cause quite a bit of destruction. I met Ho-oh and opened the portal for space. He entered the portal and I tried to follow him to which he stopped me and told me,

"I'll battle your pokemon, not you. Send them one by one. Don't ask for too much. The promise was to battle your pokemon. Let them battle."

I was shot down when I was about the speak about our promise and it made sense.

Firstly, I sent out Spookeon, but Ho-oh denied battling him.

"I won't fight these kids. I'll only battle Pikachu, Arcanine, Onix, Arbok, Mewtwo, and that little Arceus of yours. Personally I'm interested in that Arbok of yours, he feels a bit special."

I first sent out Pikachu. He entered the portal giving me a thumbs up and then I closed the portal. It was about 1 hour later that Pikachu and Ho-oh came out, with Pikachu unconscious, lying on the back of Ho-oh, who had a few scratches.

"Quite a surprise package, he is. Ok, next one."

I was quite pleased by the fact that Pikachu had faced Ho-oh for 1 whole hour, but also determined to train him to become more stronger until Pikachu can defeat Ho-oh.

I sent in Arcanine next, while feeding a Senzu bean to Pikachu. I and Arcanine looked at each other and nodded before he entered the portal. Pikachu woke shortly after and looked despondent upon his loss. I comforted him, "Look bud! You fought against Ho-oh for an entire hour. I don't believe there's any Raichu in the world to be able to do that. You should be proud of that. But don't forget this feeling of loss as well. We'll train so we don't encounter that feeling again."


Getting the point that he had understood my point, I gave him a hug, during which he fell asleep. The portal opened exactly one hour later with a fainted Arcanine and Ho-oh's condition same as the one after he came out with Pikachu.

I sent in Onix next. While Onix was gone, I tended to Arcanine, who, like Pikachu fell asleep after waking up shortly. The battle of Onix was a short one, only lasting about 10 minutes, but what came out was an unconscious Steelix with black stripes. I guess fantasy metals played a role. I sent Arbok next. Steelix didn't wake up after eating the Senzu bean and kept on sleeping. The battle with Arbok lasted quite a while and it took almost 2 hours before the portal opened and I saw a huge golden cobra with 7 heads lying unconscious. It was huge, I mean huge, longer than 15 meters I could guess. It was coiled so I couldn't calculate it correctly.

"What did you feed him? I know your pokemon are different but he could poison me easily. And what's with that strength? Made me remember when I used to fight Lugia. I've seen this form before, but it was before that battle you saw. I guess Arboks stopped evolving into this state. This pokemon used to be very powerful at that time and had more heads. Yours is still not up to that level."

I saw that huge multi-headed cobra form and gave him the name Naga. I also observed Ho-oh and he was quite roughed up this time. I guess Halahal did its job. I made it a point to feed him more of it in the future.

Next, it was time for Mewtwo who entered quite playfully and came out with Ho-oh only 15 minutes later. I could see that both of them looked fine.

"He's still a kid so I didn't battle him seriously. But you're teaching him a good way. Keep it up and he'll become a powerhouse."

Then came the last battle, the battle between Ho-oh and Bodhi.

I gave her a short hug before sending her to the portal. I knew how seriously she had trained, despite lacking any legacy crystal, time chamber, or guidance on cosmic powers. It was all my imagination with the moves and her efforts. She had improved her cosmic skillset to include Gravity waves, Solar storm, Cosmic Storm, Comet tackle, Cosmic discharge, solar flare, dark matter, dark energy, pulsar wave, pulsar bomb, solar heat, galactic winds, and black hole.

This battle lasted a long time, and when I say long, I mean long. The week had passed and they hadn't come out yet. At the weekend, I felt the connection with Bodhi weaken and hurriedly entered the portal. I may have promised Ho-oh but to me, Bodhi was my family and mattered more than my promise to Ho-oh. What I discovered was astounding. Both Bodhi and Ho-oh lay unconscious. What was more shocking was that Bodhi had evolved. She stood at almost 7 meters now and now had 3 heads instead of 1. I fed Senzu bean to both Ho-oh and Bodhi. The battle must have been intense, for the rebirth pokemon to fall down unconscious. Both of them woke up after a bit. Bodhi looked quite sad, thinking that she lost until Ho-oh spoke up.

"It's been more than a few million years when I've been forced unconscious. Even Lugia couldn't do that. Hold your head high kid! You've raised the mini Arc...no, Bodhi to my level at least. She's now stronger than when she fought me as she evolved while she was falling down unconscious. Maybe that's why she didn't see me fall. Don't let this stop your training as there are Pokemon who are stronger out there. But still, Bodhi, I congratulate you on your first win. Let's meet again and have a battle with the same energy as this time. "

Bodhi bowed her head in humility and I did the same.

I then heard a peal of loud laughter that echoed through space.

"Hahahahahhahahahaha! It's been a while since I found the will to be stronger! Guess I'll train myself now! Hahahaha! Brat! The next time won't be the same. I desire improvement. Let's battle again."

I could see him with some tears but still a laugh could be heard. He left the space, spread his wings, and left. For the first time, since meeting him, he was flapping his wings fast, he was rushing and I could definitely say, he was excited.

Thus, our battle came to a close and I had a small celebration by myself.

I spent the entire next week with mom, not going out at all, as I knew that I would be leaving on my journey. The journey to be the Greatest Trainer.

Next time-

The Journey begins-The first catch and the first companions.

Author note-:

I'm sorry for the delay. This chapter is quite long so obviously, I had to spend more time writing.

Also, I want to say that although I gave names to Pikachu, Growlithe, and Ho-oh, it became confusing for me to write so I'm sticking to their pokemon names. I'll use personal names when the character meets same pokemon. Secondly, if anyone wants to propose any better names for Eevee evolutions, I'm welcome to suggestions. So far I've only received a suggestion for Spookeon. I'd also thought of naming it Yureon, after the Japanese word Yurei for the ghost.

Also, for those who think the team is overpowered, they'll battle only strong opponents, possibly in the league or legendaries. The pokemon gym circuit will mainly be fought by new pokemon along with Skyreon and Spookeon, as they are newbies to battle. And for those who think Bodhi is all-powerful now that she had a tie with Ho-oh, she'll progress more slowly now, as we know that initial improvements are fast and also Legendaries will grow strong as well.

Next chapter