

Minji_Kim_0223 · Celebrities
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My Dream

Hi I'm Lee Y/N I am 17 years old and I am the daughter of the famous Actor and director Lee Dong-Wook and Actress Yoo In-na I also have an older brother that I'm really close to his name is Lee Jisoo he is now in Korea because he is a member of the famous Korean boy group seventeen, but he was given a new name which is Hong Jisoo instead of Lee Jisoo. My parents and I currently live in L.A., California because of their jobs, but I was born in Seoul, Korea, of course, I also know how to speak English but I speak Korean with my parents, I also learned how to speak Mandarin Chinese and Japanese when I was young because I wanted to go there one day. I was lucky I got there when I was 13 because I joined a singing competition, and of course, I also have a talent for music like my older brother, so I won that day ^^, summer is almost ending and I'll be attending senior high school, I'm really happy here, I have friends and a boyfriend his name is Choi Beomgyu, he is also Korean so I can speak comfortably with him, my parents know him very well too so they're okay with him being my boyfriend.

~Y/n POV~

My parents called me to the living room they said they have to tell me something important I still don't know what it is yet….

Dad: "Y/n dear me and your mom have something important to tell you…"

Y/n: "What is it, dad?"

Dad: "I and your mom has decided that you will be living in Korea with your brother and you will continue your studies there"

I was shocked about what my dad told me, I don't understand there must be a reason why they're sending me there

Y/n:" What? Dad, why do you have to send me there?"

Mom: " Y/n Sweetie I know you like it here but you have no choice. You have to go and live in Korea"

Y/n: "but why mom?"

Mom: "sweetie me and your dad are getting busier and busier with our jobs and can't keep you company anymore please understand sweetie," my mom said softly

Y/n: "But what about my friend's mom? And Beomgyu?"

Mom: " I know you will miss them but I'll make sure they can visit you when you live in Korea, please dear we don't want you to be lonely here at least in Korea you can be with your brother" my mom pleaded

I thought about what my mom said for a moment

Y/n: "mom doesn't Joshua Oppa live with his members?"

Mom: "Yes dear but I've talked to your brother and his company and they said it's fine if you stay there"

Y/n: "Mom isn't there 13 people living there already?"

Mom: "the house is really big you might get lost in there and it's mostly a mansion than a house"

Y/n: "but they're all boys there~~~" I whined

Mom: "What?" my mom looked at me in confusion "oh, didn't you know Minseo and Sofia live there too?"

Y/n: "wait…REALLY?!" well if your wondering who Minseo and Sofia are, they are my best friends in Korea also kinda like my sisters, Minseo is actually Mingyu oppa's younger sister and Sofia is Vernon oppa's younger sister, We get along really well and were the same age too.

Mom: "Soooo is it okay for you to live there then?"

Y/n: "In one condition mom"

Mom: "what sweetie"

Y/n: " as long as I go to an Arts Highschool"

Mom: "Okay"

Y/n: "well I'll go tell beomgyu for now"

Mom: "sure sweetheart"

I rushed up to my room and texted Beomgyu


Y/n: "Hey Beom, can you meet me in the park I have something important to tell you"

Beomgyu: "hmmm…I'll go if you're not going to tell me in the park that you're breaking up with me"

Y/n: "heyyyy of coarse not"

Beomgyu: "good.I'll pick you up at 3:00?"

Y/n: "ok I'll see you later then baiiii"

Beomgyu: "bai bai~~"

~End of text~


~Beomgyu POV~

I can't wait to tell y/n that I'm going to my dream highschool in korea!!! But what would Y/n say to me that's important? Hm nevermind its 3:00 pm already I should pick her up

~End of Beomgyu POV~

~Y/n POV~

Ughhhh I'm not sure if Beomgyu will be happy with what I'll tell him…

*Doorbell rings*

Oof I think that's him…

~End of Y/n POV~

~author's POV~

As the doorbell rang Y/n ran to answer it.

Y/n: Hi beomieee!!!!

Beomgyu: Is auntie and uncle home?

Y/n: Nope they had a shooting

Beomgyu: Oh okay let's go then?

Y/n: mhm

*time skip*

~At the park~

Y/n: Let's seat there!

Beomgyu: wait let's get food first I'm hungry~~!!! He whined to Y/n

Y/n: aishh fine what food do you want?!

Beomgyu: Mcdonald's!!!!

Y/n: againnn????

Beomgyu: pweaseeeee? *acting cute*

Y/n: ughhhhh fine but stop acting cute!!!!

Beomgyu: Wae???? Am I too cute for you??? *acts cuter*

Y/n: aish this boy!!! Are you sure your 17? You act like a 5-year-old

Beomgyu: *still acting cute*

Y/n: aish stop that and let's go I'm getting hungry~

Y/n whined while pulling Beomgyu by his shirt still acting cute

~At Mcdonald's~

Y/n: What do you want to order?

Beomgyu: FRIES!!!Lots and lots of fries!!!

Y/n: I'm really doubting your 17 years old

*after Y/n ordered*

Beomgyu: Yay!!! Let's go Y/nnie!!!

Beomgyu said excitedly while pulling Y/n's hand

Y/n: Yah! Yah! Owww you're pulling my arm off!!!

Beomgyu: oh sowwy sowwy baby~!!!

Y/n: Yahhh!!! I told you not to call me baby!!!

Y/n said annoyed while hitting beomgyu's arm lightly

Beomgyu: Why nooot? Your my baby~~~


The poor child then ran for his life while other people in the park stare at them

~After that~

Y/n: I guess you learned your lesson now??

Beomgyu: Yep…but- what was the important thing you had to tell me again?

Y/n: o-oh that…

Y/n then felt nervous and didn't know how Beomgyu will react to it

Beomgyu: Y/n-ah? Babyyy~???

Y/n: h-huh?

Beomgyu:what was the important thing you wanted to tell me?

Y/n: oh yeah yeah about that- I don't really know how you'll react to what Im about to tell you but I hope you understand

Beomgyu: of course

Y/n: My parents decided that I will be continuing my studies in Korea…

Beomgyu: WAIT REALLY?! That's great!!! You always wanted to study music and it would be great if you'll study there

Y/n was shocked about how understanding Beomgyu was

Y/n: wait really? You're not mad at me?

Beomgyu: why would I?

Y/n then suddenly hugged Beomgyu

Beomgyu: oh-

Y/n: sorry I was just happy that you were ok with it