
My Dragon Boy (UNFINISHED)

Leslie_Contretee · Theater
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31 Chs

Thy Scale

Markus : " Hey Kimolina i'm hungry do you any supplies you can bake? "

Markus and Penny walk into the living room that is right across from the tiny kitchen

Kimolina : " Ehm...supplies? "

Markus : " Yeah supplies ever heard of it before or something? "

Kimolina : " Umm..I have ingredients? "

Markus : " T H A T S T H E S A M E T H I N G

D U M M Y "

Kimolina : " Oh u-uh my bad! "

Penny : " Gosh Markus calm down. Like you said, ' she is a good human so be nice. ' "

Markus : l B UT S H E - F H G H H G "

Kimolina : " Erm...Is he okay? "

Penny : " He just has baby anger issues, surprisingly more angrier issues than me haha! "

Markus : " I don't have baby anger issues. "

Penny : " Scale- I mean- "

Markus takes out a spear from his .. tail and points it to Penny-

Markus : " C A L L M E S C A L E O N E M O R E T I M E I S W E A R T O G O D I -"

Penny : " Scale! "