
My Doomsday Bug Nest

Reborn three hours before the end of the world, he, who was known as the immortal demon god of the human race, did not fall in the war of the ten thousand races. A system called "Bug Nest" appeared in Ling Yichen's mind. [Breeding Insect Eggs], [Evolutionary Mutation], [Genetic Transformation], [Genetic Fusion]... So hatching insect eggs and nurturing larvae became Ling Yichen's daily routine. Not only was he able to send out a massive army of insects, but he was also able to fuse insect genes. Fusing [Divine Charm Butterfly] genes, the charm value was maxed! Fusing [Vajra Armor] gene, get an invulnerable body! Fusing [Giant Power Ant] gene, get unparalleled strength! Feeding with zombie flesh, grow into [Corpse Maggot]! Natural evolutionary mutation, be mutated into [Abyssal Demon Touch]! Genetically directed transformation, be transformed into [Cataclysmic Ghost Locust]! When Ling Yichen cultivated [Heaven Swallowing Insect Mother], the world was swallowed!

You In My Three Thousand Dreams · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Use of Spreading Origin Crystals

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The larva was still squirming on the spot. Suddenly, some organic matter that was stored in this demiplane was imperceptibly injected into the larva's body, pushing it to evolve in a fixed direction.

The entire larva was changing. In the end, it turned into an insect that had the characteristics of a praying mantis. It had a physiological structure that allowed it to walk half upright. When it stood up, it was 1.8 meters tall. Its forelimbs were sharp and swung in the air. Its back was pure gold, as if it was made of gold. Other than its back, the rest of its body was basically light green.

Ling Yichen sized up the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis and was quite satisfied. He could see from the body structure of the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis was a creature that was good at attacking.


Ling Yichen suddenly realized something. Was the back of this Golden-Backed Saber Mantis made of metal?

On Earth, there was a creature that integrated metal into its body, which was the scaled horned gastropod snail.

The Beginner's Handbook of the Ruler of the Insect Race did not have much information about these insects, so Ling Yichen did not know much about the physiological structure and cellular composition of the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis.

Ling Yichen summoned the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis from the Insect Nest Demiplane and knocked on its back. It indeed had a metallic texture. This body structure was really rare. If biologists discovered a second creature that had fused metal into its body before the apocalypse, the biology world would probably explode.

Ling Yichen touched the forelimbs of the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis, which were also the weapons of the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis. He thought to himself that even if the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis died in battle, it would still be a good choice to take off its forelimbs and use them as weapons.

Unknowingly, before the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis died, Ling Yichen had already arranged the issue of its corpse after it died in battle.

Ling Yichen summoned the Hidden Shadow Spider that was patrolling around the house and setting up traps. He asked the Hidden Shadow Spider to bring the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis out to hunt zombies.

One was an assassin who controlled the situation, while the other was a high-defense warrior. They were not bad, especially since the zombie virus was only effective against intelligent humanoid creatures like humans. It was useless against other species.

It was best to take advantage of tonight to hunt for more Origin Crystals. Otherwise, the difficulty would increase tomorrow.

Ling Yichen, who knew all the historical processes in the future, not only knew where all kinds of treasures and special places would appear in the future, but also knew all kinds of big events that would happen.

For example, at midnight tonight, the first batch of zombies that appeared at noon would automatically break through to Mortal Body Rank-1. Their speed would increase greatly. Coupled with their zombie virus, one could imagine how terrifying they were to humans.

If the zombies were ordinary people who had been infected, they would automatically break through to Mortal Body Rank-1 after 12 hours.

At the same time, this also meant that their movements would no longer be slow.

The Hidden Shadow Spider sensed Ling Yichen's mental command and crawled out of the window.

As for the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis, it jumped down from the window. A pair of thin wings extended from its golden back, providing the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis with the means to glide.

The Golden-Backed Saber Mantis was not good at flying. It could only fly a short distance, or rather, glide.

The pair of thin wings was hidden under its metal back, ensuring that if it was attacked on the ground, its escape method would not be easily destroyed.

It was also because of this that Ling Yichen was relieved to let the Golden-Backed Saber Mantis and Hidden Shadow Spider fight the zombies that occasionally wandered downstairs. Otherwise, he would have to wait for a while before letting them form a team to fight.

With Ling Yichen's interference, the number of zombies in this district would be much smaller than in other districts.

At this moment, Ling Zixing suddenly shouted, "Brother! The country has discovered the way to use Origin Crystals. They just released an announcement. The phone's notification bar is flooded with messages. I also received a message about this news."

Ling Yichen was not surprised. He had experienced all of this. At this time, all the countries in the world knew that they could not take care of themselves and could not save everyone at all. They could only spread the news of the Origin Crystal as much as possible so that those who saw the news could "save themselves".

Moreover, the effect of the Origin Crystal had probably been discovered an hour or two ago. However, they were still not sure if there were any side effects of the Origin Crystal. Would it be equivalent to an extreme overdraft drug that would kill them after a period of time?

It was just like when a virus vaccine was developed. Even if someone was about to die, they would never risk using it. They would only release it when it was confirmed to be absolutely safe.

It was only now that the various countries around the world confirmed that Origin Crystals had no disadvantages for humans, only benefits.

However, how many humans who lived in peaceful times would be willing to swallow something dug out from the bodies of those monsters?

Many people would think that the country would send troops to save them. All they needed was to wait for help.

This was an extravagant hope.

Ling Yichen sat cross-legged on the sofa in a cultivation posture.

Ling Yichen knew how important it was to cultivate Origin Energy. Every moment was very important.

It was already five in the afternoon, and the sky was gradually darkening.

After reading the messages on her phone for a while, Gu Yangyang entered a meditative state like Ling Yichen.

On the other hand, the little succubus, Ling Mengmeng, was learning how to cook from Ming Xianwan. By the way, this little succubus definitely did not know the taste preferences of humans. Without Ming Xianwan's guidance, Ling Yichen was afraid that she would serve him a plate of raw intestines and even blow up the kitchen.

After all, there were no gas tanks in the world of demons.

In fact, from the beginning, Ming Xianwan had said that she would be in charge of the kitchen in the future. However, Ling Mengmeng had just become a maid and did not want her job to be snatched away. Moreover, she knew that she did not have much combat talent. Her value came from dealing with logistics.

Seeing that she could not dissuade Ling Mengmeng, Ming Xianwan gave up. She only said that if there was anything she did not understand, she would ask her.

However, this was her first time cooking. Ming Xianwan felt that she had to keep an eye on her to prevent any accidents.

As it turned out, Ling Mengmeng was indeed gifted in cooking. She understood many things with just one explanation. Thus, Ming Xianwan taught her very easily.

A family of five still needed to eat a lot of dishes. Ling Yichen was not stingy. He placed a lot of ingredients in the fridge so that it would be easier to get them.

Since he could live a good life, why should he live a hard life?

Did Ling Yichen lack resources now?

Obviously, he had no shortage of resources. Moreover, it would not be long before Ling Yichen started to produce edible insects. Although it sounded disgusting to eat the members of the Insect Race, the body structure of the insects did not mean that they were all invertebrates like typical insects. According to the information that Ling Yichen had learned, the members of the Insect Race had already evolved into various life forms. Not only were there vertebrates like cows, sheep, chickens, and ducks, but there were life forms that had never appeared on Earth.