
My domineering alpha wants me to be his luna

Sunny_shine · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Not remembering how i got kidnapped

"What time is it"slowly opening my eyes rubbing it i said "oh no! I will be late if I stay here for another 5 minutes all because of that stupid dream I had" I said waking up in total shock.

"Augh my head its like it will burst any second" i yelled scratching my head and then all the memories of last night came through my mind how i had gone to a bar and how i had been kidnapped by a man who was surely good-looking and charming

Then i heard footsteps and that was the time i realized that i wasn't in my room but a huge and giant room amm.. more like thrice the world's biggest hotel's room and the bed i was sleeping on was as giant as well i swear 6 people would have fit in it without touching eachother.

Where even in the world am I? I asked myself and not a second later the door of the room I was in opened and there he was, the one who i had met before passing out...

He was in a bluish black suit suiting him so well and matching with his purplish blue hair, his hair a little bit mushed and a little spread out up till his eyebrows covering his forehead and a little bit of his eyebrows, his gorgeous shining cold oceanic blue eyes juicy lips, fair skin, tilted nose, just like the man i had been dreaming of since if i remember as a child

I was lost looking at his beautiful eyes forgetting everything for a moment.

Then i suddenly snapped back into reality when the man started coming closer.

I wanted to get out of the bed and when i tried to i noticed my wrist was being caught by something...