1 My Funny Life

My name is Itsuka Motomi... 2nd year highschool student. And my man! I'm bad at girls :)

The term "Auto-reject" has been my motto for my everyday life. Reject there... Reject here... Reject everywhere... This new generation of girls sucks! I've searched a million times just to get it right! Fasion! Ettiquete! Attitude! Everything! I'm just an average boy! A bit smart... A bit stupid... And a bit handsome. (my mom and father said, any objections?) Still!!! I'm just a normal guy who want to have a girlfriend! Why world? What's wrong with you?

"Are you okay? Itsuka-kun?" "is it that "Auto-reject thing again?" "What a shame!" Kito laughed...

"You shut up! You don't get it..." "Look at you! You stupid douchebag! You're aren't even that handsome! You can't even pass a single exam! Nor subject! But a crap ton of girls is always after you!?!" "asking you on a date and begging you to be their boyfriend!" "That's so cursed..." I said while Kito just laugh at me.

"Still..." Kito said... "We're still friends right???" "Guess who's there everytime you're rejected or feeling sad..." "Guess who's making a corny yet cringy jokes to make you laugj everytime you're depressed!" He said while he teases me...

"Yeah i know... But im kinda jealous... You know?" "I mean... What's wrong with me?" "I'm not that bad right?" "is there's something wrong with me?" I said while i felt sad.

"Maybe it's not just the right time right?" "I mean... You're a good looking guy after all..." "You have the characteristic of an average boy..." Kito saying that make me felt good and relieved.

"You're good at everything!" "Sports..." "Knowledge..." "Attitude..." "Everthing is on you!"

"But still... you suck at love XD!!!"

Yep i take that word back...

But i'm glad i have a stupid friend like him...

"Oh... Btw...Sensei told us that there will be a transferee student coming into our class Tommorrow..." "I didn't know the full details yet..." "but i think they're female..."

"Ok... I know what you're thinking..." "Not gonna happen!" I said while Kito laughed.

"You're fast Aren't you? XD" Cause he know that i will be rejected again if i ask those transferees to go out...

"Well... You're veteran at things like that!" He said...

"But what do you mean "They're"???"

I said...

"The transferees aren't just one though..." "I don't know the full details..."

"But we're getting more than one transferee in our class..."

Yeah... that doesn't sound good to me at all...

I know what will happen though...

"Hey Look itsuka-kun!" "It's a shrine!" He said while he dragged me there...

"What!? I've never seen this before?!" "How is it here??" "We're always taking this route, everyday after school..." "Was i soo busy enough that i didn't notice it?" I said while we looked around...

"I've never seen or notice this too thou..." "Well let's make a wish there!" "So you'll be lucky to those transferee girls XD" He said...

"You're idiot as ever..." "We'll i guess i'll try thou"

*Clap *Clap

"I Wish to have a~~~"

I stopped...

I noticed something bright in front of me...

It's not Kito-kun...

It has a blinding light...

It looks like Kito-kuns not affected~~~ Wait he's not moving at all!?!


is that...

An angel???

"You're stupid as ever... Itsuka-kun..."

To Be Continued...

Next chapter