
My dizzy angel

she is a cheerful girl with a bubbly personality, who will do anything for her loved ones. But what happens when she stumbles upon a secret? one that would change her faith. Everything she ever thought she was and had is nothing but a web of lies conjured by her "so called family " will she remain her bubbly self and let faith decide what happens or will she take her own destiny into her own hands and decide her own faith.... ___________________ Excerpt: Fu yufer: Here is the contract. Go through it and if there is no problem sign it and we can get to work. Han bilu: erm...what is this clause that states I must perform my wifely duties mr fu Fu yufer : it is needed if you want to have a complete access to my resources Miss Han. Besides, you don't have to worry as am not in the least bit attracted to you. Han bilu: I hope you remember your words today Mr Fu..... ____________ What happens when Han bilu, a bubbly girl with an angelic face and voice meets Fu yufer a complete iceberg and CEO of a multinational company? Will she succeed in turning her faith around and beating those who hurt her at their own game? Will she resign herself to the said faith? OR will she go through an even more endless twists of faith?.... Join Han bilu aka 'Alexandra' as she goes through her journey in changing her faith.... ps: I'm a novel fanatic and this is my first attempt at writing a novel. I hope you all forgive me in advance for any grammatical errors and I'll try my best to take corrections. I hope you all help me out and support this novel, and I promise it will be totally worth your time and attention, thanks. Pls do spare a moment to leave your reviews of the novel. You can also add the novel to your library. Thanks in advance guys - signed *shameless Author* **The cover of the novel is not mine. Credit goes to the original owner **

Luciana_M · Urban
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25 Chs

The party

Actually, the main purpose of Han bilu coming to tonight's party is to make a network of friends in the business world, which would play a big role in her upcoming war with her family. she might be popular among the wealthy heiress and socialites but when it comes in the business world, she knows she doesn't hold a candle to her elder sister who has a wide broad of network and alliances. Han Lina had always followed her dad to the company since she was twelve years old and her dad personally hired a famous business coach to train and groom her. she lived with a very tight schedule even as a teenager and Han bilu always pitied her and thought her parents where being too harsh on her elder sister.

She still remembers that faithful day, her father's shocked expression when she told him of her intention to join her sister in learning business and receiving training from the coach, because she wanted to reduce her sisters burden and also help in the family business as a Han. Mr Han Chengdu was obviously shocked and flustered, he immediately forbade her from joining her sister and even told her she was not allowed to study business in the university.

She was clearly suspicious about her dad's adamant insistence of her not doing or studying anything business related when her elder sister was clearly being groomed as a business woman. But Mr Han Chengdu being the cunning man he was and knowing Han bilu would be suspicious coaxed her by telling her she was his little angel, and he couldn't bear to see her suffer. He told her the reason her sister has to go true all that suffering is because she was the eldest and so had to work hard to protect the younger ones.Han bilu didn't have to do anything and just continue being their little princess and enjoy herself.

Back then she was clearly happy about being dotted on by her parents and always thought she was their favourite. But after discovering everything last night, she now knows why Mr Han Chengdu was strongly against her studying business.

Thank God she didn't totally fall for their words. Even though her family were against her studying business,that didn't stop her from learning from her friend Lu man. The Lu's also arranged a business coach for Lu man, and Han bilu would always join her whenever she was being taught.

Grandpa Lu didn't mind as he had always been fond of the little lass whose bright smile and naughty jokes never failed to put a smile on his old face. And besides the coach never for once complained of Bilu, but rather would always compliment and praise her talents for picking up anything she was taught quickly, as well as her analytical skills.

Thinking of the past, she is extremely grateful to the Lu's for that opportunity. she might have done that in the past without any hidden motive, but rather, to pass time and because she found it not hard and interesting. But now... it has now come in handy.

While she was still in a trance..

"Bilu! Bilu dear" shouted Lu Manan, while shaking her friend who has been unresponsive to her questions, clearly in a world of her own.

"sorry dear, what were you saying again..?" Han bilu asked her friend after snapping out of her trance.

Lu man : " " !!

"What the hell were you thinking?, dont tell me you've not been listening to what I've been saying at all" Clearly Lu man was peeved. she's been saying a bunch of things to her friend, only to find out she's been gauging at a man while clearly in a trance. Great! Now all eyes are on them because of her friend look of infatuation. Even the great devil couldn't help but glance their way after noticing the scorching gaze on him by the girl.

Han bilu : " "!


"Tsk tsk, looks like you have a new fan girl second brother". The great devil finally turned to his friend who had done nothing but ramble on to him the entire night. Following the direction of his friends eyes, he saw a young girl of about 21yrs old. she was wearing a blue cocktail gown with a left side slit enunciating her smooth long legs.she was wearing a light makeup, her dark brown hair was curled and let down at the right side of her face. she wore a nude colour lipstick on her lips making it look tantalising that one can't help but want to have a taste of it. she wore a silver coloured high heels embellished with diamonds, and a simple diamond necklace and earrings on her neck and ears. She had a jade bangle on her wrist which he oddly found familiar. The most attractive aspect of her, were her pair of bluish grey eyes..... wait a minute, those eyes...

At that very moment when his sight held the young girl's gaze he froze.