
The Day Of Soul Bonding.

<<<The Little Girl's P. O. V>>>

I have turned 17 years old yesterday only, and I will only have to wait for one more year before I could become a beast master and get all I need.

I have been extremely patient till now, I also got the news that the empire I was in has just now suffered great loses in a war that they were currently fighting.

Of coarsely I have not been ideal till now, I have learned many new things like extracting information from the nobles, and how to play with there feelings so that they may come to me again, of coarsely I only used it on the nobles with big influence so that I could get all the news I want.

And all of this was self thought as well.

None of us slaves are allowed to go outside the perimeter of the headquarters, which for us is only a world of 5 km radius.

I have always wondered how much the world must have changed, although I listen to the stories about the outside world from the nobles I still want to see it myself.

We slaves are always like caged animals and this is till we turn 18.

Because slave trading is a legal thing in this world there are obviously some rules regarding it, for example..

1. A slave should at least be 5 year old.

2. You can not kill the slaves before they turn eighteen year old.

3. If a slave is found talented enough in the art of beast taming they will be taken as government dogs.

4. If the slaves are not talented they will still remain as slaves for there whole life and this will also continue till the future generations, till a talented person is born in that generation of slaves.

And etc.

There are many rules regarding slave trading business but none of them is in the favor of us slaves, we are just raised like pigs, they will use us to do there dirty work first, then they will test our worth if we are worthy enough we will get a bit of bigger farm but a butcher's knife will always be hanging onto our necks just waiting for our worth to end and cut us into tiny pieces.

But my mission was not to get a bigger farm like other slaves, my mission is to become the owner of that farm, I will one day for sure turn every one in this world into my own pig, this is my dream.

And I certainly do not care how immoral this is because I am already a curse so what other thing will I do but to spread destruction in every one's life.


It was the time of evening and I was resting in the shade of a tall tree, the cool breeze was just brushing off my face the feeling was truly wonderful.

I saw some other slaves coming towards me, I remember they are from the next batch of slaves which just came after my batch.

I saw a blond girl in that group, I knew that blond hair girl all too well, well everyone of the slaves knew her.

(I am not targeting any kind of community here, I wrote blond because this was the first thing that came to my mind, Alright.)

She was the leader of the Cream pie Gang, her name was Karen and right now the Cream pie Gang was the top gang in this whole area.

In this place every slave had a gang of there own because according to them it was much more safer, but I could still not understand how was it was safer.

But surely there were some Lone Wolfs like me who never wanted to join any of the gang because it felt like a great waste of time.

"Hey no name what are you doing here all alone, no friends to hang out with, looser." The blond girl spoke to me with a clear intention of provoking me.

I did not mind her at all and continued to enjoy the nice weather.

But it looks as though my ignorance has enraged some blond b*tch.

The blond girl stomped her foot on the ground and shouted, "How dare a no name like you ignore me do you think that I will not cripple your limbs."

I half opened my eyes and looked at that blond girl who was in front of me, I let out a long and tiered yawn as I said, "So what if I do not have a name, at least I don't need to form a group of no brain people like them to look a bit intimidating."

And it looks like my words has enraged her enough to let her loose her little bit of rationality, looking like an idiot she shouted, "How dare you, girls attack this no name."

"Sigh." I sighed a little bit and got up to fight, well till I am busy beating these idiotic girls into a nice little piece of sh*t, why don't I tell you the reason behind them calling me a no name.

Well you see from the time my parents found out that I was a cursed little girl they never thought of giving me a name, and from then on till now I still have no name, that is why I am called a no name.

Well as for what my parents called me, they just called me a curse and after I came here I was called a no name, so it never mattered to me, and also this is the reason why I think that names are just useless words.

Well this is it, and as for the girls of the Cream pie gang, I have layed all of them on the ground including that blond girl.

But I know that after this fight a large number of men in the black robe will come to see what has happened, and that is why I can not be in this place anymore, so I started to walk towards the library.

Although the life of us slaves was not so good at the start but after I turned 10 years old, I was given the permission to go to the library, and this was because the people in the headquarters did not want an uneducated child to go work for the government.

"Well." I sighed a little bit and started to walk towards the library.


I arrived inside the library, the library was not so big and I have already read more then half of the books present here, so I walk towards a shelf of books which is in my due list of reading, I pick up one book and start reading it with great interest.

I don't know why, but from the time I was a child I always liked to read books, maybe it was because I had no friends but it has already become a habit of mine.

I open the first page and see the title of the first chapter, "HOW TO GET MORE POWER STONES." And I start the chapter.


Five hours has already passed away and I have finished reading a total of 12 books and each book had more then five hundred pages.

I wanted to read some more but unfortunately the library was at it's closing hour, so I have to leave the place with some disappointment in my heart.

After I walked out of the library I went straight to where my cage was located, yes this much time has gone but we slaves were still living inside that same cage.


Time passes pretty fast and before I knew it, I was only one month away from becoming a 18 year old girl.

I was pretty pumped up, so much so that I was not able to sleep properly for that whole month.

I did all of my work as usual but my works became a bit clumsy then usual because of the excitement.

I was not able to concentrate on my works properly because of the excitement.

But surprisingly all of this clumsiness was actually ignored by the men in the black robe, I guess this kind of clumsiness must be pretty normal in this kind of time.

But it did not matter to me much now because my golden days were just around the corner now.


Finally the day arrived..

It was my 18th birthday and today I became an 18 year old girl, and I was also going to become a beast master today.

I then saw an old man come to the stage which was in front of me, the old man took a deep breath and said....


(Happy Independence Day to every one from India, and for those who are not from India, a good day / night to you all.)

And stay fit my Homies.



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