
My Dismissive fake-love marriage

[18+ readers] "I was not sorry. Not even once." My eyes fell upon those long pale fingers which just held me from a certain death. "You are already a pain. If you go around doing like this might as well put me into the bars for years." His bad-mouth was so lively that even those harsh cold words were enough to make me cry and roll down to my knees. Julien Tedd. 25 years old married to a grumpy cold-hearted man in his 30s. An actor and a CEO of PAXTON Trades which was in delta. He as a fake husband with grey eyes and an vexed face. Who loves money than anything. "I wasn't a bitch to you. Who asked you to fake marry me? My parents loved to woo you in their well-beings." Those were the first time I said something deliberate to outstand my voice in that relationship. "Bit furry of time. If my memory serves right. Monica, You Annabella with two horns. Go sleep alway to death." He did hurt my heart that day. We slept in different bedrooms. Though we would put an act on when our parents visits us. On occasions like weddings or house rituals with my young sisters or my big brothers side. He hated me being around him. I hated him how he ignored my existence in the big mirage of his. He loved to call me by my first name Monica Dus. He didn't bother to put the Tedd of his name beside mine. I was no honour of him. He wasn't proud of me. when we both married I was a professor and was soon becoming the principal of the FD college, Columbia University. My dad proposal broke me down to marry some unknown grumpy man!! I was still in my 25 years where I should be happy not sad. Our marriage was like a contract basis- He would act on his role. As if he was gifted this act to do. I found myself fond of his submissive side. His black hair was perfect with those thin glasses which read thousands of newspapers or faces of other ladies. Wait! Other ladies? He impressed other ladies while doing his job too. My marriage was fake. Very fake. Made-up in my mind that we would somehow fit with each other nagging, fighting being disloyal and bad-mouthing for everything. Martina, my younger sister questioned my marriage or love life which was written on my face everytime I visit them. That I was never happened to be putting this act on. Not even the marriage was forced without anything enclosed about to me. It was winter, when I started to understand him. He was practically tired of putting upto me. Not even coming physically challenged with me. His lips told the words which were hard to swallow "I want to end this acting for years. Would you mind helping me recover that?" What's exactly that? It was just as my younger sister said 'he will fight to keep you by his side as you live with him. You know how to cook what to cook. When he gets angry or happy. He will dip his head to make you feel loved and love you too.' Was it true? Then was I always this dumb? His hard big thump pressed my forehead bringing me back to seep into the eyes of his. "I said will you take responsibility for making me sick for two years?" My lips parted to speak but it wasn't speaking anymore they were locked with my married man. The man who owned me. Who minutes ago made me feel a complete loser and defeated me to get on my knees and cry for him. Beg him to spare the life. To cut all the marriage ties with him. Are we able to hold a family anymore. A real one? Was he? Or he was fooling around? Those years of carnage over my ears, eyes, lips were already served as a graveyard right?

_LIZA_ · Urban
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7 Chs

Make love to me! [2]

I have been lying on this bed for an hour and certainly I don't regret the decision as Julien takes a shower and gets ready for the bed in a white shirt and grey sweatpants. Holy shit! His erection felt big. He adjusted his pants a few times remembering that men are built like that and they need their head to be calm in this business world. My eyes snap to his face when he finally climbs on the bed a few inches beyond my reach and I turn my face to have my fill to freshen up. And remove this goddamn tight dress.

He doesn't protests when I run my fingers over the mid section of his wordrobe to find a oversized shirt and black shorts. Oh hell to me! Now you know when I was nineteen I had only shirts and long cargo pants or sometimes sweatpants. So insecure to feel my legs shine under his lamp. Before adjusting my clothes to the side I took of the tight gown and plop it on the floor outside of the bathroom. I don't like ruining my dress. 

After showering and drying myself I can finally breathe air. While walked in to see that Julien was not there. The door was still locked. Where was he? My eyes narrowed down the balcony when I smelled cigarettes. He was smoking and that he was enjoying his alone time already. Plus I am too stressed out for the upcoming projects that are lining up for me. 

"Get to the bed" he says lightly as he drags the curtains close and slips into the sheets of the bed. I nod to him as I say brightly "yes."

She smells freaking good. She used my aftershave to wash her. My head snaps back to her seeing her pretty eyes closed and her breath is constant. I am no vergin in bed. Catalina always used protection and didn't protest against it. We had ample amounts of sex. We were active. But today I just don't want to use protection with her if she suddenly wakes up and tells me her sex hormones are acting all weird. I won't be surprised to see her complain about it. 

But I am not a high school playboy who can't keep his little member in his pants and just goes to his needs and gives up. Let's say this is a different story.

Waking up to seven missed calls from mom made me want to take a hot shower and workout for an hour. Monica left my bed without waking me up. I felt the warmth of her side when my arms searched for something to cuddle with. I never had cuddles with Catalina and it wasn't even bugging me. She only slept in my bed or sometimes she would come to pick fights or give my whole family her presence. Dad didn't like her because she spends my money every week. 

I longed for Monica's touch. To be honest I need the friction between us and I am not happy with the way she is afraid of me to keep her outside the house if our relationship is revealed in front of the cameras. I quickly get dressed in a brown suit for my meetings and I hardly doubt that she is ready to have breakfast with me it's already ten in the morning.

I am standing in the way of the hall after seeing Monica wearing a red dress and her hair almost making it hard to see her back side as she takes a seat. Justin blinks, genuine confusion on his face as I offer him a cup of tea and the files he wanted. He takes the tea as he winks at my way. My head turns to Monica for the last time and Justin begins to mess with me. For god's sake he was my high school buddy. He doesn't seem to know why he will not tease me. It's in his blood. "Where did you find this piece of art?" He asks, holding a proud smile. And certainly I want to punch his smug look towards me and Monica.

Monica gets up and I know that today she doesn't need to hold back to ignore me and go to her work. She has been locked in this house for three days as she adjusts her smile to give Justin and passes through us. "Were you this troubling? She is so hot. Is she really a professor? I bet she has thick…." I slap him in the face. Justin could be my buddy. But he isn't allowed to say anything about my wife or anyone relating to me. I have paid more money to run his bar which is the third most running astonishing royal bar. 

"Hey, I am sorry for crossing my line. I wasn't expecting to talk out my thoughts about your…." I cut him as I hold a finger in the air to make him shut for the next second time. At any time I could smash his face with the wooden table he is sitting in front of. He shrugs and turns to look outside of the room. I calm myself. 

"I am ending this deal Justin and you know why isn't it?" I hand him my twenty years planner in which the company's website and profit has been noted to the point anyone can understand. He motions to the few files lying on the table and gets up from the sofa. I take my eyes off his embarrassed face and run fingers through my hair. "Yes, I am new to the committee but I can pull it off with them. If I support the bar with enough notice they will prepare for world war too, man!" He laughs as he turns to leave my house. I just couldn't stand his attitude of a fucked up employee he is.

Probably, I should have discussed with Monica about the baby making process. If she was ready she could have jumped on the topic last night. But what an asshole I am. Maybe I should make the first move rather than being caught up with Catalina and with her memories. Dad would have made us sign divorce paper but he has been happy ever since he got to know about her arrival.