
The Death of a Genius

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lu Zhou hovered in the sky as he looked at the sea of fire that was still spreading.

The birds and the beasts that inhabited the forest were all caught in the fire.

At this time, the two ghost servants had already died.

On the flying chariot, Si Wuya said, "Master, the fire is too big. If this continues, in less than ten days, the entire northwest would be burned…"

Lu Zhou looked down and waved his hand. The Confinement Seal flew back to him.

Xiao Yunhe appeared on the deck. He looked at the sky and said, "Brother Lu, should we be worried about that person who has yet to make a move?"

Lu Zhou looked at the clouds in the distance; there was no silhouette to be seen. Qin Naihe had long left the place. "He won't be making a move for now. Concentrate your efforts on putting out the fire."
