
Chapter 4

We fall for people with good qualities. We tend to like them. He was nice to talk to. He used to make me smile every time we talked. He soon occupied a special place in my heart. But we were just good friends. No sign of love at all. Talking on FB was part of my everyday routine. Time flew by and came our exams for the second semester.

One day I received a message from an unknown number. Just a Hello. I replied asking who was it. But my instincts had already guessed who that person was. He didn't tell me his name but said he was a classmate of mine. My instincts were right. So I played along. After exchanging few messages he said I had met him somewhere. To which I replied must be at some jalebi shop(sweet dish). He realized that I was actually acting all way along. He admitted who he was and asked me how I could make out that it was him.

This is the power of love.... though I didn't say anything at that time.