
My Dignity!

The soul of a male high schooler, Fugoshi Hidekai (Fugo for short), is reincarnated into a world of many wonders. Magic, and combat is needed to survive! Although, Fugo is not very active as he was a gamer who locked himself inside his room. In this new world he is taken into, he is lost and taken in by many different women throughout his time alive.

Silith_Ucrino · Fantasy
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3 Chs

New Arrivals

"I see, this is quite the troublesome situation, even for my dear Al Krelin." Flinda sighs.

"Wait, you know Al Krelin!?" Amee asks.

"Why yes, he was once my grandson before our reincarnation into this world." Flinda responds. "Though, this is another world, I fear your spirits are in trouble."

"Our spirits?" I say.

"Yes, your spirits are to be in your physical body of your own world, but they may have been taken into this one." Flinda says.

"I get it now, we're not supposed to be here, obviously." Amee says. "We just need to find a way out of here...."

"Indeed you do, I can ask for Al Krelin to join us if you wish to ask him more." Flinda says. "This is all I can tell you from my knowledge."

"Thank you so much, Flinda." I say. "Could you actually call Al Krelin to come here though?"

"Of course, I will do that right away." Flinda slowly stands and walks over to the side. "Give me a moment, I am still trying to get the hang of these 'phones'."

Surprised, Amee looks at me and waves her hands around pointing towards Flinda. Then makes a phone sign with her hand and I look up. I wait after Flinda is done with the call that she was able to get through.

"Um, Flinda..." I say.

"Yes, young one?" Flinda sits back down. "What is it?"

"How do you have phones here?" I ask.

"Al Krelin created them with his magic, he became so skilled he began to create other worldly technology." Flinda smiles. "It is much better for communication."

"That's true, and sounds awesome." I say. "I guess we underestimated Al Krelin, Amee."

Amee smiles and scoffs at me. I sigh and get the weirdest chills in my spine. I then hear footsteps of ice crackling on the ground. Turning, I see a hooded elf figure with an enormous amount of magic emitting from them. The hood was taken off, and there he was shown, Al Krelin in the flesh.

"Did you need something, Flinda?" Al asks.

"Oh, these lovely kids are in an unfortunate situation." Flinda says. "They were forced out of their original world."

"Oh, those people." Al takes his cloak and boots off, placing them to the side. "I was just now in the Icelands of the dark lands with Klotic and Jastria. Ignore those for now, let's get to the point here. Do you want to go back?"

"Well, yeah, we want to go back to our original home." Amee glares at me. "Fugo over here doesn't really know what we're doing right now-"

"Well, Amee over here doesn't know how to stop spending my money!" I glare back at her.

"This is why you don't go shopping with females born rich, Fugo." Al sighs. "I thought you guys watched movies or something about that."

"Well, yeah but our lives were dedicated to the game that looks just like this world." Fugo says.

"Wow, people actually played that?" Al laughs.

"You know about it?" Amee asks.

"Of course I do, I made it after all." Al smiles.

"Wait... you're Zachary Mockmerry...?" I stare in awe.

Al Krelin smiles and I look more in awe. Amee slaps my shoulder and I come back to my senses.

"Anyway, other than Fugo fanboying all over you..." Amee clears her throat. "Could you help us find a way back to our home world?"

Al brings his attention back to the situation as Flinda goes back outside for the shop. He looks at us seriously and sighs.

"I could tell you what I told everyone else who got wounded up in this difficult situation." Al suggests. "But... I could actually tell you two something useful since you found one of my most trusted people."

"What were you telling everyone else?" Amee asks.

"I told them, 'Along the path that you desire, you will find your way.' They all took it and left." Al says.

"Wow, that is pretty useless..." Amee says.

"Here, I'll let you in on a little secret, I have no clue who brought you guys here, but... I might be able to ask someone who does." Al takes out a phone.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's the being who confirmed me and my companions into this world, she's nice." Al smiles.

The phone dials and the other side finally picked up. Al went into another room and came right back out.

"She'll be here in a sec." Al says.

Out of nowhere, a flash of light and dark aura flooded the room. My vision went blurry for a few seconds but then, I could see properly again. I saw a hooded figure of a person standing next to Al.

"Greetings, Fugoshi, Amy, Al." She says. "Why must I be summoned here?"

"Great, you know their names!" Al laughs nervously. "They're from another world, but they're not really supposed to be here..."

"I suppose I can assist you." she takes off her hood and shakes her head, moving her hair out of her face. "Fugoshi Hidekai, Amy Lee, tell me what you remember before coming into this world."

"All I remember was getting pulled into the monitor and waking up near Fugo." Amee says.

"Well, I do remember backing away from the monitor and blacking out after seeing something...." I say.

"Elaborate on that." She walks closer.

"Uhm, it looked like a tall black shadowy figure that stabbed my chest or something." I say. "It's a bit foggy but my that's all I can really remember."

"I see, this is the Dark Lord's doing." She says.

"He shouldn't be able to do anything to any outside worlds though..." Al quickly lifts his head. "Unless he tracked me!"

"That is a possibility, since you were in the dark territory for years before." She turns to Al.

"Fuuuuuuuuuu-" Al looks to Amee and I. "uuuuuuudge... Not good... Welp, because of me, you two and probably thousands of more people are in trouble..."

The woman sighs and holds out her hand to Al. He takes out his hand, palm facing her, and rests it on her hand. She looks at it as things start to appear over their hands. It looked like Al's body tied to a tree, but someone was putting something inside his body. Amee makes a disgusted face.

"Ew, why is he opening it up?" Amee cringed. "That's just gross."

"Well, apparently I've had a tracker 'in' me this whole time while the Dark Lord is in confinement." Al sighs. "I guess someone from the Dark Lands followed me around and made a way... Wait, you know what that means, Flotic."

"The dark territory can use the entrance to move from this world to their world. This is the most troublesome indeed." Flotic says.

"Wait, you're Flotic!?" Amee stands. "You're my favorite being!"

"Pardon?" Flotic says. "Al, translation please."

"I made a game of our world in theirs..." Al scoots away. "Ahem, a-and you're in it...?"

Flotic instantly gives Al a death stare as she begins an incantation. I quickly see multiple orbs of dark magic forming all around her. The dark aura was flooding the room, Amee and I had to move away from her since it can be contagious.

"H-hey, we're friends... Right...?" Al quivers. "I didn't mean for them to know about us more, I swear!"


Flinda quickly walks inside and snaps at Flotic. "Flotic, the dark aura is attracting the dark sprits here!" Flinda says. "Keep it down as well, the noise is disturbing the passerby."

Flotic instantly stops and the dark aura fades away. Amee and I sigh as we go back to our seats. Flinda leaves us afterwards as Al sighs in relief, slowly moving closer to us. I look at Al and question him with doubt.

"I thought you said she was nice." I say.

"Well... Kind of...?" Al says.

I look at him, disappointed by his words, and turn as I then notice Flotic in my face. Startled, I jump and scream as I tumble backwards. Amee starts laughing at me and I groan rubbing my head.

"Hahahah!" Amee laughs. "You didn't notice she was right there?"

"Shut up..." I mumble. "That really hurt..."

Flotic was looking at me weird and then sighed. "This is quite troublesome. I looked through your souls and yet you're here, you have no physical form."

"Wait then how are we able to touch and feel things?" I ask. "I bumped my head just now and it hurts like hell."

"Hell… hell!" Flotic yells.

Flinda quickly walks back in and snaps at Flotic. Flotic looks away awkwardly and clears her throat.

"There is an imaginary place of which you other world humans call 'hell'." Flotic says. "Though the current world's 'Hell' is known as an underground dungeon."

"That dungeon is in the dark territory." Al sighs. "Basically, that's where you go if you committed heinous crimes."

"I am to suspect that the dark territory wishes to use their ability to enter the other world to 'take it'." Flotic groans. "My power can only take in a small section to return."

"I didn't know you could do that! That's so cool…" Amee says.

"Well, what if we tried to go back on our own, do you think there's a way to?" I ask.

Al's head tilts backwards and he seemed to have an idea. "We should get Jalia over here!"

"No!" Flotic yells.

"I get it that you don't like the amount of power she has but she could really make this so much easier for us." Al sighs.

"It is not her power, what I do not like is her." Flotic says. "She cannot control her powers, that 'thing' does not deserve her place in the power chain. If she uses her powers, what will we know? For all the confirmation gods or even the reformation sigils, not one could know the amount of disaster she would cause."

"She can handle her powers, she's trying to at least." Al looks at Flotic disappointed. "If you aren't willing to risk saving thousands of people's lives with one that I truly trust, I can't have you in this situation anymore."

"Fine." Flotic starts a portal. "Go destroy the world without me, I will be in the dark territory if you have become reasonable."

Flotic walks into the portal and it closes up. Al finally lets his body sink into the chair he was sitting in.

"Again, you said she was nice." I say.

"Yeah…" Al sighs.