
My Diary of Being Raised Stockholm-Style

The story of how one kid was raised to think his life wasn't worth much. And how it lead to him growing up and thinking for himself. I plan to do stages of life until the teen years due to a lack of personal memory. This will be a slow story.

Zagnuts · Realistic
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Truth and Lies in One

26 years old... That's when I started to realize how fucked my life was. How immature and lost I was. My name is Zee and this is my story.

I guess I can start at the beginning. The things I am about to tell you are what my Grandmother told me and I don't know how much of this is truth or lies to shape my perceptions, so thake what is here with a grain of salt. I was told that my mother got pregnant with me in highschool as a plan to get my father to marry her. He didn't and she got stuck with me, the bastard.

When I was born my mother decided I wasn't worth the effort and with the excuse that she was going to join the military gave custody to my grandmother. She never joined due to medical issues and after 2 years got knocked up again with what would be my little sister and succeded in getting my stepfather to marry her this time. During this she never made an effort to get custody of me back. After a couple more years my little brother, the perfect 'can do no wrong one' was born cuz my stepdad wanted a son. According to my mother and stepdad he was an accident (Too many beers and not enough protection at Oktoberfest). Then she fixed it so she couldn't have anymore kids.

I have vauge memories myself for those days... Mostly of the blame for anything that my siblings did wrong was my fault. Broken lamp, Zee did it. Burn a blanket, Zee. I wasn't worth much in my family's eyes.

Then I started elementary school...