
My life my choice

All my life I have always been told I'm unfortunate, cursed, weird, and the worst of all they call me a monster.

At the age of 12, I stop going to school just because there is a lot of complaints when I was still in school. They always complain to my parents why is your son scaring all the kids in school. So I stop going to school and decided not to go out to school from now on.

I was hiding in my room, It was so dark and quiet I can hear my thoughts. Why do I have to go through this, do I deserve this treatment? Please, someone, help me with this unwantedness. I am not a monster, I'm a human too!

My mom suddenly came to my room and said "Hey Amon, I brought some chocolate cookies your favorite!" mom brought me a nice chocolate cookie and warm milk. The aroma of the cookies stuck inside of my room. I can feel the love and effort my mother put into these snacks.

"You know honey I know you've done nothing wrong with those kids. But are you sure this is your final choice?" she said while hugging me and slowly brush of my hair. I nervously told her "Y-yes." she looked at my eyes with a sincere smile and hugged me again told me. "Well that's your choice, we will support you with that decision." I teared up a little bit because I can feel the sincerity and love that she puts into those words.

My dad suddenly pop-outs bringing some boxes of computer sets and smiled at me and told me. "That's great son, we could spend more time from now on! Now help me set up this PC so that we could finally play some games together." I was the happiest kid at that moment, seeing both of my parents supporting me from my choices and understand the situation I had been through.

We were a normal happy family back then not until 4 years pass by, my parents died in a car accident, but that's what they have been told to me. I never really care how they died but I still miss them and my heart still aching until now. They are the only people who loved me unconditionally even when the world turned on me.

As I attend the last day of their funeral, I can hear all the gossips they are been talking about.

"He must be the reason why his parents died." woman 1.

"So the rumors were true that he could bring misfortune." woman 2

I just ignored them and it rains suddenly. I was just standing in front of my parent's grave while it was raining. I felt no cold at all, I can't even feel my arms at that time.


Many months pass by, there's sudden news spread by. People have gaining superhuman power. Some people got very strong, some people can breathe underwater, and some people can heal other people. Some weird gates suddenly came up in different parts of the world.

They said when you enter those gates, you will be automatically teleported to another dimension where there is full of an unknown monster.

After months of investigating those gates, only people who gain ability can enter those gates. And people who defeated some monsters and came back outside from those gates bought some rare items that we can use in our daily life.

A year after, there is a lot of organizations were built for those people who want to raid those gates. And those people who are involved in those organizations are called raiders.

There are three colors of the gate, bronze, silver, and gold. The bronze gate doesn't have that many rare items and the monster there are very weak. The silver gate has a decent amount of rare items and has a strong monster living in it. And the gold gate is where most of the raiders want to avoid entering it.

I was one of the people who gain an ability. My ability is I can repel and cancel all abilities if I'm going to touch their abilities. I also joined an organization because of how useful my abilities are. My dad always told me that if there is something I can help with, then I should help.

I got recruited to a big organization that also pays a lot of money. I don't care about the money, all I wanted is to get me out of boredom. I was very bored at my home for almost a year just because I was all alone in that house.

I have been fighting monsters for a month all by myself now and I'm almost got to promote into a Class B Raider until one day.

I was heading towards the organization that day and people still staring at me as usual, thinking I'm a weird-looking guy. The head chief suddenly summoned me to his office as if there is an emergency meeting. A guy with a suit guide me and accompany me towards together to the Head chief office.

As I enter the room, the head chief was sitting down at his desk. He stood up and come towards me and shake my hands. He fakely smiled at me and said.

"Hi mister Amon, I'm very sorry for the sudden summoned. I have some things I want to talk about right now." he pulls out his arms and slowly rubbing them into his pants as if he was cleaning his hands secretly.

"So what can I help with you right now sir?" I answered politely as if I didn't notice what he just did.

"You've been a solo raider in a bronze gate since from the start right? So I have only a little request," he said with a very serious tone.

"What is it, sir?" I said

"Your ability is quite useful you know when it comes to battle. I want you to team up with another member and help them clearing the silver gate," he said.

"But what if I said no sir?" I said with a cold tone.

"Oh well you will lose your chance to become a Class B raider," he said while he was smirking at me.

I immediately left the room and ignored him. They just want to use me for their benefit. They take the credit while I do the hard work. As I go out of the building, I saw a very peculiar gate beside the street. No one seems saw it yet, so I immediately ran to it and check what kind of gate it is. The gate was made of stone, I can't identify what kind of gate it is because it was made of stone. I immediately equipped all of my items and suit and try to check out what's inside of that gate

I enter the gate without worrying about what might happen to me if I enter this gate. After entering the gate, when I look back there is no gate that I can go back with. I panicked and looking around if there's a monster nearby. But what I saw, I saw a giant demon-like creature sealed in a giant crystal. I slowly walk towards it and look at the demon. It has one big horn in the middle and two small horns on the side of his head.

"Woah, what a big creature," I said as I was mesmerized by the size and how mighty the creature is. I accidentally touched the crystal and it was slowly breaking it. I took a few stepbacks and took my sword out and ready to engage in a battle. Can I defeat this monster? I hope it's not that strong.

The crystal was shattered and the demon-like monster woke up. The whole area was shaking and the monster looked at me. He was smiling like a psychopath and then suddenly laugh.

"HA HA HA! FINALLY, I WOKEN UP FROM MY GREAT SLUMBER! Thank you little human for breaking the seal from me." he said with a deep voice that can almost extract my soul just from hearing his voice.

I was trembling with fear and blamed myself for what I've done. I realize that I can repel and cancel any abilities and maybe that's the reason I broke the seal from that demon.

"Hey hey hey, don't be scared little human, I won't hurt you, you're my Savior after all! But it looks like my current body can't handle all of my mana. Looks like I need a new body." he was looking at me with a death stare. Couldn't even move a muscle because I was too afraid to make the wrong choices.

Before I could move to run away, he already sliced me in half. I didn't felt pain after he slices me in half. Before I lose my consciousness, I heard him chanting some weird words. So this is my end huh.

I hope you will support me in this story I made

Miyandarcreators' thoughts
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