
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · Urban
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13 Chs

The Silent Murderer Part I

"Can't you give me a rest already Maestra? It's the third time of today you've asked me to fetch you cream cake from Freya Bakery. I swear one day I'll be found dead frozen if you asked me to line up outside of that famous cake shop again." the young man said with exhaustion in his face. His leg trembling from the abuse that it had endured while his nose was constantly outputting mucus at stable rate.

Without a hint of consideration, the box of cake in that young man hand was taken forcefully. The young man tried to protest at that impolite treatment but he did not have the bravery for sitting in her comfy office chair was a woman exuding charming charisma, she was what the young man called 'Maestra'. Maestra with an efficient yet graceful movement was opening the cake box with one hand while her other hand was moving the mouse cursor. Even before the young man came, her face back then and now was staring at the computer screen that emanated azure light."Thank you for the cake, Martin. I'll consider the prospect of you dying next time," she said with cold machine-like voice.Martin shrugged off that response, after all it was just like his usual day. "Good enough for me. By the way Maestra, that must be one interesting case you're looking at. You've been locked up in the office since 3 am just looking at the case detail. Let me guess.... is it a murder?""Nothing grand like that. It's just your typical robbery case but the detail, I just found it to be odd." Maestra said while her eyes keep focusing on the newspaper site on her computer."And where did this robbery take place?" Martin asked.Maestra opened a new tab and input the location name on map website. "Paloma Park in east part of the town which is about 4 miles from our office. Why do you ask Martin? It's rare for you to be so invested in case detail.""If the place is not too far away then I think we should just check it out ourselves, after all there might be inaccurate information in the news you have read." Martin immediately wore his long baggy winter coat and a colorful scarf of red and orange as he spoke. "Besides that, I think it will be quite unhealthy if you just stay holed up in front of a computer screen. A little bit of sun will do you good."Going outside was something Maestra regarded as 'inefficient', as not only she would have to spend capital but she also needed to spend her energy on pointless physical activity. However, she could only have sighed at Martin idea and accepted it. Maestra done her black winter jacket and her equally black scarf. Her unkempt brown hair was tied into ponytail. Beside the computer in her table, there was a small white purse which she took as she walked along to the front door with Martin.Luckily for both of them, their city governor is not too corrupt so public transportation saved them from so much unneeded expense. Just like that, in about 15 minutes both of them went down from the bus stairs and in front of them was the sight of the playful Paloma Park."Look Maestra, that's a big slide," Martin pointed to the wide red slide near the park entrance which seems to be filled with many playground instruments. "Do you think I'll be allowed to use it?""If we are using basic social norm, the answer will be no. You'll just bother the kid and I'm sure their parent who were watching them won't be pleased to see an adult using the slide." Her face was not looking at Martin as she deemed the question to be painfully foolish."Really? Bet you $10 that won't happen if I just ask politely," Martin said as he ran excitedly to the slide direction.As expected, some of the parents were approaching him but Martin explained his intention well and without taking a long time, they were now laughing together like they had been friend for a long time. Martin was now playfully playing with other kid and one or two other adults were now joining him. Maestra was perplexed by that sight and decided to leave Martin there while she would be investigating alone.Just on the left side of the playground was a small office building of wood material. Maestra step was heavy but not loud as the snow on the ground silenced each of her footstep, leaving only a trail of her sport shoes toward the office.Without knocking and greeting, Maestra went inside the wooden building which surprisingly had a hint of luxury in its interior. Inside, there were 3 park staff looking at her like a crazy hooligan.One of the staff who was a woman with short black hair decided to approach Maestra "Excuse me Miss, may I perhaps help with your problem if any?""People call me Maestra and what is your name?" for Maestra, the question of other party seems irrelevant. Her straightforward answer and somewhat rude behavior only left people to wander about what was the content of her mind."Uummm.... Susan.... you can call me Susan." Susan's voice was trembling for a little bit from the cold weather that pierce the building poor insulation."And the other two?""They are Harold and Nafsir. Don't bother them, they are busy right now." Susan clarified."Susan, Harold, and Nafsir. Right, I have remembered all of your name. Susan, mind telling me about the detail of the robbery case that happen on 23rd of December yesterday?""You are not part of authority so I'm afraid I can't..."Before Susan finished her sentence, Maestra pulled a neatly made business card from her purse. She showed her card to Susan before she said "I'm from detective agency and my client requested me to look at this case," a standard lie in her line of job. "I'm afraid you don't have any choice, Miss Susan.""Fine just don't make a scene and bother the other visitors in the park." Susan resigned as she sat on sofa in the corner of the room. "C'mon take a seat, it would take a while to explained." Susan's hand gestured toward a wooden chair across her sofa. In the middle between it and her sofa was a round green glass table.However, before she could take a seat, Harold was shouting news that pique Maestra's interest. "What! Are you sure you are not mistaken? A corpse in the northwest section of the park!? Right, we will dispatch the police and nearby park staff immediately."The room was gripped by anxiety and fear upon hearing the news. Everyone was stunned except for one energetic girl. Ignoring the atmosphere in the room she raced toward the location of the lifeless body. "Finally, after all this time," her eyes beaming with excitement while her hand was swinging with clenched fist. "A case that can give the excitement I want." In just a matter of second, her shadow was no more in the building, the girl called Maestra marched into the crime scene, leaving the staff even more shocked by her sudden action.