
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Modern Fable Part II

"What a pretentious bastard! Maybe we should have just ditch this case," Maestra walked with a quick pace going outside of Trivar's mansion. She nearly got tripped from stepping into her own gown."Eat this and clear your mind for a bit," Martin took out an eclaire. "Remember about the facility he provided? We could furnished our office and listed it as investigation expense.""That's true. Maybe it's tine for me to buy that arcade machine." Martin sighed for he was finally able to calm the beast herself, the investigation would go awry if Maestra decided to follow her whim.After Maestra finished the eclaire and assuring she was calm enough, Martin started to initiate the conversation. "So where do you want to start Maestra?""Isn't it obvious, the scene of the crime. While Trivar has send us all the relevant photo to ny computer, it will be faster if we just see it for ourselves," Maestra said as she quicken her pace to the scene of the crime.After a few steps, Martin had to stopped her. "It's a bit far. Let's just take the commuter line," he said giving an alternative.The bank that was burned down was about 6 miles from Trivar's mansion. Maestra was confident that she could cover that distance before the police came even if she currently wore a gown which hindered her movement. During the journey in commuter however, Martin said that was a bad idea since there was a chance the gown (which was rented) could get dirty and by the time she came to the scene, she would be too tired to think straight. After thinking for a bit, Maestra agreed with Martin saying his idea was rational.The bank was burned to cinders but at first glance there could be seen a remnant of numerous security cameras and giant sign of the bank. "What a grand building. It practically screams please rob me to every veteran thief," Martin gave his comment while Maestra was opening a file from her phone."So this is the floor plan," Maestra said to herself as she wiggled her finger on the touchscreen, examining the detail of the bank's interior map. "Let's disregard the second floor for now and just focus on the first one. So that place was administration counter and behind it exactly is the safe," Maestra pointed to the centre of the bank remnant."All I see are burning piles of concrete, ashes, and a perfect cube made from steel maybe?" Martin was perplexed by the sight of it. While the cube was strange enough being the only thing that still remained, near the cube were a remnant of security camera with lethal weapon and a fence which Martin assumed was electrical."let's move in. The inside of that cube should be a giant fire proof safe," Maestra ordered while she was stepping inside the forcibly opened giant safe.The contrast was apparent between this place and outside of it. No sign of burning which mean the giant safe was opened after the fire. Inside the safe was numerous cabinets which were all opened."No wonder Trivar already think someone stole his assets. There is no way the fire was swallowing it," Martin said as he examined each empty cabinets. "Hmmm... so this cabinet was also bullet proof judging from the kind of metal used to make it. It also has a lock system that could only be opened by particular kind of key. The idea of an insider doing it is even more likely. What do you think Maes...."Before Martin could finished his sentence, he sensed a cold cylindric metal sticking behind his head. "Who are you? This area is currently for the authorized individual only," the voice behind ordered Martin."Sorry for not introducing ourselves sooner," Martin replied with sweat running on his head. "We are detectives from Goldsberg Detective Agency. My name is Martin Mason and that girl over there is Maestra.""Goldsberg Detective Agency? Oh I remember now, the one that oligarch hired," Martin was on life and death situation and yet the voice behind him was talking as if it was an everyday occurence."Whatever your reason might be. You better get that gun out of my sight woman before you regret it!" Maestra screamed as her hand was looking like taking something from her purse. The woman behind Martin might think Maestra was taking her own gun but Martin realized it was merely a bluff."Ah sorry, I was too absorbed in the atmosphere," the woman finally pulled back her gun silently. "I'm Amanda Terrace, one of the sponsor for this bank.""A sponsor and yet still has the gall to call Trivar oligarch. You both are practically cut from the same cloth," Maestra still maintained her bluff.Martin immediately ran to Maestra side and whispered. "Maestra what have we discussed before about being impolite to people that can kill us easily," unlike Trevor who seemed intimidating because of his influence and wealth, Martin sensed that Amanda was more similar to Maestra."What the girl said is right. In this business world the kind and righteous won't be able to survive. The one who survived are the one who keep stacking their assets through unethical way," Amanda still holding her gun was waving it as she monologue."That came out of nowhere. Do you have regret being a businesswoman Amanda?" Martin knew asking question to armed lunatic was not wise but somehow he knew something was strange about the woman holding the gun."Regret... my whole life is something I regret...." Amanda put the gun to her own head, her finger sticking on the trigger. Before Martin and Maestra could reacted, just like being possessed Amanda suddenly changed her composure. "Ah what am I saying," her voice changed to be more cheerful. "Good luck on your investigation detectives. Just be aware of the danger lurking on it," ignoring the people that she just had taken hostage, Amanda ran off to her car."She is a strange woman but I sense no hostility from her," it was strange even for Martin. He was just being pointed by a gun and yet he felt his life was not in danger.Maestra furrowed her brows. The situation was too much even for her. "We've seen enough from this place. Now let's just read the relevant documents and articles in our office."