
My Destiny's Awakening 2024

What a thrilling start to our story! The ordinary life of Aeon, a university student, is turned upside down as a mysterious gate appears on campus, unleashing a horde of bloodthirsty monsters. The tension is palpable as Aeon's world is thrown into chaos. As the darkness closes in, Aeon's fear and uncertainty give way to a sense of determination. He knows that he must find a way to survive this nightmarish reality and uncover the secrets of the mysterious gate. But what lies ahead? Will Aeon be able to overcome his fears and doubts to become the hero he never knew he could be? Or will the darkness consume him and claim his life? The journey is just beginning, and I'm excited to see where it takes us. Join me next time as we delve deeper into the world of Aeon and the Gates of Destiny.

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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Shadows of the Seekers

The Seekers' Invitation

The moon hung low, casting elongated shadows across the clearing. Aeon, Layla, and Ria stood at the edge, their breaths visible in the crisp night air. Before them, a group emerged—one that Ria had warned them about.

The Leader of the seekers: "Welcome, fellow students. I am Elias, and these are my comrades: Sylvia, Malik, and Nadia."

Sylvia (with a sly smile): "We've been watching you, Aeon and Layla. Your abilities intrigue us."

Malik (leaning on his staff): "Indeed. Our group seeks those with extraordinary gifts."

Nadia (her eyes calculating): "We're not just students and tutors. We're The Seekers—a clandestine order."

Elias (his arrogance palpable): "And I am the one who surpasses all. My ability? Skill Mimicry."

Aeon's eyes narrowed. "You can copy any skill?"

Elias (smirking): "Indeed. I've mastered every ability I came across, I am invincible."

Layla (whispering to Aeon): "Be careful. If he copies your ability—"

Ria (interrupting): "He won't. Aeon's power lies in its passivity."

Elias (mocking): "Passive abilities? How quaint."

Ria (her voice steel): "Quaint, perhaps, but effective, and you'll be surprised."

Elias (raising an eyebrow): "Surprised? Doubtful from a mere passive ability."

Nadia (leaning closer): "Enough banter. We have a proposition. Join us, and together, we'll reshape the world."

Aeon (his resolve unwavering): "And if we refuse?"

Sylvia (her eyes gleaming): "Then you become our enemies."

Malik (his staff glowing): "Choose wisely."

Layla (her bow ready): "We fight for our own path."

Ria (whispering to Aeon): "Remember, surprise them. Show them the limits of their mimicry, all passive abilities are under four stars except for yours."

"oh really" Aeon was surprised at this new fact

And so, the moon bore witness as alliances shifted, shadows deepened, and the Seekers' true motives remained veiled. Aeon clenched his fists, ready to fight and even kill to survive.

Aeon, Layla, and Ria stood at the campus K building, their breaths visible in the moonlight. The Seekers—once students and tutors—had revealed their true colors. Their leader, Elias, hungered for power, his ability to mimic any active skill a dangerous weapon.

Elias (smirking): "Let's see how your passive ability fare against my arsenal of abilities."

The Seekers emerged—one by one—each with their unique talents:

Zuraya, the wind dancer, moved like a cyclone. Her blade sliced through shadows, leaving trails of silver.

Kumu, a male student, summoned roots from the earth. His shield absorbed blows, and his eyes glowed with ageless wisdom.

Sylvia, the gunslinger, twirled her revolvers. Bullets danced around her, seeking targets.

Nadia, the archer, never missed. Her arrows hummed with enchantments, seeking hearts.

Malik, the spearman, lunged with precision. His weapon crackled with lightning.

The battle erupted. Aeon's passive ability defied Elias's expectations. Elias copied Zuraya's wind dance, but Aeon easily evaded all attacks, Elias couldn't believe his eyes when he watched Aeon graceful movements and how efficiently attacking.

Layla's support abilities bolstered their defenses. She whispered to Ria, "Keep them distracted."

Ria grinned. "With pleasure."

She darted toward Sylvia, her memory recall guiding her. "Your past life," Ria taunted, "wasn't so trigger-happy."

Sylvia faltered as her head felt dizzy, her shots missing. Ria disarmed her, leaving her defenseless.

Meanwhile, Zuraya's wind blades clashed with Kumu's roots. Aeon seized the moment, his passive instincts guiding him. He whispered to Layla, "support."

Layla's arrows glowed. Aeon's body blurred. Together, they paralyzed Malik, his lightning fizzling.

Nadia's arrows rained down, but Ria danced through them. "Your aim," she mocked, "was never this true."

Nadia's eyes widened. "Who are you?"

Ria's blade met Nadia's. "Someone who remembers and moves like a regressor."

As the Seekers fell, Elias retreated. "This isn't over," he snarled, vanishing into the shadows.

Ria held Sylvia captive. "Why, Seeker?"

Sylvia's eyes flickered. "Elias promised power. We were fools."

Ria spared her. "Remember this lesson."

And so, the Seekers scattered, their motives laid bare. Aeon, Layla, and Ria stood amidst fallen leaves, their bond forged in battle. but there was a little of doubts.

 The Goblin King's Challenge

Aeon, Layla, and Ria stood at the edge, their breaths visible in the crisp night air. Before them loomed the final barrier—the magical veil that imprisoned them within the university campus.

Ria (her eyes determined): "Listen carefully. The barrier is the result of internal gate outbreak. To get rid of it, we must find the boss and kill it."

Aeon (his resolve unwavering): "And where do we find that boss?"

Ria (leaning closer): "from what I remember, The Goblin King was in building F."

Layla (her bow ready): "How do we face him?"

Ria (her voice steel): "We must use tricks, weaken him first then deliver the decisive final blow."

The journey led them through twisted thickets, moonlight filtering through building F. The Goblin King awaited—.

 The air crackled with threatening aura. Aeon's instincts prickled—he sensed danger.

Goblin King (voice echoing): "Welcome, intruders. I am the keeper of this gate, the boss."

Layla (whispering to Ria): "What's his ability?"

Ria (her eyes sharp): "He's nothing without the freaking powerful artifact he has."

Aeon (clenching his fists): "We'll defeat him."

The Goblin King materialized—a twisted figure with red eyes like ruby. His sword crackled with dark energy.

Goblin King (mocking): "You seek freedom? Face your fears."

Aeon (charging forward): "Layla, Ria, stay close!"

The Goblin King's illusions danced—shadows that whispered secrets, memories twisted into nightmares.

Layla (parrying an illusionary blade): "Stay focused!"

Ria (dodging a phantom arrow): "His magic warps reality. Trust your instincts."

The Goblin King laughed—a sound that fractured sanity. His attacks shifted—now fire, now ice, now darkness.

Aeon (sidestepping): "He adapts to our positions. Keep moving!"

The Goblin King wavered, his illusions faltering. Aeon glimpsed vulnerability—the heart of his power.

Aeon (voice steady): "Ria, tell us—how do we defeat him?"

Ria (eyes aflame): "His weakness lies in truth. trust your instinct and kill the real boss instead of focussing on the illusions."

Layla (voice trembling): "how."

Aeon (unyielding): "I can do it."

Ria (whispering): "Now, focus—"

The room trembled. The Goblin King wailed, his illusions shattering.

The Barrier vanishes

Ria (smiling): "We've finally killed this trash boss."

To be continued…