
My Destiny's Awakening 2024

What a thrilling start to our story! The ordinary life of Aeon, a university student, is turned upside down as a mysterious gate appears on campus, unleashing a horde of bloodthirsty monsters. The tension is palpable as Aeon's world is thrown into chaos. As the darkness closes in, Aeon's fear and uncertainty give way to a sense of determination. He knows that he must find a way to survive this nightmarish reality and uncover the secrets of the mysterious gate. But what lies ahead? Will Aeon be able to overcome his fears and doubts to become the hero he never knew he could be? Or will the darkness consume him and claim his life? The journey is just beginning, and I'm excited to see where it takes us. Join me next time as we delve deeper into the world of Aeon and the Gates of Destiny.

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8 Chs

Chapter 2: The Unknown

As the darkness outside seemed to grow thicker then disappeared, the students in the lecture hall began to panic. Someone shouted, "Call emergency!" and soon everyone was scrambling to get their phones out to use as flashlights. The room was plunged into a chaotic scene, with students shouting and trying to make sense of what was happening.

But as they reached for their phones, they were met with a disappointing reality - no Wi-Fi connection. The students' faces fell as they realized they were cut off from the world.

The professor, still trying to regain control of the situation, asked the assistant tutor to investigate what was happening outside. The assistant tutor nodded and stepped out into the darkness.

The room fell silent as the students waited anxiously for his return. But when he finally reappeared, he was pale as a ghost and trembling like a leaf.

"Wha...what did you see?" one of the students asked, her voice trembling with fear.

The assistant tutor took a deep breath before attempting to speak. "I...I saw...strange creatures," he stammered. "Lurking around...and there was blood...and...there were many corpses on the ground."

He paused, his eyes wide with horror, and then vomited all over the floor. The students gasped in shock, and the professor rushed to his side, trying to calm him down.

But despite the assistant tutor's words, some students were skeptical. They thought it was just a prank or a hidden camera show. "It's just a prank," one of them whispered, rolling her eyes.

But others were not so convinced. They looked around at each other nervously, wondering if they were truly safe.

Aeon felt a sense of unease wash over him as he watched the scene unfold. He knew that something was wrong, but he didn't know what to do. He glanced around the room, wondering if anyone else was feeling the same way.

As he looked around, his eyes landed on his backpack, which was still lying on the floor where he had dropped it. Without hesitation, he reached for it and began to rummage through it.

"What are you doing?" someone whispered.

Aeon didn't respond. He was too focused on finding something - anything - that could help him prepare for what was happening outside.

And then, his hand closed around something metal. He pulled it out of his backpack and held it up - a single scissor from his design workshop.

Some students noticed Aeon's actions, but he didn't care about their opinions. He was preparing himself just in case.

He knew that he couldn't trust anyone else, not when things seemed so uncertain.

As he readied himself, the tension in the room grew thicker. The students were all on edge, unsure of what was happening outside or what would happen next.

Aeon held the scissor tightly in his hand and then concealed them at his waist, feeling a sense of comfort in its familiar shape. He knew that it wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. And with that thought, he steeled himself for whatever lay ahead.

As the students continued to panic and argue, Aeon's gaze wandered back to the assistant tutor, who was still trying to recover from his ordeal. The professor was trying to calm him down, but it was clear that the assistant tutor was traumatized by what he had seen.

Aeon's mind began to race with possibilities. What could be happening outside? Why was the Wi-Fi connection down? And what had the assistant tutor seen that had left him so shaken?

He glanced around the room, taking in the faces of his fellow students. Some were crying, others were screaming, and a few were just staring blankly into space. It was as if they were all waiting for something to happen, but they didn't know what.

Aeon's grip on the scissor tightened as he felt a sense of unease wash over him. He knew that he had to be prepared for anything. He couldn't rely on anyone else to protect him. Moreover, betrayals and conflicts are bound to happen in such situations like in movies.

As he looked around the room, he noticed a few other students who seemed to be thinking the same way. There were a few students who were quietly gathering their belongings, trying to prepare themselves for whatever lay ahead. Aeon felt a sense of solidarity with them, and his grip on the scissor relaxed slightly.

He glanced around the room again, taking in the chaos and uncertainty. He didn't know what was happening or what would happen next, but he knew that he had to be ready.

With that thought, he turned back to his own backpack, rummaging through it to see what else he could find. The scissor was still on his waist hidden, a small but reassuring presence in the midst of all the chaos.

The professor, still shaken by the events, decided that it would be best for everyone to stay inside the lecture hall until help arrived. He barricaded the doors and windows, using whatever materials he could find to secure the room.

Aeon, grateful for the sense of safety, settled in for what he hoped would be a short wait. But as the hours ticked by, he knew that he had to conserve his resources. He had a small stash of snacks - one apple, two Snickers chocolates, and one Peanut Butter Snack (Peanut Ruffs) - and he didn't want to share it with anyone.

He decided to eat all of his snacks in the first three hours, avoiding the temptation to ration them out over time and to avoid others forcefully taking the food from him. He also ate his apple and chocolates in one sitting, making sure that he had no more food left except for the Peanut snacks (chips). but as the waiting time extended, Instead, he savored each bite, taking small pieces of his chips Peanut Ruffs to make it last longer. 

As he ate, Aeon noticed a few people around him eyeing him hungrily. as he expected, like in movies, He knew that he had to be cruel if he wanted to conserve his energy, but he also had a kind heart and was shy and wanted to avoid conflict. He decided to share his remaining snacks with the students around him, hoping to build some good relationships that might save his life later.

As the hours dragged on, Aeon's water bottle became a precious resource. He rationed it out carefully, drinking just enough to quench his thirst and saving at least half for later. He knew that water was essential for survival, and he didn't want to waste it nor share it with anyone else.

tick tock -tick tock>>>>>>>>>

As the waiting time grew longer, and hours passed, it became evident from checking the time on the smartphone that it was almost 6:00 PM. The sun began to set outside, and finally the professor finally relented. "We've been here for hours," he said wearily. "I think it's time we go outside and see if we can get some help."

Aeon stood up along with others, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. As he was bored of waiting and wanted to explore whatever lay ahead and go back home safely.

As they filed out into the hallway, Aeon was hit with a wave of stench. The air was thick with blood and rotting smells, and he could feel his stomach churning with nausea.

"What's going on?" one of the students whispered, her voice trembling.

But before anyone could answer, they saw it. A few figures lay on the ground, their bodies twisted and contorted in a grotesque pose.

The scene was gruesome and chilling. The lifeless bodies lay strewn across the ground, their limbs severed and scattered. Pools of crimson blood pooled around them, staining the earth. Time had passed, but the horror of the massacre lingered, casting a shadow over the desolate landscape.

Aeon felt his heart racing as he took in the scene. What was going on? Where was everyone? and WHO or WHAT DID THIS MASSACRE?

The group fell silent, frozen in shock and horror. Then, one by one, they started to scream and most of them puked on the ground and felt dizzy like they were going to faint.

Aeon felt like he was going to pass out after seeing blood spilling out. He had seen some terrible things in his life, but nothing could have prepared him for this.

As they stumbled backward from the horror in front of them, Aeon's eyes scanned the scene wildly, trying to process what they had just seen.

He is greatly weakened and dizzy due seeing fresh red blood like fountain.

Aeon stumbled back and bumped onto a student "oh, sorry, I just feel dizzy if I see fresh red blood"

"Yeah, I am the same just don't look at it" the student answered.