
Warrior Academy

-A few days later

-Unknown Location

I didn't meet Goetia again. The system is still the same, I don't know how to use the soul.

Day after the incident I was airlifted to a secret military school called Warrior Academy. I still haven't been selected into Academy. They sacked me with the rest of the students into this dark room. We all could barely see each other.

"Take out the card from your pockets.", said a mechanical voice coming from an unknown source.

We all checked out pocket and take out a smartphone-like card. We didn't have it when we came here, the military must put in our pockets when we came here.

"This card on your wrist is your lifeline. It will

identify you as a student at this military base.

It will allow you to access certain areas, pay

for food and all sorts. It is your lifeline at this

academy. That isn't the only thing that it will

display though. When not in use the card will display a single number and that number is your power level."

When abilities were first introduced to the human race, people quickly learned that some were far more powerful than others. With this came the introduction of the power level system, they grade people according to their power level from 1 to 9. It was created by a mysterious group called the Last order. There were two ways for people to obtain abilities. When the war started with the Alein Race, people started to share their powers with the outside world. They wrote down how to use prana to create magic in books called mystic codes.

These mystic codes went on for sale to the public and the military kept some of the stronger ones to themselves. Generally, mystic codes are rare. While giant corporations and the military kept the higher ones to themselves.


We used our cards as a source of light and found the exit. I followed as other as they opened the door and went to the other side.

Bright light stung me. I looked around to see giant tanks and a Helicarrier floating above us. In front of us is a man in his late sixties, by looks he certainly belongs to the military.

The man: "Follow me, soon your test will begin."

We were sent into in larger chamber which contained smaller glass chambers, strange machines and people wearing lad coats.

We all were ordered to step inside the glass chambers; one person each. Electrodes were stuck to our body. I looked at others through the glass, they looked quite nervous as I am.


My body vibrated as I felt electricity running through my body. The people in the lab coats didn't bother to look at us, they just started at the large monitor on the wall.

I dropped on my knees from the stimulation and then it stopped. The workers looked at the screen with shock then turned around to look at me.

"Call the administrator.", said one the worker. Few workers entered my chamber and helped to stand as my body became limp.

pov end


Blake with rest of the student was taken to an assembly hall; as soon as they recovered from the shock. A bearded man stood on the stage with a mike in his hand and announced the results.

"Jeff failed."

"Est failed."

"Jess, you would be transferred to Area-72."


Bake's ear perked as the man announced his result.

"You are coming with after the assembly."

'What?! Why?! Did the system got discovered?!', Thought Blake. In this tight security, he couldn't escape. He started sweating with fear.


-The man's Office-

Blake tried to contain his fear as the man looked at the computer screen. With a stoic expression, he looked at Blake and started speaking, "Never thought that we will find a talent like you in this sub-standard place. Congratulations, you have been placed into one of the most prestigious military academies. The Warrior Academy."

Blake sighed, his secret didn't get revealed after all.

The man: "Do you how lucky you are, boy?"

Blake: "No, sir."

The man: "Schools like Warrior Academy are far better than normal military school. First of all, it's the resources. They provide students with body nourishing pills and mana elixirs when they are about to reach rank 1 for free."

Blake: "For....free!"

The man: "Yes. You can also compete for remaining resources which are excluded from the subsidies by completing tasks given by the military."

Blake was having a hard time remaining calm. It was like heavens door had opened for him.

The man: "Then the third..."

Blake: "There are more benefits."

Then man: "Powerful teaching resources. You must be rank 3 to become a teacher, rank 4 to become a teaching advisor. Those who are above rank 5 can become school leaders. Rank 4 is minimum requirements but there are rank 5 and rank 6 advisors as well."

Blake couldn't contain his shock. High-level mystics are like living nukes. He had only heard about them.

The man: "Pack your important objects and report on Monday at 0600."