
My Demonic Fantasy

'A soul and a spirit in a body of a human. Her life leads to a totally different path where she meets the heavenly realm and the Demonic realm.' "What do you think is she going to choose?" 'Love might be a joke but He will love her with his life, but will he change or will he be the same,' "Two royalties, where there is only hatred. Who will save her from this mess?"

Stephanie_Rasanya_1576 · Fantasy
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193 Chs


I was left all alone in the dark void, no one was around me. I have no one on my side now, how am I supposed to face all of this alone. I am not strong as they think I am but there is this one thing I am comfortable with. 

Crying until my heart is soothed. 

Tears didn't stop, sorrow had eaten me up together with them. I sat on the dark void, getting my feet closer to me. I hid my face and cried thinking about everything that happened to me since I was small. 

Even though I didn't know that I was destined to suffer. 

When I opened up my eyes, I was still all alone in the void, there was only one thing that I wished for, it is for someone to be with me right now, but no one was there but someone's footprint kept coming closer, I didn't even want to rais my head up and see who it was.