

After steeling his resolve, Jayce opened his status menu to claim his quest rewards.

[Name: Jayce Price]

[Race: Demon]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 17]

[Level: 7]

[Experience: 0/3,070]

[Demon Synchronization: 1.83%]



[HP: 230/230 (360/360)]

[Mana: 0/0]

[Stamina: 220/240 (320/340)]

[Vitality: 18+(18)]

[Endurance: 19+(15)]

[Strength: 18+(20)]

[Dexterity: 15+(10)]

[Agility: 18+(10)]

[Intelligence: 16+(10)]

[Charisma: 12]

[Avalible Stat Points: 16]



[Demonic Eye of Truth]

[Life Absorbtion]

[Beginner Elementalist (Passive)]

[Combat Clairvoyance (Passive)]


Seeing his current stats, Jayce finally understood why fighting Isaac was much easier than he thought it would be.

Most of his stats were almost doubled giving him a huge boost in combat capability,

Remembering that the system said that his Demonic Synchronization increases for every stat slot with ten points.

Seeing that each stat does have a temporary ten points, aside from the bonuses from the gauntlet, Jayce concluded that every 1% gives him +10 to all stats, not including the Charisma stat.

'Does that mean if I hit 100%, I'll get a 1000 bonus stat points bonus?'

Jayce couldn't even begin to comprehend how strong he would be if was able to use Demon Synchronization to its fullest.

'Thinking about it, Demon Synchronization is too much of a mouth full. I think Syncro would be a lot easier to say.' Jayce said internally.

[Request Acknowledged]

[Changing {Demon Synchronization} to {Synchro}]


Ignoring the system's response, Jayce clicked on the Inventory skill making a description appear underneath the skill.


[Allows the Host to store objects within his pocket dimension. The objects can not contain a soul, but anything else may go inside. To store items, hold the said item, and imagine the item entering your own space. To pull an object out, think about the object you want and imagine it appearing in your hands.]

After reading the skill, Jayce thought that extremely similar to the storage rings but with better benefits.

The first was that he didn't need to have mana to use it which was perfect for the situation at hand.

The second was that he didn't need to have a ring on, this gave him freedom and the element of surprise since others wouldn't suspect it.

Obtaining the new skill, a new menu opened up with the name Inventory. Clicking on it, a 5x5 row of squares expanded from the menu.

Picking up one of the potions, Jayce imagined the potion entering a small room.

The potion disintegrated into pixels until it was no longer in his hand. Imagining the vial from the small room in his hand, Jayce watched pixels gather in his hand and from the vial.

'It's just like a game.' Jayce thought.

Understanding how to use it, Jayce started storing all of Isaac's equipment, potions, and the bag of gold coins.

Checking the Inventory menu again, some of the squares were occupied by the items he stored. Confirming that it showed what items he had in his inventory, he searched Isaac and his belongings for the cube that transported him here in the first place.

Finding it in one of the cloak pockets, Jayce pulled it out as a problem came up.

'I don't have any mana to activate it!'

Without activating the artifact, he wouldn't be able to get back to the Academy. Jayce spent the next fifteen minutes trying different ways to make the cube work but all of the attempts failed.

Giving up, Jayce threw the cube on the floor and lay down. Jayce wanted to clear his head. Calming down, an idea came to his mind to operate the cube.

Jayce face-palmed himself for not thinking about it earlier.

Getting off the ground, Jayce picked the cube up once more.

'System, can you activate the artifact?'

[Request Acknowledged]

[Activating the artifact with the mana signature of {Isaac Luptons}]

The cube began to light up and expand, consuming Jayce and leaving Isaac's body behind. Opening his eyes, Jayce was back at the arena from before.

Most of the crowd had left due to both of the fighters disappearing, there were only a few people left including some students, the two giants, and Mr. Norris.

"The winner of this duel is Jayce Price!" Mr. Norris announced.

The mark that was on Jayce's chest faded away with the announcement.

The students who decided to stay gasped at what they heard, they couldn't believe that Isaac had lost.

The two giants that were always by Isaac's side started to sweat buckets as they ran out of the arena. Mr. Norris walked to the arena with a bag of gold coins which he handed over to Jayce.

"This is your reward, I just want to confirm but is Mr. Luptons dead? Mr. Norris asked.

"Yes," Jayce said with no expression as he walked out of the facility with money in hand.

No one dared to get in his way as he headed to the dormitory.


Arriving back at the dormitory, Jayce pulled out his card to open his door as he heard hurried footsteps behind him.

Turning around, a person tackled Jayce to the ground. Jayce was about to tear the person off but stopped once he realized who it was.


She refused to look up at him or say anything and Jayce didn't want to force her off, so they ended up lying in the middle of the hallway.

Luckily, Jayce lived on the upper floors where normal students weren't allowed.

A few minutes later, Yuko was still latching on to him without a word. Not wanting to lay on the floor anymore, Jayce stood up and picked up Yuko, holding her like a princess.

Yuko didn't show any form of resistance but kept her head close to his chest.

Entering his room, Jayce carried Yuko into his bedroom and set her on the bed. Leaving her on the bed, Jayce walked to the door.

"Once you calm down come out and talk," Jayce said as he closed the door.

Walking to his kitchen, Jayce made himself a sandwich as he went into the living room to watch TV.

A few hours later, Jayce heard his bedroom door open. Looking over, Jayce saw Yuko walking out with her eyes swollen.

Yuko opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by her growling stomach. Her face reddened with embarrassment as she covered her face with her hands.

"I'll make us dinner, sit down and we'll talk once you have eaten," Jayce said as he made his way back into the kitchen.


(A few hours after the duel.)

"You're saying that my son is dead!" The old man yelled as he slammed his fist against the table.

"Yes, Master." The butler replied.

The old man couldn't believe that his precious son was dead.

"Who did it!? Who killed my son!" The old man demanded.

Calmly, the butler pulled out a file and handed it to the old man.

"A student by the name of Jayce Price joined the Academy less than a week ago. He was an outsider before joining the Academy. Young Master Isaac had challenged Jayce to a duel, but only Jayce walked away." The butler said as the old man read the file.

"Bring me this kid! If I don't have him in the next few days you will be held responsible!" The old man stated as he threw the file at the butler.

The butler put his right hand over his heart and bowed. He looked up back at the old man with eyes that could kill.

"Of course, Master." The butler responded as papers fell around him.

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