
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

The demon shows himself

"Night time has begun!" The evil voice uttered.

Zach shot up out of his bed, and his eye jerked towards his teammates who groggily woke up.

"Get up, lets go lets go." Zach almost commanded them. And they woke up, just as sleepy and groggy but slightly faster.

Zach did not want a repeat of yesterday's events to happen so he needed to get out of the bed, Jim still hadn't gotten out of bed, so Zach walked over there and pulled him out. He found Jim surprisingly light and almost threw him into the wall from all the force he was exerting.

When they were all on their feet they opened the door. They looked around and saw hundreds of students all travelling left. Not wanting to stay in the dorm, and not wanting to seem odd. They followed the herd.

The hallway they were walking on gave off a scary feeling, the lights had turned red illuminating everything with a red tint. The ground of the floor gave no room for nature and was purely artificial, and the walls really showed them that they were closed in.

The crowd took left's and right, and The band of idiots didn't quite know what was happening. Then the herd started travelling down the stairs, they found themselves in a large coliseum looking room. With a large circle in the middle, and a large man standing there.

After everyone had taken their seats, the large man shouted. "Hello, my audience," and the audience started cheering loudly. Zach looked around, he didn't quite know what was happening.

"Today we have a show in store for you, a fight between two of the strongest students in the school."

Two people then entered the circle from different ends. "They had a small squabble, we might say." He pointed at one of the students, "He kissed Adams girlfriend, and Adam is rightfully furious.

"Under day time you had your chance to place a bet, and seemingly everyone here favours Adam." The crowd broke into a cheer once again. "Enough talking, let's get the show started.

The large man left the circle and Adam, and the other person was left inside. A large bell rang and the fight had begun… Adam was victorious. And then, after that fight. Multiple other fights with weaker students happened.

Then the evil voice went, "Nighttime is over, return to your dorms." And they walked back to there dorms and fell asleep.

When Zach awoke he heard a familiar voice.

"Quest gained!"

"Do 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 jumps - 2 stat points, hidden reward"

The other two people in his room were asleep, but Zach couldn't care less. He elbowed Jim in the stomach, making him wake up with a wheeze. And he was pissed. They wrestled for a bit, and the commotion woke Marvin up.

After the commotion had settled they decided to cool down. And they began doing their morning ritual, and when they were finished they were completely sweaty. Zach than heard this satisfying message.

"Quest completed! - Reward given"

And when he was about to open his stats page, another message popped up.

"Hidden reward given!" And then he heard a voice. a light voice, but that put the evil voice from before to complete shame. Something about it was incredibly discomforting.

"Finally, Finally, Finally you filthy human gained enough strength to support me! I had to spend my last energy on getting you to actually use the system. You are a complete joke, in my hay days I'd torture idiots like you just for the fun of it."

"Don't get me started on your incredible stupidity. Did you think just everyone had this system, I can't believe you treated it so casually. You have a fucking demon inside of you, do you not care about that you absolute ape, you worm!"

"Where are you!" Zach said as his eyes jerked around the entire room shocked.

"Inside of your head dumbass. Holy shit," he heard the demon take a deep breath inside of him, "Listen closely dumbass. I am a demon, I live inside of you. You got me when you were 7, and ever since then, I've been with you. I've been completely powerless, up úntill NOW!"

"The system, or the stats and status as you know it is something suited for you to gain my powers. I was once a great demon, spawn of Lucifer, brother to the demon of sex. He was my little brother. They called me the demon of pride."

"Now listen here dumbass. You are going to have to get stronger, and quickly at that. And here's why, there are other demons, demons I tortured in my hay day which will kill you the second they sense me. Kill is a nice word, they are going to torture you first."

"There are also angels and other holy creatures who are sent down to exterminate demons. Dumbass, are you listening? I doubt that you have less than a year before you get into an encounter with one of the."

"So we, yes we. As much as I hate to admit it, you and I are together now, you puny disgusting skinny and hairless ape. We are going to have to get strong and fast."

Zach was shocked, there was too much information to process. "Demon, inside of me, holy creatures." And then the voice inside of him went.

"I can hear your thoughts, and yes you absolute dumbass. There is a demon inside of you. The demon of pride actua…" The voice cut out. Zach was left amazed, simply staring at space.

Jim and Marvin had gotten used to Zach acting strange every now and then. And, that's when the speaker sounded again.

"The Great Green Empire has decided to change the school system in a major way. You are all to be seen at the auditorium in 5 minutes. "

"Quest gained!"

"Prideful demons acts.


You have two minutes. Time starts now.

Reward: 2 free points"