
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Sketchy Mike

Under a pile of garbage, there was a shop, or rather an exchange building. Where you could exchange items of value for other items of value. The owner of this shop was Sketchy Mike and he had two of the strongest people in the area outside his shop. They both had the dirt ability.

Which made them incredibly strong, because weapons had simply stopped working. That is modern weapons: bows and swords and shields and such were the only weapons still functional. Nobody really knew why, except one person.

The God of Mischief smiles again.

The band of idiots enter the exchange store, which was empty. Except for one person, over the counter stood a short bald man with greedy eyes and a hairy nose.

"Yo," Zach said.

"Yo, how come you are here?" He answered without a care in the word for civility.

"We want a pass to platform one."

"Okay 200 coins worth, no bargaining allowed.

Zach's jaw hit the floor. 200 coins was more than they had ever heard, that was almost like being rich, almost enough to buy a loaf of bread.


"No buts. Or my guards gon shut you up"

It was rare that Sketchy Mike didn't want to hassle, but he had gotten this request too often. He needed the money to bribe the guards, and then he needed the money to make it worthwhile for himself.

Zach walked out of the store defeated, followed by his friends. They had to gather 200 coins worth of items, and that was almost impossible. They began walking back to their base, where they found the seeming root of all their problems.

"Time to go hunting, again"

"Say yay," another voice went, with a dark and demeaning voice.

It was the teenagers which had bothered them when they were younger, and were still bothering them. Marvin felt really annoyed about this and exclaimed.

"Why should we huh? We don't get anyting of it after all." He exclaimed with passion and Zach gulped quitely reminding himself to cut his friends tongue when he got the chance.

Without saying anything, the leader of the gang, Jake, sucker punched him right in the stomach. Which made Marvin fall into a ball. Somehow, Jake had gotten his hands on a level one speed ability, which made him one of the strongest people in the area.

The rest of the gang surrounded marvin and began kicking him, in the nuts, in the nose, everywhere. Marvin released groans of pain. Jim and Zach knew better than to help him, they cursed at the teenagers in their mind, but knew that if they stepped up they'd get beaten.

Then they grabbed Marvin and began carrying him to the brown lake. Before doing so they ordered Jim and Marvin to fetch something nice by the time they'd be back or they would be next.

Zach shouted when they were gone, "fucking pathetic rats. Fucking... a rats shit is more valuable than their fucking pathetic disgusting ape faces," Jim, being the nice guy, tried to calm Zach down. But that didn't help, "I'm gonna make them pay, some-fucking-how.

But for now, they were off to the yellow lake to fetch something nice. All whilst Zach was thinking out a plan to get revenge. They took their regular spots, and greeted the regulars. Then they began hunting.

They had fetched an earring and a broken phone. On their way back to the hill, Zach muttured "Stats." The same window appeared, and he entered his stats.



Race: Human

Level: 0

Xp to next level 0/100

Power level: 10

Strength: 6

Agility : 4

Intelligence: 2

Endurance: 10

Mind: 12

Free points. 2


Once again, he knew how to use the system and decided to put in points into his strength.



Race: Human

Level: 0

Xp to next level 0/100

Power level: 10

Strength: 8

Agility : 4

Intelligence: 2

Endurance: 10

Mind: 12

Free points. 0


His body suddenly felt lighter. As if though he had gone down in weight.

On their way back they stumbled upon The dirties. It was a gang of teenagers. They were five, and they were always covered in mud. Making them completely dirty, hence the name. Jim had called himself a poetic genius upon coming up with that name.

"Yo, you have anything valuable"


"run them down boys"

Two boys with hands too rough, began groping at their entire bodies. They had learned how to hide objects long ago though, put them in between your butcheeks. Easy as that.

But as Zach was being groped by one of the teenagers, he had a breakthrough. What if, he turned The dirties against The teenagers. That could work, but how? And then, he had his master plan. He would frame the teeangers as taking from the dirties and therefore breaking the dirty peace.

Then they continued to walk back to their base, all whilst Zach whispered his plans to Jim. And, Jim called him a complete idiot but Zach knew he would join in on it. They eventually reached their hill, and found the teenagers there already waiting for him.

Zach gave them what they had found and they soon left the base. Zach fell down on the trash, and soon Jim did so as well. A few minutes after this, Marvin came back. He had rubbed himself off all the shit and soon fell beside Zach and fell asleep.

Six hours later and they woke up. Zach woke up a bit before the other two and was looking through his system. Strangely, he felt compelled to keep silent about the system. But as he looked through the system he saw that he had regained his quest.

"Do 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 jumps - 2 stat points, hidden reward"

I wonder who's... I mean what's the hidden reward.

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