
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
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29 Chs


An unwavering itch in his throat that kept pushing to come out. A tiny giggle escaped, and slowly it grew into loud laughter. He laughed, and laughed, and laughed until his chest hurt and his mouth dried.

He kicked his feet in different directions, swinging them upwards, and stomping them down on his golden desk. He leaned into his black chair and looked up towards the neverending sky. This would be it. His greatest creation yet, better than when he made Stalin a leader, and better than when he made Trump a leader.

The day would become known as the blessing, and its bizarreness came to shock humans for millennia. Humans had changed, not in the same way, but changed nonetheless. They had gained abilities. Strange things, whether to control fire, turn skin to steel, become incredibly fast and many, many, more things.

A complete societal outbreak. Those who had been held down their entire lives gained a new chance at life and took it. Logic broke, leaders fell and new ones arose, order evaporated and chaos was all that was left.

A shocking discovery made them all freeze; the next generation was abiltyless. A complete outrage, a worldwide panic, a worried father named Jim stressing that his child Marvin would be helpless. Until a new discovery flashed through humanity.

It had been a masochist cult leader who discovered how. He had cut a large gash into his hand, done the same with his children and shook their hands. The next second they all had the same ability. "Thank you, unnamed cult member!" Jim the father cried out.

A new order rose, peace was a fruit outside of reach. Then Zarks came. Humanoid creatures with a mind-shattering amount of strength. Some of them could lift mountains. They had leathery black skin, their eyes illuminated a ghostly white derived from any pupil.

The fruit which had been so close disappeared from sight. Humanity had banded together, but humanity was no longer all. A war which would last for centuries had started.

Throughout the war, multiple heroes would arise, such as "DonaldtheAlienlsayer33" and "xXkingXx" who single-handedly would take down enemy warships. The war effort was everything.

Soon both sides would suffer heavy casualties with no real benefits on either side. A peace act broke out, a weak and fading peace, but nonetheless, peace! However, the impacts of the war were still there.

All countries had banded together into four different nations, Green, Red, Yellow, and Blue. And of course, there was Sweden. Who no matter how much pressure, would not join any empire. Sweden became known as White, and White was a neutral zone. A zone where the black market ruled, deals happened, and the scum was sent.

Democracy was no more, any sophisticated ideology vanished into thin air. And the domineering ideology of "might is right" became all. For strength was not only important, but it was also critical. It defines your value as a human.

The white zone became an incredibly popular place, and couldn't fit all those who travelled there. But another hero had arisen, Adrian the Great Builder decided to build multiple large platforms above each other. They were given a different number based on their height, from 0-99 where 99 was the highest.

99 was also the richest spot, the place for the mighty and strong. Whilst 0 was the complete opposite, it was the space for vilest, weakest, dirties, and poorest people. And that's also where our story starts.

His name was Zach, not a single spot of his skin was not filled with dirt. He hadn't showered his entire life, and he smelled. Smelled so bad that rats would avoid him, rats that resorted to eating shit for their survival. The people that surrounded themselves with him, were other children. For he was seven years old.

Around him was the vilest of trash. Teenagers, he was surrounded by teenagers, greedy hungry teenagers. Teenagers that had flies pressing their minuscule shit out of their minuscule assholes into their eyes, with no reaction. There was three of them standing in front of seven year old Zach. They wanted him to go to the yellow waterfall and hunt for treasure.

The yellow waterfall was a breath hole, a part of the large structure where there was a platform. If you stood in the middle of it, you could see all the way up to 99 and all the way down to 0. Teenagers loved to go there and piss. Multiple litres of piss fell from that spot every minute of every day.

And, people also threw trash down there. Which made it a popular spot for the poorest to hunt for valuables. Because one man's trash is another man's treasure.

"Now listen here, punko, you are gonna go there and fetch us something nice, you get me?"

"Aight, listen-o here-o no plez"

"Fuck you, and fuck your no"

"Do this or I'll send you to the brown hole"

The brown hole was precisely as it sounded, and was the last spot Zach wanted to go.

At the spot there was a lake of honey-yellow piss, it let out a stench so vile it would make you puke. But Zach didn't because Zach smelled worse.

At the sea of piss, there were multiple platforms of trash which Zach could jump in between. They were slimy from all the piss around them, on top of that the piss let out steam which made Zach's eyes sting and water.

Zach felt drops of sweat, or piss, slither down from his forehead. He eventually got to a pile of trash in the middle of the sea of piss. And there, he started to stare up, whilst trying to avoid the drips of piss coming his way.

He heard a roar and then saw something which glittered fall down into the trash pile beside him. There was another poor standing on a pile of trash beside him and they began their rush for the treasure.

That's that.

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