
Nareonosis or Nelix for short

Sammy blushed more and crawled into another corner while you weren't looking. "Th-that wasn't it...b-but if your going to stay with me c-could you at least tell me your name? I-i don't want to just call you the scary demon..." He looked away hoping you wouldn't be mean or rude about him calling you scary.

"Since you mortals find it so hard to pronounce my name; call me Nelix. Short for my true name; Nareonosis." He said with a toothy grin then winked at him with a laugh and his arms crossed over his chest.

He crawled over to you and sat at your feet a little less scared. "W-well Nelix w-what exactly are you g-going to do to me?" Sammy looked up at him shyly.

Nelix looked down at him with his toothy grin. He said kneeled down and held his face by his chin. "You'll find out sooner or later. In the mean time, now that I'm here and I'm gonna make your life hell— I'm giving you rules." He said with a chilling tone and this evil smile. His eyes looked right at him.

Sammy blushed lots and pulled his knees into his chest. "If I was pet you'd be a really bad master..." He looked away shyly.

"That's not very nice of you to say. I'd watch that mouth if yours from now on." He told him as he glared. His eyes looking dark.

Sammy blushed more trying not to let his brain do the talking. "S-sorry master..." He squirmed he was trying not to look at you because the thought of you was starting to make his heart beat faster.

He smiled and let his head then gripped at his hair. "Good boy~ See, I knew you could listen." He released him then walked off to another part of the house having a look around.

Sammy blushed more and fainted as you left the room he was asleep for 2 minutes and woke up and hid under the bed a little scared.

Once Nelix had a look around he came back and saw Sammy was gone. He stood there with his arms crossed and an angered face.

"Sammy~" He called clicking his younger afterwards.

Sammy crawled out from under the bed and sat at your feet looking up at you shyly. "Y-you don't have to call me like a dog i-isn't that a little too d-digrading?"

"Then don't hide like one." He said bluntly. He looked down at him and tilted his head. "Where's your room?"

Sammy blushed. "w-we're in my room..." It was full of plushies and retro band posters a guitar in the corner and a wardrobe at the far end of his room.

Nelix looked around a bit. He went to the guitar and pocket it up, looking at it. He put it down and then looked around in the wardrobe.

Sammy blushed more. "n-no don't look in there!" He scrambled to his feet and stood in front of the wardrobe blushing lots.

"Oh?~ And Why not, hm?" He asked even more tempted to look inside. He hovered over him a little.

Sammy blushed lots and fell into his closet and he blushed since it was full of knee socks, booty shorts, cute sweaters, pink stuff and a few outfits that could give you a boner just with the thought of them on his cute little body. "Oops..."

Nelix rose and eyebrow. He moved Sammy aside as he looked at all the outfit choices. He smiled with a chuckle. "Why were you hiding this, hm?~" He purred out as he faced Sammy holding a little outfit in his hand.

He blushed lots and looked away. "It's not like you'll let me wear any of it anyways..." He squirmed.

"You wanna say that again?" He asked looking down at him. "The two outfits I'm allowing you to wear is your birthday suit and whatever is in this closet."

He smiled and blushed lots. "I-I can wear anything in here?" He smiled more looking into his closet happily.

Nelix looked down at him, petting his head. He lifted him up a little to where Sammy's hands were on his legs. He lifted the others head, turning it like he was looking at his neck.