
My Dearest wife... Make a Choice¡!

In her past life~ She was brought up by an ancient, heavenly deity- who once ruled all the realms, being the epitome of fear in one’s heart.
 Growing up~ She turned out to be an evil queen with a notorious reputation in all the said realms. 

 “Hmm? Why was I not aware of the existence of such magnificent artwork?” She questioned her commander, while grazing the cheekbones of the God-like entity, whose mere presence made the remaining army of hers unable to approach anywhere near him, while his gaze was fixated on her,….. whereas her eyes were full of marvel and She- was totally captivated by him.


 He was the emperor of the world. A bloodthirsty tyrant who doesn’t know the meaning of forgiveness. 

 He was worshiped by the poor, praised by the rich, and feared by his enemies. A leader, and a supreme ruler was what he was!

But a fateful encounter with a wounded woman, turned his world upside-down.

 At what cost? The world he built and protected with all his might, crumbled and turned into ashes in front of his eyes, his people betrayed him, he lost his only son, and most importantly he lost his pride.

 When all was lost, and he was wallowed in an endless darkness of despair~ He found out about his real identity.

 “Sleep” came an emotionless voice, turning him immobile and collapsing on the bloody grounds he stood on! 

“-till the time comes.......-husband ~” said the person, gently wiping the blood off of his carefully-sculpted-looking face.



In the modern era~

 All she wanted was a Mom…..So, she turned herself into a mother.

 Whenever she got hurt, She was in need of a Dad-who’d protect her…..So, she created a conscience as her Dad.

 She is the happiest person in the world! That’s how she looks to others, unless one gets to know her.

 She is a superior being who knows herself well, always conscious of her personalities she created……until one day, when her hidden conscience she calls her Dad-took over her, to subdue a being with golden eyes who called her “Wife~”

 What bewildered her the most was, ‘ The wife calling being ‘ happened to be the world-renowned superstar, whom she got acquainted with a few days ago in her office.

 While she was trying to calm her mind with the unprecedented turn of events, by busying her mind with the “task” she was given… She somehow became the wife of the insanely handsome/cold-looking/ prodigal/world-renowned Businessman /Ruler of underworld aka Cold-blooded King/ who also happened to be the head to one of the two ancient royal families- ruling the world, from the shadows, from a long time ago.

 Unwilling to accept his terms then, she ran away from the place during the day…..only to be trapped by night.

Her: “You! What do you think of me?huh?!?” She yelled at him furiously, unable to contain her anger any longer, seeing him in her bedroom. Him: *Silence

 After a while, “ …..-My wife.” He replied, shutting her mouth with his.

AsPr · Urban
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257 Chs

Chapter 10: Salty!

MC's Situation:


At Home, Morning 11:00

Weather: Still Raining

MC's Mood: Gloomy


'Ahhh.. from now on, whenever it rains,  I will never have the same usual happy feeling in my life ....' She thought, standing outside her house, like a stranger.

'Today might be my last day on this Earth! *sniff* I'll miss standing on you Mother Earth!' She thought, with a sniffle.

Just when she was doodling on the road with imaginary lines, her mother came out looking at her like a Death Reaper ready to take her soul away!.

"What are you doing out there in the rain? And what's with that Unlady-like posture?" scolded her Mother.

"I was plaaaying….."she whined.

"You said you're not feeling well, and took a leave, to play outside in the RAIN?" shouted her mother.

Flinching, she got up from her "Unlady" like position and walked into her house, closely followed by her mother.

After entering the middle of hallway, she turned towards her mother and opened her mouth saying,

"I'm completely drenched from the rain on the way to my office building,

I looked completely inappropriate with my dress sticking to me, and I am not in a mood to work...…" she said, stopping the conversation in the middle.

" I've lost my Bracelet!" she said out of nowhere.

Her Mother Just gave a serious look and asked her, "Where?".

"On the steps to the entrance of the office, I believe it got struck, to someone's Shirt! I have already complained to the Security about that pe-…..I've given the person's description. There are 85% chances of finding it." She said in a detailed view. So, her mother wouldn't make a scene out of it.

"Are you Sure?" asked her mother.

"The Security in my office is extremely good, and I also mentioned to them that it was pretty expensive!" she said in a calm and composed manner.

"Ok! Don't tell your Father for now. He'll kill you, if he knows that you've lost the bracelet!" said her mother in a composed tone.

"Hm!" She said and resumed towards her bedroom.

While going upstairs, 'That went quite well!' she thought.

Entering her bedroom and closing the door behind. Locking it, she grabbed a towel nearby and a few 'At-home clothes' and rushed to the Bathroom, hanging them all on the clothes holder.

She turned away from it and turned the shower releasing hot water and stood below it, rubbing her body so hard that she got bruises and her skin got scalded from the hot water.

She thoroughly rinsed her mouth with the hot water, rubbed her lips so roughly that she started bleeding.


There was a small sound in the shower and her eyes started stinging, she turned off the shower and squeezed her eyes shut tightly to let out unnecessary water.

After a few seconds, there were still some streams of water flow coming from her eyes. flowing towards her lips. It tasted salty.

She hardly pressed her eyes with her hands, stopping the outflow of the source of the water droplets.

'Now...I am crying huh?!?' she thought, giving a laugh.

"This is pathetic!" she said, to nobody.

"Ahhhhh…..I really don't feel like going to the office tomorrow!" she whined, drying her hair with the towel while getting slipped into a bathrobe.

Her wet clothes were kicked off to the corner and stomped angrily by a certain grumpy owner.

Changing into her 'At-home clothes', she came fresh out of the Bathroom.

She has a fresh look, that made her look like an innocent child, with her big wide eyes, small mouth, and rosy cheeks(which is a result of her hard rubbing).

Aja would definitely relate her with the photo he received with the look she has now.

(A/N: Wouldn't that make him a Pedophile, then?)

With a clouded look in her eyes, she took slow and faltered steps, and suddenly fell on her bed face first, and grabbed the pillow from near her.

'I'm having a headache now... Not surprising though!' she thought.

A few hours later~

Her mother came upstairs and knocked on her door twice.

When there was no response, she banged the door hard shouting, "Open the door, you Brat!"

Irritated with the annoyingly loud noise, she jumped out from the bed and opened the door with a bang and yelled at her mother, "Your voice is making my headache go worse!!....   .  .  ….." and she suddenly fell on her mother's bosom, zoning out.

Her mother quickly checked her temperature. 

Her body was really hot to the touch.

Using some strength, she placed her dear daughter on the bed, covering her warmly with the bedsheets, while removing the towel that was wrapped around her head.

"She really is a kid! I don't know what to do with you?!?...." she said softly to the now sleeping daughter of hers, and giving a light flick on her forehead. To which, she grumbled something incoherent and moved away from her mother's hand.

Giving a slight smile, and moving her fringe away from her eyes, she said in a very small voice, " You are much more precious than any Diamond out there!" and left her room giving a slight kiss on top of her head.

The person who was unconscious on the bed, has a fond smile on her face, and snuggled deeper into the sheets.

She naturally took leave for the next 2 days.

When asked by her teammate about her absence on the first day, she replied with a single text 'Fever', and dozed off to sleep again.

After 2 days of sleep and being fed by her mother, changing the coolpad by her father at nights, and making her drink some liquids(juices) by her elder brother. She was back to normal again, and started crying to her mother saying, " I...doooon't...waaant to.....gooo to…..the office...."

"Get off! Do you think money will come to you without doing any work and lazing around? I still don't understand how you got the job in such a reputable company!" said her mother, pushing her off.

"Ha-Ha! That's 'coz I am a Genius!" she boasted posing like a smart one, making an L-shape with her fingers framing her face.

"Genius,... my foot!" growled her mother, with a vein popped on her head.

" You have to wake up early tomorrow! Now, don't make any excuses and go to bed!" her mother shrugged her off.

"Che, Bad Mamma!" she pouted and ran off to her bedroom, making a face and sticking out her tongue on the way.

"Let her take a leave" said her father from the side.

"She'll eat my brain the whole day if she stays at home!" waved off her mother leaving no further arguments for discussion.

'That's True.' Thought her father.

"That's true." Said her brother, voicing his father's thoughts out loud and sighing, "She'll disturb me non-stop on my day-off, clinging to me like a Koala bear!"

"See?"said her mother, making a point.

"You people are sooo meaaan to meeee!!" she shouted from upstairs.

"SNAKE EARS!" said everyone in unison.

And she dozed off to sleep after reading some comics., Completely unaware of the storm awaiting her for the next day.