
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

Then I finally grew the balls and I asked you out.


"So you said no to Dean?" Daniel, Dean's best friend, says leaning on the locker next to mine.

"I didn't say no," I defend.

"But you didn't say yes, and that makes me like you a hell of a lot more," he laughs.


"Yeah," he responds. "We sould hang out today, I need to get to know the girl my best friend is falling in love with".

"Dean is not falling in love with me," I scoff.

"Yes he is," Daniel says like its nothing. "So what do you say? Are we hanging out tonight?"

"Sure," I laugh.

"Ok, so, I'll swing by your house after school?" he asks.

"Yeah," I laugh.

"Ok see ya then," he says before running down the hallway.

"Yeah," I whisper to my self with a small chuckle.

Just like any other day Dean drops me off at home after school but today, about ten minutes after he leaves, Daniel shows up. "Hello Daniel," I say after openign the door.

"Hello Abby," he greets.

"Wow I am suprised you got my name right, since Dean litrally never has," I laugh.

"Well unlike him I am polite," he says as I step aside to let him in.

"So Daniel, waht are we doing today?"

"I was thinking we could go get coffee or something," he suggests.

"I like coffee," I smile.

"I know. Dean never shuts up about you," he says causing a blush to creep up my cheeks.

"Lets go," I say changing the subject.

"Ok," he laughs.

Daniel and I decied to walk to one of two coffee shops in our town.

"So, why exactly did you want to hang out today?" I ask after we sit down with our drinks.

"Well I have to make sure the right girl for my best friend," he informs.

"Are you worried that I'm not?" I ask nervously.

"Dean seems to think you are the perfect girl for him," he starts causing me to blush deeply. "I just want to make sure he is right is all".

"Your a good friend," I smile.

"I try," he chuckles.

"So, what do you want to know? How are you going to make sure I am the 'perfect girl' for him?"

"Wow, you are taking that better then I thought you would," he kind of questions.

"This stays between you and I. I may have said no but that doesn't mean I'm not going to say yes," I smirk.

"Yeah you are the perfect girl for him," he laughs.

"Why do you say that?" I say with a small laugh.

"I can't tell you exactly, it's just a feeling," he says taking a sip of his coffee infront of him.

"So, that's it I say one thing and all the sudden I am perfect for your best friend that you have known for years?" I ask shocked.

"Sometimes even though something fits perfectly in a spot doesn't mean it belongs there," he comments.

"Damn, that is very insightful Dani," I say laughing nervously.

He smiles before getting very serious all of the sudden, "would you say that you are a good person Abby?"

"I wouldn't say I am a saint but I am also not the devil," I say somewhat vagley.

"But are you a good person?"

"Daniel, I can't honestly tell you because in one persons eye's I am an amazing person but in another I am the worst they've ever met; however, if you really want an answer from me, I would say, yes. I am a decint person".

"You're a cool chick Abby. Nothing like any of the other girls Dean has been with," Daniel chuckles.

"Yeah, how so?"

"Look, you have known Dean much longer then he has known you, so you know about his past?" he pauses, so I nod. "Which I asume is why you are making him work so hard. But you know that he has been through his fare share of girls".

"Yeah," I snort.

"All those other girls just wanted sex and popularity from him. They didn't care about him or his feelings but you, you do. I can tell that you care about him so damn much. You don't care about the popularity of being with him, you just want to be with him".

"You are right, I really don't care about the popularity actually I don't want it at all," I laugh lookign down at the drink in my hands before taking a large drink of it.

"But you care about him to much to back away?" he asks.

"Yes and no. Yes I care about him a shit ton and I don't want to hurt him but I have also attached myself to him. And I think if I did back away then I don't think I could handle it," I say softly.

"If you don't mind me asking, how? You have only been friends with him for like a month," he asks curiously.

"I have a very addictive personality, I have always grown attached to people fast and even with Dean it happened faster then usual," I say shyly.

It's quite for a minute before Daniel pleads, "please don't hurt him".

"I really don't plan on it. I want him in my life for as long as he wants to be here".

"You better invite me to the wedding," he smiles.

"We haven't even started dating yet," I laugh.

"What colour palet are you thinking?" he jokes.

"Shut up," I laugh.