
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 17

I keep thinking you re going to walk through the door after you get home from work. Or that you are going to call me during your lunch brake but you never do.


"Princess," I hear someone say.

"Hmm," I hum.

"Princess, you have to wake up. Jo is going to be here soon," the same person says.

"I don't wanna," I pout.

"I know Princess but don't you want to hang out with your best friend," he tries.

"No I want to stay in bed with my hot boyfriend all day," I smile.

"As much as I would love that. Jo is going to get mad if you cancel on her for me, plus you have been looking forward to this for the past week," Dean says.

"Yeah, but," I start but he interrupts me placing a light kiss on my lips; then my cheek and he continues down to my collar bone before stopping and looking up at me.

"Why?" I ask when he stops the small pecks.

"You can have another one when you are all ready," he bargains.

I huff and climb out of bed, saying, "fine".

"That's my girl," Dean laughs from our bed.

"I hate you," I lightly yell, as I put tooth paste on my tooth brush.

"Why?" He calls back.

"Because I was warm and comfortable. And now I am cold," I sigh before I begin to brush my teeth.

He doesn't say anything more, he just gets off the bed and walks into the bathroom, wrapping his arms around my stomach. "Are you warmer now?" He whispers.

Since my mouth was full of tooth paste I just nod and lean into him.

I spit the tooth paste out of my mouth with Dean's arms still wrapped around me. When I come back up front the sink he says, "Are you French? Because Eiffel for you."

"Ahh that one was actually kinda cute," I say turning around, wrapping my own arms around his neck and lightly kissing his lips.

He pulls away after a second, "hey, I said after you were ready".

"That sucks because I couldn't wait," I shrug.

"Well now you don't get a kiss for the rest of the day," he says.

"Yeah right," I laugh before going to get ready in the room. Dean follows me, "you won't be able to last".

"Is that a challenge?"

"Yes actually it is," I say turning from the closet to face him.

"Ok, you're on," he says sticking his hand out.

I shake it and go back to getting ready. About twenty minutes later I was ready, Dean and I head down stairs to wait for Jo to get to the house. "When's Dani coming over?" I ask as we sit on the couch.

"He is supposed to get here at 11:30 so I'm thinking 12:30," he says with a small laugh.

"Sounds like Dani," say laughing as well.

We sit there for a few more minutes before I get a text from Jo saying she is here and to quote on quote, get my ass out here. "Jo's here," I tell Dean. We stand up and walk over to the door, I slide on my white vans and face Dean, "I love you and have fun with Dani".

"I will, you have fun with Jo," he says before pecking my lips.

"Ha, I told you," I laugh pointing at him.

"Yeah shut up," he says turning me around and pushing me to the door. "I love you," he says opening the door and pushing me out of it.

"I love you too," I call walking to Jo's car.

"Good morning bestie," she basically yells when I climb into her car.

"Geez, why are you yelling?" I laugh as she pulls out of my drive way before she races down the street.

"Cause I am excited for our girls day. We haven't really hung out since you and your boyfriend got together," she sighs.

I sigh as well saying, "I know and I am sorry. I have really wanted to but with both of us having boyfriends it's been difficult".

"Yeah," she exhales happily.

"Speaking of, how is Corbyn?" I say.

Th mention of her boyfriend causes her to let out a girly giggle before saying, "he is good. Great actually".

"That's good, I am very happy for you". Jo has basically been in love with Corbyn since we met him in middle school and Corbyn has been pining over her since middle school but neither one could ever make the first move. Now though they are finally together and I am so happy about it.

"I am happy for both of us, we both have great boyfriends and we are both really happy. Although, it still shocks me that you are dating Dean West," she starts. "I mean we used to hate him and now you are in love with him, and I think he's a pretty cool guy".

"Yeah, how things have changed," I laugh.

A few minutes later, Jo pulls he car into a parking lot of the small mall in town. The parking lot is somewhat full but not all the way, there were still quite a few spots still open so we knew it wasn't to crowded.

"Do we have anything particular we need today?" Jo asks.

"I don't think so, do you have anything?"

"Nope," she says popping her 'P'.

"So we are shopping to shop," I announce softly as we walk into the mall.

"Best way to shop in my opinion," she laughs.

For the next few hours we shopped, both of us ended up buying a few things for our selves and something for our boyfriends.

Jo dropped me off at home around four, "I'm home," I call walking into the house with my bags of clothes.

"Princess, I missed you," Dean calls running down the stairs.

"Ahh I missed you too," I giggle.

"What did you buy?" he asks curiously looking down at my bags.

"Lots of stuff," I chuckle.

"Well, lets see it," he says holding out a hand. I give him a few bags before we make our way upstairs, we lay out the bags on the bed and Dean sits down. I go through each bag showing him what I got; this cute white cropped academia button up, a black pear of shorts, a cropped t-shirt that had street racer on it with an image of a 1960's car on it, and a dull green cropped button up with stipes going both up and down and side to side. "Baby you are going to look so hot in all of this," Dean complements.

"Ahh thanks babe," I blush. "I got one more thing though".

"What is it?" he asks.

"Well I know it is a little early in the relation ship but we haven't been playing by the rules since we started going out so I thought why not and bought us these," I say pulling out two identical rings, one with a chain around it one with no chain. The rings are silver and have wide bands with a line going down the middle and sides. I give Dean the one without a chain and pull the one with a chain over my head letting the ring hang down my chest.

"Princess I love it," he smiles, slipping the ring onto his index finger.

"Really?" I ask happily.

"Yeah," he says standing from the bed and pulling me into his chest. "And I love you".

"I love you more".