
My Dear Not So Dead Brother

It’s been three years since the car crash that killed her whole family. Out of no where, a man wearing the black uniform of an Hybrid Stalker appears on her front doorstep, claiming that they have no time to waste. She debates wether she should follow the strange man, or head back. When she tells the Stalker she’s not going with him, and he responds with a sentence that changes her life forever. 19 year old Elizabeth Foster has quite the gory adventure during the end of the world.

jordan_kimbell · Urban
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4 Chs

The Beginning of The End: Preview

So long ago, I was 10, my brother 15, he promised to me that he would protect me. Why he promised that, how he would keep it, I don't know. Why I would think of this an hour before my death, I also don't know. But he can't keep that promise now, at least I highly doubt he can. 'Cause with a thousand miles of toxic wasteland separating us from each other, it's practically impossible. Not that I doubt he could move a mountain if he wanted to -multiple for that matter- I just have trouble believing that any of the authorities, Stalkers, or other entities with power of such could prevent what's about to happen.