
You Must Be Accountable to Me

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Do you think you can fool me that easily? Aren't you afraid that cockroaches might crawl up your body when you're not paying attention?" Huo Weiwu couldn't believe that a clean-freak like him would enjoy living in such a dump!

"So, you do know that there are cockroaches living here." Gu Haoting released her waist and pushed her into the bedroom.

His eyes darkened.

If he had thought that her living room was a mess, he no longer felt the same after seeing her bedroom. The living room was sparklingly clean by comparison.

Gu Haoting spun around to look at Huo Weiwu, who was sprawled across the couch and gazing at him in delight.

"Indeed, I'm regretting my decision to see the pigsty that you live in," said Gu Haoting coldly.

"Pigsty? He's changing his tune now. He called me a dog before," Huo Weiwu thought.

She curled her lips into a smile, but there was no hint of laughter in her eyes. She grabbed an apple and wiped it with her hands before asking, "Do you want an apple?"

Before Gu Haoting could respond, Huo Weiwu gave him a devilish grin as she aimed the apple at Gu Haoting and flung it at him.

Her accuracy was spot-on, but Gu Haoting caught the apple easily. As he examined the apple, he frowned.

The apple looked like it had been on display for a long time. Its skin was all wrinkled and dried out.

Huo Weiwu grew frustrated at the realization that she couldn't get the better of him with that sort of stunt. Annoyed, she grabbed another apple and took a bite.

Gu Haoting's consternation grew deeper. "Is that apple even edible?"

"Are you outdated? This apple is sweeter now that its moisture has evaporated," exclaimed Huo Weiwu as she took another bite.

Gu Haoting approached her and snatched the apple from her hand. He tossed the fruit in the trash can and said in a low voice, "Huo Weiwu, it doesn't matter how you lived in the past, but now you must be accountable to me. My wife is not allowed to say such nonsense, much less eat rotten food."

He poured the entire basket of fruit into the trash can.

Huo Weiwu snickered and rested her feet on the table, crossing her arms. She said lazily, "I've lived well for the past 25 years, but why is it that I've only been put through such harrowing experiences in the past few days? I was never almost eaten by wolves or bitten by snakes until we got together. You said that your wife has to be accountable to you. Tell me, my dear Mr. Gu, are you going to be accountable to your wife as well?"

"Were you gobbled up by wolves? Were you bitten by snakes?" retorted Gu Haoting.

"Almost," replied Huo Weiwu agitatedly.

"Talk to me again once it really happens," he said harshly. He opened the refrigerator only to discover that it was filled with beer and instant food. Angrily, he slammed the door shut and glared at Huo Weiwu sternly. This time, instead of asking what she wanted, he simply gave a command. "You're no longer staying in this apartment. You're coming back with me."

"Sorry, but I'm overly attached to my bed!" Huo Weiwu said, ignoring his order.

"Then I'll bring your bed along," Gu Haoting raised his voice.

Huo Weiwu was starting to get upset. She stood up. "Gu Haoting, don't go overboard. A mansion made of gold is nothing compared to the comfort of your own straw house—have you ever heard that saying? My place may be dirty and messy, but I'm comfortable living alone here, and I like it."

"Even if that's the case, this will only last until we're married!" Gu Haoting declared. He picked up his phone and made a call. "Bring two people to Dragon Imperial City in ten minutes—I want them to clean up room 402 of apartment complex 21. Bring fresh fruits and kitchen ingredients as well."

Gu Haoting hung up and gazed at Huo Weiwu.

When Huo Weiwu heard that there were people coming to clean her apartment, she simply sat back on the couch and hugged her pillow.

"Let's set a date and get married. Do you have a problem with that?" asked Gu Haoting.

"Let's have a quiet wedding," Huo Weiwu said after pondering the idea for a moment.

Gu Haoting rested his hands on the couch behind her, positioning her within his area of control. He stared at her unsympathetically and interrogated her, "Why do you want a quiet wedding? Do I embarrass you, or do you think that you'll still get the chance to run away after marrying me?"

"I just don't want to become known as your fifth wife and suffer a mysterious death," Huo Weiwu said with a casual shrug.

Gu Haoting lowered his head and sealed her lips with a kiss.