
Chapter 6

He watched them fight the creatures he created as he sat on the nearest tree branch, just right behind them.

One with long silver hair, that naturally attracted the attention of the vile monsters, the other with messy raven black hair flowing, every time he moved. While the black haired one fought with a blade made of necrotian skillfully, the white haired one used magic; he seemed to be a strong opponent even for him, which meant he'd be entertaining to fight.

Much like the creatures he created by blood of his-self, he could see in the dark as well, borrowing their power as much as he liked, but that also had a side-effect; he couldn't get out in the sun, his skin can not ever be exposed to sunlight, or any light, but the natural one had the worst effect.

-Out of 15, there are only 2 left now... 1, & zero, he counted as the last one exploded.

Noah smirked, & stood up, but immediately after he moved the raven black haired one's head snapped back at him, meeting his gaze unknowingly.

How... how would this be possible? No way, no normal person, much less a normal human without magic would be able to... especially since he was now using his shadow magic to cover himself.

'Hah, you caught my interest now. Whoever you are...'

'What is it? Is something there?' the emperor, no. Migiel asked her, & she shook her head, as she narrowed her eyes once more, finding nothing yet again.

'I must've imagined it,' she muttered as an answer, but then something flashed into her mind.

'Wait! Then, how do we go now? Are we going to walk?' she asked, incredulous expression on her face, & he chuckled, following on to the original trail in the forest. Neither of them mentioned the coach, or the horses since they already guessed what happened, & they knew the dangers of the forest, so it was better to get out of there fast before something else decided they looked delicious.

'What? You got a problem with that?'

'No~o,' she whined, & straightened her back.

'And you're supposed to be a general,' he pointed out, the smile in his voice.

'Don't mock me! Even though I trained hard in various ways, I have never moved around this much when having so little to eat,' she complained, even though it wasn't true.

Training to martial arts, & sword-fighting wouldn't be easy, especially since she was a woman, even for a men it would need sacrifices most hard to make, & excruciating pain as a bonus.

Yuji still remembered how her master beat her to red pulp everyday; he would attack her out of nowhere, to build up her senses, & develop her quick wit. Countless days she had to guard some stone without a blink of sleep, & empty stomach, because that would improve her resistance. When it turned out she had a bad flexibility, her master bounded her ankles around by rope, & had them pulled to different sides until she sat 180 degrees in the air. She remembered when her master made her punch a tree all day long, until all her knuckles broke, but never really made her stop. Even if she wanted to, how could she ever forget that? It's just, next to him they all temporarily disappear. Maybe, it's because of what he said before-

'Aow!' she cried, as he pinched her cheek hard interrupting her thoughts.

'What was that for?!'

'Well, weren't you ignoring me on purpose?'

'What? N-no, did you say something?' she asked, turning to him for answer.

'I asked if you really were too tired, if you can't walk anymore, I can...'

'You can what?'

'I guess, I could carry you,' her face flushed, sudden energy flowing through her.

'Y-you don't need to,' she cried, & walked faster, while he stopped looking back at the trees.

"Just as I thought, someone... or maybe something is following us."