
Chapter 4

Lucia's P.O.V;

The smoke was spreading further. Luckily, her cell was the furthest away, & she knew not to breath.

It was funny; How the guards, & the other prisoners laughed at her when she first came to the dungeon, underestimating her capabilities of murder, or any other crime, but after all, they didn't know what hypolotius was.

It was all because of the cuffs; if they hadn't been made of necrotian, a metal that repelled magic, she would've escaped this hell hole long ago. Then, a sound of chains clanging reached her ears.

-Ah. So, it's not only me.

Lucia didn't think of crying for help. Not because she knew she deserved to be here, rather she wouldn't embarrass herself like that, she wouldn't be stepped on, or lick someone's shoes, but even though she thought like that, she purposely made a loud sound by hitting the ground with her cuffs, & soon, someone jumped down to the ground in front of her. Long straight raven black hair let down, smooth pale white skin that seemed translucent, thick eyebrows shaped perfectly, & eyes dark as a crow's.

-The general that came 2 days before, she recognized easily.

-Hah. No way he'd-

The key fell in her hands, before she even realized her hands were outstretched like she was begging for something, & it came to her mind; she was begging.

'If you think you're just saving some kid, don't be a fool-'

'Then, I suppose I am a fool,' he admitted, almost mockingly but it didn't feel like he was looking down on her. Instead it was like he-

'Hope I haven't judged you wrongly,' he said, & disappeared into the smoke, leaving her to uncuff herself.

It took her few minutes to unlock all the shackles that made her almost immobile. The shackle around her neck, was connected to the chains that hung from the ceiling of the cell, almost choking her, & she was unable to move her legs thanks to the manacles.

-As expected. After all,this dungeon is only for the criminals who committed the highest treason, & the fact that I tried to assassinate a foreign prince while killing 5 of the royal guards...

She smirked.

By the time she got out, the smoke had already spread so she had to hold her breath.

-I can't go out by the entrance since there's thousands of soldiers guarding the gate, but is there any other... why did the general head to the opposite direction, when the gate was the other way?

So, that's what the crashing sound was, she realized, & looked for another way out while heading into the same direction as him.

Lucia found another way out in no time thanks to the fire starting right under a hole in the roof.

The general might have done this to help her find her way out, but that... was unlikely since any other person than her would've ran away at the sight of fire, especially if it was starting in toxicated air, such as hypolotius smoke knowing they wouldn't be able to turn it off. It would be also beneficial for him to start fire, since it would wipe out any proof that someone survived, or escaped, but he didn't feel like such a person.

As now she sat on the top branch of a tree not so far away, listening to the cries of alarm, & watching the flame grow higher.

Knowing the flame would engulf more than half of the city before they manage to put it out, she stood up.

'Hah. Guess, I have a job to do, ' she sighed, & jumped down.