
My Days With You, My Alpha

Rated S for Smut The trio stayed in that position as their organs twitched and shivered inside of each other. "I'd say that we are very compatible." The beta teased. The two purred as their tongues danced. "Very compatible." The alpha smiled. "Me too." The omega pouted. The alpha peaked his lips with small kisses, "No pouting." before slipping her tongue in the omega's mouth. "There, happy?" she smirked. 'This is the beginning of my days with you.' ********** Follow the story of beta and omega twins with their alpha, as they try new things, grow closer, and deal with expectations from the world around them. Warning Sex scenes ahead

Adore_Night · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Episode 3

Groaning Nova shifted under the sheets as his body told him to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes, looking around, his mind trying to remember where he was. To his right he felt the bed shift, when he looked up his eyes met his brother's. Atlas, who had woken a few minutes earlier, decided to take advantage of his situation and was using Cherry's exposed chest as a pillow.

Nova raised his eyebrow. "Really?" he whispered.

"What?" Atlas whispered back, "She feels nice."

Rolling his eyes, he sat up. "Ah." He groaned, stretching, "My back."

"Wanna take a bath?" Atlas asked, "I found out where the bathroom is."

"Sure but can you bear to part from your new pillow?"

"Nah, you're right. Go by yourself." Atlas joked, sitting up.

The two walked over to the brown bathroom door, quietly shutting it so they didn't wake the peacefully sleeping Cherry.

Nova's eyes widened as he awed at the peach painted circular bathroom with dark brown wooden counters with light pink marble tops and golden sink pipes at each side of the bathroom. A see-through glass shower at one side and a massive, circular bathtub.

"Amazing, right?" Atlas walked over to the bathtub and turned on the hot water so that the tub could be filled. "The bathtub has hot water and it can massage you."

Nova crossed his arms, "And you know this, how? You didn't go touching things without Cherry's permission, did you?"

Atlas laughed, "You know me too well, Nov."

"You did?" Nova shouted, though because of how soft and low his voice sounds to the normal listener it sounded as if he was speaking normally.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down." Atlas turned off the pipe once the bathtub was filled. "I was going to but Cherry showed me around."

"Oh? When?"

"A bit after you dozed off. Last night really tired you out, Nov." Teased Atlas.

"Shut up." The omega blushed. "You would be tired too."

The two slipped into the tub, moaning as the warm water loosened their aching and tense muscles. "Holy shit that feels good." Mumbled Nova. "By the way, what possessed you to penetrate an alpha?"

"Lust, my dear brother." he smirked. "When the old man used to send me to the beta high school to keep up appearances, the betas there used to share comics that had those kinds of things in there."


"Yeah, book that uses images to tell stories and all of them were about having sex with Alphas."

"Why alphas?"

"Alphas are the forbidden fruit!" Atlas explained splashing his brother. "We grew up in the trade so they don't seem that way to us but to normal people alphas are this holy thing that many could never think of even laying their eyes on, especially betas."

Nova nodded as he listened to Atlas chat on and on with great excitement. 'I'm glad he seems relax.' he smiled to himself, sliding deeper into the water.

"But I never thought that she would actually like it." Confessed the gamma. "I took a great risk last night. What if she hated it then kicked me out?"

"I would make sure to pack you some warm blankets." Nova smirked causing Atlas to splash him with water once again. "You're asking for it now, Atlas!" he roared, putting his brother in a headlock.

The bathroom door opened. The two jumped up when they saw Cherry enter the bathroom. She blinked at them then sleepily walked over to the toilet. Yawning, she greeted them, "Morning."

"M-morning." The twins stuttered.

Cherry chuckled. "Did I frighten you two?"

"Ah, kinda." Atlas answered. "Did we wake you?"

She shook her head as she finished her business on the toilet then headed over to the bathtub. "I have a few things to do today so my alarm woke me up." Sitting in the tub, she grabbed the hands of her mates, making them sit down in the tub. Cherry wrapped her arms around each of the male's waists, pulling them close to her.

Nova brushed her wavy hair out of her face. "What kind of things?"

"Hm?" Cherry rested her head on Atlas' shoulder, "Just company things. Ah, but first we have to sit through breakfast with my family."

With their eyes widened the twins looked at each other. 'Breakfast with her family?' The twins thought. 'Shit!'

Cherry, oblivious to the twins' worries, began to lick Atlas' mark. Moaning, he arched his back, pressing himself against the alpha. Reponsing to the moan, her mouth moved up along his neckline until her tongue entered his mouth.

"What time is breakfast?" Asked Nova as he watched their tongues dance. He unconsciously began to caress his alpha's breast.

Slowly, Cherry removed her tongue from Atlas mouth, leaving him panting with a flushed face. "In a few minutes." She turned to the omega and began to lick him as well. From the mark, up his neckline and then into his mouth. Atlas' hand caressed her other breast as he grinded against her.

With a sigh, Cherry removed her tongue then stood up. "If I follow this feeling, we won't get anything done today." She mumbled, leaving the bathtub. Feeling empty after their alpha left, the twins followed after her. She opened the door to the walk in closet, pulled out a black pants suit from one of the hangers then she pulled out two oversized overall jackets with jean shorts. "Are you fine with wearing this for today?" She asked handing the twins the overall jackets and shorts.

The two nodded then began to get dressed. "After my appointments, we can go to the mall and buy some clothes for you both."

"Thank you." they mumbled, not used to the treatment that they were getting.

After they got dressed, the trio headed out of the house. Walking along the garden path, Nova and Atlas noticed that those who worked on the estate were smiling and happily greeting them along the way. They couldn't help but to compare this with the cold silence that they had always experienced. Cherry opened the door to the main estate house where she was greeted with a headbutt.

"Cherry!" The twins shouted as they rushed to her side.

"Ha, Ha!" A voice laughed. "You let your guard down, Cher. Did getting mates make you weak?"

Cherry growled, grabbing the collar of the attacker with her hand. "I see you want to die today, Resse!"

The red eyes of her brother met hers, his eyes twinkled with mischief as he looked down at her. "Please! Like you could!"

The alphas growled at each other. Cherry grabbed Resse's head and pulled him into a headlock. Resse bit her arms as he fought to break free.

Nova and Atlas stared at the fighting alphas, thinking of a way to help Cherry from her attacker when a hand touched each of their shoulders. "I don't think that's a good idea." The voice warned. Atlas turned to see the owner of the voice, only to be met with glowing red eyes. He quickly looked to the ground.

"Alpha," he greeted.

"Yellow." The tall male alpha with dark brown skin and light blond, short wavy hair in a beige pants suit and white button up shirt greeted. "No need to worry about those two immature alphas!" he shouted.

"York!" Cherry pushed away her younger brother and pointed at him, "Don't put me in the same group as that brat. He attacked me first!"

Resse ran his fingers through his shoulder-length, wavy blond hair then dusted off his gray suit jacket. "She's right. Cherry is way more immature."

"What?" Cherry growled about to grab Resse's neck.

"Enough, you two!" A voice shouted from inside. "Everyone's already waiting. Stop blocking the entrance and go sit!"

Reese and Cherry mumbled as they dragged themselves into the dinning room.

"See?" York smiled, patting their shoulders. "They are like two little pups fighting." York guided the two inside.

"Seriously, York? You were there and you didn't stop them?" the voice from earlier scolded.

York smiled at the light brown coloured, wavy red short hair alpha wearing a dark blue dress suit and heels. "You know you're the only one that can stop them, Tootsie."

The female alpha sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "Is making you the next head a good idea?"

York laughed, entering the dining area, "You can take it back if you want."

"You're saying that because you want to avoid responsibility!"


Sighing again, Tootsie turned to her younger sister's mates. "You two would probably feel weird if I guided you right? Julie, my dear!" she called.

"Yeah?" A small green eyed female omega with golden beige skin and medium size curly black hair ran over to them.

Tootsie wrapped her arms around her small mate's waist and kissed her nose. The omega giggled. "Be a dear and guide my irresponsible sister's mates to the spouses' table, would you?"

Julie nodded, "Ok." With one last kiss, Tootsie headed inside. "Please follow me."

Julie ushered the twins into the dining room and like every other room on the estate, it was massive with white painted walls covered with paintings. A diamond chandelier hung in the middle of the room, illuminating the entire room. To one side of the room, was a dark brown wooden long rectangular table with about fifteen chairs around it.

"That is where the alphas sit." Julie pointed when she saw the twins looking over at her mate who was still arguing with her brother. "And this is where we sit." She pointed to a dark brown wooden, circular table at the other side of the room where a female with curly light brown hair and light pink skin sat.

The female looked at them as they walked over and smiled. "Welcome to the spouses' table! I'm Mary."

The twins eyes widened when they saw that the female had red eyes and quickly looked to the ground. "Hello Alpha."

"Eh? Alpha?" Mary blinked then laughed. "Ah! You mean me? No, no. Look at my eyes again. I have red eyes mixed with blue, I'm a delta."

Julie pulled out a seat for the two, "Don't worry. Just sit comfortably and eat."

They nodded then took a seat. Atlas beside Mary and Nova beside Julie.

"Eat." Mary encouraged, "Breakfast here is always warm and tasty."

With hesitation, the twins began eating, taking a bite of the buttery soft warm bread rolls then a bit of the eggs and sausages and a slip of the warm chocolate tea. They could feel tears rolling down their cheeks as they ate.

"It's ok. Take your time." Julie cooed, patting Nova's back.

From the other side of the dining room, the doors swung open. "Come on, Henry, I said I was sorry." pouted the head alpha as she walked in, following behind her upset mate.

Ignoring the dark skin, curly red hair female alpha, who wore a dark green dress suit with heels, the shorter pale skin, straight blond hair male walked over to the spouses' table. Pouting, the alpha sat at the alpha table. Tootsie sighed, again.

"What did you do this time, Mom?"

Scratching her head, the head nervously laughed, "I got your Dad pregnant again."

"What?" The alpha's children shouted.

"Hehe." She laughed. "I know, I know, he said Resse would be the last but he looked so sexy that night and it just had to be the night I forgot to take a pill."

York held his mother's hand as she sat beside him. "I understand, Mom, that's why Mary isn't speaking to me either. I know she wanted to wait a bit longer before our first child but that night, she was just so sexy."

"My son!" Kit-Kat cried, hugging York. "I knew you would understand me!"

The two hugged and cried as Tootsie looked at them in disgust. "Really like mother, like son."

"Forgot?" Mary hissed. "I bet that asshole did this on purpose."

"You can't give my son that much credit, Mary." Henry sighed, sitting down, "My son is just like his mother, stupid."

"Henry." Kit-Kat cried.

Henry tsked, avoiding eye contact with his mate.

While all of this was happening, the twin stopped eating, watching the scene unfold in shock. "How can they say all that about an alpha and be so comfortable, is probably what you guys are thinking right?" Julie whispered to the twins.

With food stuffed in their cheeks, the twins looked at Julie and nodded. "Well, as you can see, Henry is a beta and Mary is a delta, Henry and Mary also weren't raised in the trade like us so from the beginning they weren't afraid of speaking their minds even to an alpha." The twins glanced at the two mates as they continued to complain about their stupid alphas.

"Even so, aren't they afraid of getting punished?" Nova whispered.

Julie shook her head, "That's the other thing, here in the Sweets household, they alphas don't punish for things like that. They like their mates fiery."

"It's fine. I like sassy." The twins recalled what Cherry said to them last night.

"Wow." Atlas said in awe. "Nov, did we just hit the jackpot?"

"Oh!" Henry said, calling the attention of the other mates to him. "Here we are bickering when we have new members to our family. I'm Henry and you are?"



"Great, nice to meet you two." Henry smiled. "But um, what are you two doing here so soon?"

"Huh?" The twins asked worried, "What do you mean?"

"You just mated with my daughter, right? I wasn't expecting to meet you until a week later."

Tootsie sighed loudly, putting down the roll she was eating. "I'm sure it's one track mind Cherry's fault."

"Me?" Cherry asked, clueless.

"Yes, you stupid." Resse smirked. "Anyone with common sense knows that after being mark the marked ones are horny as fuck."

Nova's and Atlas' faces turned red.

"What?" Cherry exclaimed. "No way. Tootsie that's not true, right?"

Tootsie massaged her forehead in frustration. "You would have felt it too, Cherry."

Cherry tilted her head side to side. "I mean, I did feel something but I thought it was because they looked so sexy soaked in the tub plus I have a lot of work to do today so I just ignored it."

Nova buried his head in his head as Atlas continued to eat, trying to avoid eye contact with the others around him.

"Why are all my children like this?" The frustrated Henry sighed.

"Dad, don't put me in the same group as them!" Resse and Tootsie cried.

The beta sighed, continuing his meal. "You two are stupid in your own ways."

As embarrassed as they might be, Atlas and Nova couldn't help smiling. The family that they joined might be silly but it was warm.