
My darling, I'm only yours

Iqra khan always kept to herself.She'd spend hours filling with beautiful poems and thoughts no one else would understand but her. Sometimes, if she was feeling a little inspired, she'd sketch.But there was always one subject. Shanaya singha roy. The girl that makes everyone's heads turn wherever she goes. The one of the brunette hair and dazzling smile. The reason for Iqra's erratic heartbeats ever since the unique day of elementary school ten years ago. Not that shanaya remembers. Or even bothers to acknowledge her existence. _______________ ∆ WARNING ∆ ~ This novel illustrates the mental state of a person struggling as a result of abuse. ~ Depictions of suicidal thoughts. ~ Mention of sexual violence, physical violence, bullying, homophobic content, casteism. ###This is my first novel. English is not my native language so please forgive me if anything is wrong.

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At morning, Iqra found herself walking toward the dorm building, a hand holding a bag, the other one stuffed inside her pockets, accompanied by shanaya in placid silence; only the sound of their steps echoed while they reached the entrance. "Thank you for today", Iqra was the one to break the ice after the walk.

Bidding farewell to Shanaya, she entered her dorm.

((At school that day))

(Shanaya P. O. V)

Maya and jasmine were standing by their lockers, barely metres behind my own, waiting for me. I put in the combination and swung the door open, turning to face them.

"Morning!" I said. I subconsciously reached into the locker for my books as they smiled at Ishan cheerfully. Swinging the door shut, I turned to walk towards them.

My forehead hit an object in front of me and I helplessly tumbled to the floor.

It wasn't usual for me to be clumsy. What made this fall different from any other, was because I met her..... Iqra . Iqra lay centimeters from me clutching her head, books scattered on the surrounding floor. When I first saw her, I wasn't even conscious of what I was thinking. I just couldn't take my eyes off her. Her thick auburn hair was hanging just a centimetre below her shoulders, her eyes a light green shade-slightly blue. And even as she smiled at me apologetically, I couldn't find a single flaw. Realising I was staring, I glaneed down quickly, frantically snatching up all the books.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking." I stuttered, the words bouncing around incoherently in my brain. She smiled at me, causing a tingly sensation to trickle down my spine.

"No, it was me. I wasn't looking either," she exclaimed, shyly taking her books from my outstretched arms. In that one second, our faces were only inches apart. Another strange feeling ran through my veins. I was shaking my legs feeling like they had turned into jelly. I couldn't get up. My body wouldn't allow it. I just watched as she rose, offering me her hand shyly. My nerves relaxed a little as my hand slipped into hers and my blood started to bubble. That feeling, like when you first sit on a rollercoaster, was coursing vigorously throughy my veins. I could barely breathe. At the time, I blamed it on the hit to my head. In hindsight, I'm pretty much sure it wasn't. "Thanks," I murmured. Trying to find something to do with the arm that had just fallen from her grasp. I probably looked like an idiot, flailing my arm up and down. She smiled again, sending yet another chill through my blood.

"I've got to go, but I'll see you around." She lit up the world with that smile. I just nodded and felt the sudden pain as my teeth dug into my lip. Then she was gone, and I was left feeling like an idiot.