

Kevin has been carried to the Hunters dispatch office under the pretense of an injured Hunter that wondered into the barrier zone. Officially that is, for he is currently being held by the research department instead of being treated in the med-bay.

He is being held inside a cubicle room painted all in white. Attached to the wall with metal clamps two over his arms & legs, one around his waist and one even on his freshly grown midnight black tail. C and L are in a control room looking at a monitor pointed straight at Kevin along with the doctor. He is starting to regain consciousness the doctor notices this, so he walks over to an intercom and press a red button takes a deep breath and yells into the mic "Gooooood morning sunshine how ya doing you look like your in a tight spot." having his ears blasted from the loud echo in the Kevin wakes up completely and starts looking around to assess his situation. Eventually he notices the camera directly in front of him and stares directly at it. Being confined to a wall in a strange place was nothing compared to growing a tail so Kevin only had two questions. Following the proper order of business he asked the most important one first while maintaining a calm demeanor"do y'all got something to eat in here I'm starving." The doctor bursted out in laughter he has spoken to many people in similar situation and none of them have asked anything like this most of them always started off with something like where am I? or why am I here? The doctor still laughing pressed the red button again switched to a more serious tone before answering the question letting out a response just as ridiculous as the question he received"Well to be honest I'm not to sure what you are exactly. You look human but after running some test you resemble a Beast a lot more. By something to eat are you refer to eating me perhaps." After thinking it over answering seriously when you have no idea what's going on seemed pointless so Kevin in a cheerful tone and a smile replied to the doctor" Sure thing I'll take you but I don't know how you'll cook your self and serve it so one leg will do, and make sure it's well done with extra seasoning I'm also going to need some hot sauce too." this made the doctor lose his mind he was on the ground screaming it took all the strength he could muster to reply" sure thing it'll be a thirty minute wait make sure you hang in there... get it... hang... in there." After finishing his sentence C clocked him from behind and pushed him out of the way. L rushed to the doctors side while C started getting down to actual business. In a superior tone C gets on the mic and asks Kevin logistical boring questions" who are you?, what are you?, where and when did your hunter gear from?"

At this point I was fully awake and understood my situation but was angry that they was messing with my stomach so I couldn't help but show my disinterest in his question so I turned my head away and ignored him. This although made C quite angry so he reached onto his arm and pulled of his bracelet that resembled Kevin's chocker. Manifesting a gun that he pointed straight at the monitor and whispering the words shrink. immediately the metal constricting Kevin started to tighten. C in a calm voice mixed in with artificial sympathy" does that hurt? well you'd do best to answer my question." He continued to tighten the clamps until I showed signs of talking. After the clamps loosened up a bit and I was able to catch my breath I stared back into the camera put on some puppy dog eyes and asked"why?... why clamp the tail that's just a waste of time and energy. Don't you have any sympathy for the person who has to fix the holes in this wall?" C was going to continue his torture treatment until he met the same fate as the doctor, but even worse waiting for him on the ground was not the concern of a beautiful female hunter no. It was a middle-aged man roughly shaven spouting cheesy pick up line. As soon as the doctor made eye contact with C he straightened up his face then hit him with one of the golden pick up lines guaranteed to start a nice conversation " Hi. You come here often" knowing that answering would only fuel the crazy doctors insanity he just calmly rolled over facing the opposite direction.

L proceed in asking the exact same question as C hoping to get a better response, but she was being naive it is true that at first Kevin was a bit happier to hear her voice but before answering her questions he wanted to know if she was cute once she learned that she replied immediately with a yes. Expecting answers L turned over to the two grown men on the floor and smiled. However she wasn't ready for Kevin's next response.

" I change my mind you don't pass anyone who says their cute that fast is to materialistic. Your supposed to act a bit shy first and give a wishy washy answer and let me decided from there especially when I can't see you. This made the two men on the floor let out a smirk in unison, and just like C after being messed with L pulled off a Ring and the room temperature shot up she started to focus all that heat into one point creating a fire ball and tossed it to her right. While the Doc and C where making a run for the door behind them and right before they could make it the wall exploded launching them out the room and shaking the building. Now conjuring up a second fire ball L approached Kevin getting mere inches away from his face in a angry tone said" Am I cute enough for you?"

I was definitely reconsidering my comment from earlier before I noticed that the clamp on my tell had exploded and even with all the heat was covered in Frost. I figured that most likely came from me, but I had no idea how to do it again so I'd figured I'll just make the flames hotter and hopefully it'll kick in instinctively. I told the crazy flame chick" I tell you what you might be hot and I'm not talking about your flames That breath of yours covers it. You should be ashamed of yourself getting all in my face." Thank fully and unfortunately the plan was a success her flame double in size at the least. It sucks though that her anger did as well she took a deep breath then let me know. That she was against killing me before for no reason but now, now I was asking for it. While being terrified I was thinking nothing but cool thoughts where the clamps where. Then all of a sudden I remembered wise words from a show I watched that helps active powers. I believed in the me that he would have believed in, so I clinched my butt and with all my might inside my head I yelled smash. The temperature dropped so suddenly that there was another explosion but on a much larger scale. A hole opened up in the ceiling so I climbed out and started running as fast as I could screaming like a mad man being. I just escaped a life-and-death situation " Run Run as fast as you can You Can't catch me I'm Ice man..., Captain Cold..., Frozon." That countiued till I ran out of names to say all that mattered was that I'm free or so I thought I jumped right out of the fire and straight into the fire pan.