

"I couldn't cause it was all in the plan, just think it's obvious that Mom will be sad if I don't return home so there was no way to prevent this situation" replied Itami.

"Is it really true that there was no other way?" asked Robin.

He looked away and left from there without saying anything.

Quinella was hearing their conversation, hiding behind the curtain but when Itami left the place she showed herself in front of Chris and asked him "Was it right for you to ask the question?"

Chris looked at her annoyingly and said "What are you trying to say?"

"I am just trying to say that you have no right to ask him the question" replied Quinella.

"I know that but still it hurts to think about it," said Chris while punching the table.

"Look don't think about it too much both you and Itami did it for the sake of the project so instead of thinking about unnecessary things think about your next step," said Quinella while hugging him.

Some tears fall from his eyes after getting the hug cause it felt like a heavy burden from his heart is now unloaded.

Seeing him crying like that Quinella sat on the floor and told him to put his head on her lap.

He did as Quinella told him, he placed his head on her lap and surprisingly fell asleep in just a few minutes.

Looking at his face from close Quinella whispered in his ears and said "I know that you are doing your best to succeed the project but don't overdo it or you will perish from mental pressure before seeing your Dark Isekai project getting the success you want".

Saying it she kissed him on his forehead and was going to kiss him on the lips but that's when Itami entered in the room and seeing them in that condition he said Sorry and was going to leave the room.

But Quinella stopped him and said "Where are you going? Help me to put your friend on the bed" saying that she tries to lift him.

Seeing it he goes near them and lifts Chris and walks slowly to his room.

He places him in his bed and goes outside the room. Quinella was standing there outside the room when he stepped his foot outside the room she asked him "Are you in pain?"

He made a poker face and said "No, why should I?"

She places her hands on his shoulder and said "It's okay to show it, nobody is going to see you as weak so it's all right".

Hearing it he pushes her hands and said "I am fine, take care of Chris".

Saying it he left the place in a hurry. seeing him getting away like that she puts her back on the wall and crosses her hands and said "How long will you bear the pain, sooner or later the world will see you as a villain" Saying it she sighs and goes inside the room.

After leaving from there Itami is now in his room. He lays down in his bed and puts a pillow on his face and cries as much as he wants.

Thinking about his mom his heart aches more but he has to endure it and he knows it so he slowly stops crying and wakes up.

After waking up he looks at himself in the mirror and says "You look miserable Itami, when are you going to act as a leader".

Saying it he washes up his face and gets out of his room.

On the other side, after delivering the news Shu gets out of the den and goes to his apartment.

Reaching in the apartment he sees a letter so he takes the letter and opens it quickly.

After opening the letter he sees that Mei wrote it which says "Boss, I am going to join you tomorrow so please rest assured and go to sleep, I have cooked some rice and made some pork soup for you and placed them in the fridge so make sure to eat them before going to bed, your loving dear Mei".

Reading the letter he smiles and goes to the fridge and takes out the rice and the pork soup and eats them quickly.

After eating them he says thank you and places his plate on the basin and goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth, and goes to sleep.

Meanwhile, Clara is now in the hospital. She has gained consciousness but still, she is denying to eat anything so the nurses are giving her saline.

Willy is waiting outside the cabin and thinking about how to find Itami cause it's the only way to make Clara feel better.

When he was thinking that Carter called him on his phone and said "We have found a dead body of a 16-18 year old boy can you please come to the location?"

"Sure, can you tell me the location?" replied Willy.

Hearing his words Carter said, "Of course, it's in front of Mr. Yohan's house".

After getting to the location he rushes toward there and in just 20 minutes he reached the destination.

When he stopped his car at the location Carter looked at the car and said "Are you okay sir?" and asked, "Why there are so many scratches on the car?"

Willy didn't reply to anything and said "We will talk about it later first tell me where is the body".

"Oh! Come with me sir it's this way" replied Carter while hurrying.

They both went in front of the door and saw a body covered in white clothe but there was something written on the cloth.

To read the words written on the cloth he told Carter to lift the cloth and hold it.

After looking closely he understood what is written on the cloth. He reads it out loud "Nobody can stop a man from going to their deserved place".

Reading it loud he laughs loudly and says "Now I can go on full throttle and smash them, I have found my reason".

Saying that he looks at the body and founds a chain on its neck and snatches it and looks closely after examining it closely for some time he put his hand on his head and said "There is no mistake it's the same chain that Itami used to wear".

Seeing him being that confidant Carter asked "How can you be that confidant?"

Look closely at the chain, there is a code written at the back of the letter 'D' and there is another code behind 'A' moreover there is another code on the back of 'I' and if you read the letters at once it says DAI and I have seen these words on Itami's PC so I am kinda sure that it's his body but anyway send the body for forensic test and call a hacker we will hack Itami's PC and will get our necessary information.

Hearing his words Carter said, "We can just prove that it's Itami's body after the test is done then why are you hacking into his PC?"

"I just have an intuition that I will be able to get some valuable information from it and anyway just think why they leave Itami's body outside his house and didn't even steal his chain, its 24K gold worth of 2000 dollars anyone would have stolen it no matter what so I am having some suspicions" replied Willy.

Making a surprised face Carter said, "Are you suspecting that Itami was involved in recent cases".

"No, I am not saying that I am just having some doubts that's all but more than suspecting him I think he was just a victim" saying that he looks at the sky and sighs, and says in his mind "What is going on, everything is becoming more complicated".

On the other side, Gilbert is reading some novels and taking some tea and Lara is sewing a new dress for herself.

Trivut is as usual drinking to her heart's content in a salon and Harold is sharping his sword and skills.

Meanwhile, after finishing a long boring meeting Hugo was going back to his room but on his way back he sees some knights practicing their swordsmanship so instead of going back to his room he goes downstairs and fights some mock duals with knights.

He dueled with Vice Captain Rajar Grover and beat him 2 times and defeated some soldiers 5 times.

After fighting mock duals for 2 hours he went back to his room.

After changing his cloth he was about to go to meet his brother but that's when he heard the noise of lightning outside and when he looked outside the window he sees that the sky is looking dark and gloomy like a storm is coming so he calls Grant and says him to prepare his carriage quickly he will leave early.

But Grant warned him and said "My majesty we shouldn't leave the palace, the weather isn't looking that good".

Hearing his words he looks at him and says "I have promised my brother that I will meet him today so nothing can stop me even if a storm comes I will go and meet him"

Saying that he looks away and says in his mind "Don't worry Kyle I will break through the storm if I have to but I will keep my promise". (To be continued)

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