
A new universe a new body

After hearing Shu-Fung's words Itami can now finally go to the Kalid Universe peacefully without any worry.

Seeing them get along, Robin feels kinda relieved cause Itami doesn't trust anyone easily at first so in order to gain his trust one has to spend a lot of time with him.

Even Robin had to spend 6 months to just become his friend. So it's a good thing that he trusted someone this quickly.

Itami looked at Robin and asked, "Is my new body ready?"

He replied "Yes, your majesty" and showed him a body which is covered in a white cloth.

Itami said him to remove it but Robin refused and said "It's a surprise for you so you can't see it".

Itami sighs after listening to it and says then I will wait. Robin smiled after hearing his reply and said "Hurry up and come here, Shu will help you to get Isekaid.

After telling that he hangs up. Now that Itami knows everything is ready he looks at Shu and says "Wait for me outside the house".

"As you wish" Shu answers. He went outside the house after getting the order.

Meanwhile, Itami goes to his mom and says "I am going outside don't wait for me and have your launch I have some work to do, Take care of yourself will see you later".

After saying that he runs toward the door and gets outside the house. His mom wanted to tell him to return early cause she has cooked his favorite dish for today's launch but couldn't say it.

She didn't know that she is watching Itami for the last time in this world.

After getting outside his home he went to the den of the True Salvationists and meet Joseph for the last time.

After talking with him for some time he climbs on a stage that has been set for him.

After climbing on the stage he begins his last speech. He said, "All my brothers who are present here today I want to give you good news, our Dark Isekai Project is finally entering phase 3, soon we will be able to give salvation to the people of this world".

As he uttered these words the whole crowd screamed in joy they started screaming Itami's name.

Itami kinda felt happy to see this but after some time he looks at everyone with gratefulness in his eyes and raises his hand.

When everyone shut their mouth he thanked everyone and said "Thank you guys for your support and after I get Isekaid I will relay my official messages to Shu-Fung and he will let you guys know about my next order".

After hearing Shu-Fung's name everyone seemed kinda confused that's when Joseph stepped on the stage with Shu and said in a loud voice

"My fellow brothers this is Shu-Fung Wuxia the Minister of Real World Affairs and the commander of the Soul Transportation team, you guys can call him the junior vice leader of this project,

Ah just kidding but let me tell you clearly he will be the one to control the matters of the Real World in the absence of Itami so address him with respect".

Everyone said "Roger" in a loud voice but one of the men from the crowd asked him "Shouldn't you be the one who should become representative of Mr. Itami?"

Even though everyone said Roger to Joseph, after hearing this men's question they begin to mutter the same words in their mouth.

Seeing it gets Itami kinda worried. To calm the situation he was going to say something but Joseph stopped him and said "We are not the official team of Dark Isekai Project, We are his ally, We are a different independent group we will only follow Itami's order when it will help us to get what we want so it's natural for them to select a representative from their own team, so don't get frustrated and lose your goal".

Joseph's speech helped to calm the situation. When the situation calmed down Itami said "Bye, see you on the other side" and moved to an open space where Shu is waiting for him with the Dark Truck.

When he stood in front of the truck everyone showed him respect and salute him.

He smiled and gives Shu the order to drive the truck. After getting the order, Shu started the engine, pushed the accelerator, and drove the truck over Itami.

After getting hit by the truck Itami doesn't remember anything except for one thing that he saw a light in a dark place, he doesn't know if he really saw that or if he is just imagining.

Slowly he opened his eyes and saw Robin. Quinella and Robin were looking at him with curiosity in their eyes.

I was also looking at them blankly for a few minutes but when I gained consciousness I jumped from the bed and looked at my new body and what I see! I am naked!!!

I scream and hide my privet spot with my hand. Looking at me getting that embarrassed Quinella laughed while Robin passes me a dress.

Quinella was laughing nonstop after seeing my reaction but Robin somehow dragged her and left the room.

I quickly put the dress on and look in the mirror. Oh! What is this? I say in my mind.

What a beautiful face and how red these eyes are just truly magnificent now I also can brag about my face.

Well, I was a handsome guy in my universe too but this face is just formidable.

After getting surprised by my face I wanted to hear my voice so I said "It's so beautiful" in a loud voice and what I hear! this voice is smooth as butter.

After hearing my new voice I just speak whatever comes to my mind and started to sing a song. Hearing my signing, Robin and Quinella showed up and looked at me joyfully.

But it seems like Quinella is enjoying this scenery more than anyone while Robin was just smiling, she is laughing like a crazy person.

She was trying to hold her laugh for a long time but when she heard Itami singing she just couldn't hold off anymore and burst into laughing.

When I noticed them I shouted and asked "What are you guys laughing at?"

Quinella replied while laughing "Of course on your trash like singing, having a good voice doesn't mean you are a good singer".

She laughs more after saying that. Well, she is not wrong even though I have a good voice I need to practice my singing but anyway, I am not here to become a singer so it doesn't matter.

Robin punches her head and said to stop it. She puts her hand on her head and said "You don't have to punch me on the head; you can just kiss me on my lips to stop my acts".

After hearing her words I looked at Robin and said "It looks like you guys are quite close".

Robin denies it by shaking his head and said me to wear my shoes cause now we are going to the hospital to introduce and meet others.

As he said Itami puts his shoes on and went near the carriage. Robin talked with Yabuta for some time and then sat in the coachmen's place to ride it. Quinella also sat beside her.

While he was riding it Quinella holds his hand and asked "Why did you deny that we have a close relationship?"

Robin smiled awkwardly and said, "You see he just landed on Kalid universe so that's why I thought I will tell him once he gets comfortable here".

After hearing it Quinella holds his hand tightly and said "As you wish but don't forget to tell him about us or the fool will ask the same question whenever he sees us getting close".

Robin said yeah and holds her hand and kisses her on the forehead. After some time they reached outside the city and get off.

Itami gets shocked when they dropped the carriage there and started walking toward the royal capital.

So he asked them "What is going on? Why are you guys dropping the carriage here, shouldn't it be easy for us to get to the hospital in the carriage?"

Robin said "Hush" you talk too much I will tell you everything later till then trust us and shut your mouth.

Quinella also made a weird face and said "Yeah, shut your filthy mouth, you mongrel".

After hearing this Itami makes a sad face and asked Robin "Why is your wife acting that rude to me?"

Robin get annoyed and said "She is not my wife in a loud voice and said "Yet" in a low voice and started walking.

After walking for some time they crossed the capital gate and reached near the hospital.

They were walking toward the hospital in a fast phase so that's when a girl gets pushed by Robin and falls on Itami's arm.

When the girl fell on his arm and a slight breeze blew Itami's hood off. The girl looked at Itami and she was shocked cause Itami is so ... (To be continued)

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