
My Daily Life With My Lewd Girlfriends

[Warning: Mature Content] [No NTR] This is purely a self-insert story, focusing solely on explicit content without any significant plot. It's essentially a slice-of-life series centered around sex. The harem expands over time, so feel free to give it a read. Synopsis: I am in relationships with my two childhood friends, girls from my class, my teacher, my girlfriends' mothers, my step-sister, my twin sister, and even my step-mother?! I plan to cherish each day and make the most of these connections while living life to the fullest!

Lord_Nightingale · Realistic
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61 Chs

Chapter 42: A Normal Day (2)

Upon entering the room, I felt an immediate shift in the atmosphere. It was as if this room existed in a different dimension compared to the rest of the school. The tension was palpable, yet oddly comforting.

On one side of the room, two women were intensely focused on their laptops. I couldn't discern what they were working on, but their determined expressions suggested they were racing against a deadline.

The first woman had blonde hair and porcelain-like skin. The moment I laid eyes on her, I couldn't help but think of her as a foreigner. That assumption wasn't entirely incorrect. She was one of the members of the student council, a familiar face in the school. She was Mochizuki Arisu. Every time I heard her name, it conjured images of Alice in Wonderland. The resemblance between that literary Alice and this girl was striking. She embodied the spirit of that book's protagonist.

On the opposite side of the room, there was another girl, and she was quite the striking figure. She had a slightly curly chest-length silver hair that cascaded with bangs swept to the right side, and her violet eyes added an air of mystery to her. She was also quite well-known in the school, but despite her beauty, she didn't quite earn the title of a "goddess." I couldn't fathom why because, in my eyes, she was every bit as beautiful. Then I remembered, she fell short in height and didn't have the same curvaceous appeal as the others. I knew her well; she was one of my classmates, Hasegawa Tsukasa.

On the other side of the room, a girl was meticulously organizing and sorting documents on the shelf. I didn't know her very well, but I remembered her name – Fujiwara Airi, a first-year student.

Lastly, the woman seated in the president's chair caught my attention. Her cold red eyes contrasted with a truly enchanting smile on her face, and she exuded an authoritative aura. I was very familiar with her, as she was considered the queen of the school, a title that wasn't far off since she effectively ruled over the student body as the student council president. While she might not have been particularly well-endowed in the chest department, her body still had an alluring curvature. Her skin was flawless, and her lips were thin, while her limbs displayed a certain sleekness. "Sexy" might not have been the right word to describe her, but she undeniably possessed a seductive charm.

A beauty beyond words, indeed. Her nickname as the queen was fitting. I felt like kneeling down before her and kissing her feet...or something equally dramatic.

But it wasn't just her appearance that caught my attention. It was her name—Fujiwara Tsubasa. She had the exact same name as me.

The moment our eyes met, I had a strange feeling that our meeting like this was somehow fated. In our two years at this school, we hadn't interacted with each other since we weren't in the same classes for our first and second years, and that remained the case for our third year as well.

I hadn't expected to become entangled in the life of the other Tsubasa, and I assumed she felt the same about mine. Yet, here we were, face to face.

"Oh, Kurogane Tsubasa-kun, is it? What brings you here?" Kaichou asked, leaning forward with her elbows on the table and her hands together as she looked at me, crossing her legs.

I set down the boxes I was lugging over to the area that was already stacked with a bunch of them.

"Uh, I just helped out a kouhai over here 'cause she looked like she could use a hand, so..."

Kaichou's smile remained, and she tilted her head thoughtfully. "You have a kind heart, Kurogane Tsubasa-kun. It's not every day you come across someone willing to lend a hand without a second thought. In this busy world, where everyone is preoccupied with their own affairs, such acts of kindness stand out."

I scratched the back of my head, feeling a little self-conscious under her praise. "Well, it was just the right thing to do, you know? I couldn't let her struggle with those heavy boxes."

"True, but not everyone acts on what's right. Some might have ignored her, thinking it wasn't their concern. You, on the other hand, stepped in without hesitation."

I shifted uncomfortably under her intense gaze. I wasn't used to receiving so much attention or compliments. "I don't think I did anything extraordinary. It was just a small favor."

Kaichou chuckled softly, a melodious sound that reverberated in the room. "Sometimes, it's the small acts of kindness that make the biggest impact. You never know how much your actions can brighten someone's day or even change their perspective."

I couldn't help but feel that she was exaggerating. There was no way a simple act like helping with boxes could have a profound impact on someone. However, I genuinely appreciated our conversation and her insights, so I decided to express my gratitude.

"Thank you for the enlightening conversation, Fujiwara-kaichou. It was a pleasure to meet you. I should get going now."

Just as I was about to turn and make my exit, Fujiwara-kaichou stopped me with a raised hand. Then, she gracefully rose from her seat, her movements fluid and elegant.

"You know, Kurogane-kun," she began, her red eyes capturing mine, "I have a proposal for you."

I couldn't help but be intrigued. "A proposal?"

She took a step closer, her presence commanding attention. "I've been observing you for some time, and I believe you have a unique quality that could be of great benefit to our student council."

I blinked in surprise. "Me? How so?"

Fujiwara-kaichou smiled again, that bewitching smile of hers. "I'd like to offer you the opportunity to join the student council as an assistant. Your kindness, sense of responsibility, and willingness to help others are qualities we value. What do you say, Kurogane Tsubasa-kun?"

I couldn't help but chuckle nervously at the unexpected proposal. "Surely you jest. Me? In the student council? My classmates would surely laugh if they found out. I mean, I mostly sleep in class, and I'm not exactly the model student. Besides, I'm already in my third year now, so isn't it a little late for that?"

Kaichou tilted her head slightly, her smile unwavering. "Age is not a barrier when it comes to contributing to our school community, Kurogane-kun. In fact, your experience as a senior student could bring a unique perspective to the council. And you say that you're not exactly a role model, but you're consistently in the top ten of our grade. Surely that is justifiable reason enough for you to be considered a good student, hmm?"

"Well, I suppose I do try to keep my grades up, but being part of the student council is a whole different level of responsibility, isn't it?"

Fujiwara-kaichou nodded in agreement. "You're right; being part of the student council does come with added responsibilities. But it's precisely those responsibilities that help shape our school and make it a better place for everyone. We work together to organize events, address student concerns, and ensure the well-being of our fellow students."

She continued, her hand gently grasping mine, "Kurogane-kun, I see potential in you. You may not realize it, but your willingness to help others, your consistency in your studies, and your genuine kindness are qualities that can greatly benefit our student council. You'll learn and grow in this role, and you'll have the chance to leave a lasting positive impact on our school community."

She seemed pretty determined to rope me into the student council. But if I joined, that would mean less time with Chinatsu and Natsumi. I wasn't keen on that idea. Sure, the student council gig sounded appealing, and who knows, hanging out with those famous members might boost my popularity too. But I'd already promised myself to split my time in half to keep my girlfriends happy, so adding more responsibilities could turn things into a juggling act.

"You make a compelling argument, Fujiwara-kaichou, but it's not as easy as you make it sound. I certainly wouldn't mind joining, but I already have several commitments and promises to keep. Adding more responsibilities might make it challenging to balance everything."

She released my hand with a gentle smile. "I understand, Kurogane-kun. Your existing commitments are important, and I wouldn't want you to compromise your relationships or well-being. If you ever change your mind or find that you have the capacity to take on this role, please don't hesitate to reach out. The offer remains open."

"Thanks a lot."

With a thankful nod, I made my exit from the student council room.

"Ah! W-Wait!"

The girl I'd helped called after me, but I quickened my pace. I didn't want to linger any longer. Sticking around might make me cave in to her persuasion tactics. I had a feeling she was trying to charm me into joining, but luckily, I wasn't falling for it. I guess I should thank Natsumi and Chinatsu for that... and Yui, too, for that matter.