
My Daily Highs And Lows

Daily short reminisces and chance encounters made into snippets. They come and go and are only immortalized in when penned down, walk with me in the Highs and lows of my life

CAPTAIN_N3M0 · Realistic
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When it hits, it hits hard

Like a brick to the face

I should know

I've experienced both feelings before

And just like a brick to the face there is a heart stopping pain to the brain

With it comes that momentary dizziness

The world around you becomes blurred

And then clarity comes again

But the feeling is not the same

You can feel that something is broken

That you're stuck somewhere and can't get out

That's when I know that depression has hit

Everyone has a different experience during this time

Mine comes with a wave of emotions

Emotions such as pain, loneliness, desire and anger

Emotions that often enough lead to only one reaction

The desire to lock yourself and throw away the key

The desire to find a dark and cosy spot and just be alone

Then I know depression has hit

And it always hits hard

You can feel that you're in it, you can be with a loved one and not really be with them

You can feel it and yet you can't find a way out

I should know, I've been here before

And I've also been out of it

But how to get out is the problem

It's like remembering your first ice cream

But the feeling you had when eating it then is not the same as now

Depression is like a seductress

She comforts you

And escape seems impossible

I need to escape

I need help

Or I might end it all

Depression is a curse

One I can't seem to get rid of