
my dad is scary but not until i have a boyfriend

hi Im gela 12 years old before i tell my story please like and follow me for more story about this,one day my mother was pretty good at fashion and my father was an army, dad was have a lots of muscle and my mother have a perfect body, dad was very strong that she can carry two person in his back he was like a big bear, 2 Years past and im 14 Years old now but everything was changed, my mother left us because of his new husband and dad agree it,

gela- dad why did you agree?

dad- because that was she makes life happy so we're too because we're together

and i was crying and dad hug me, but it was fun to be with dad but one condition he hates boys she even don't want that i have a boyfriend or a friend,

gela- dad can i have a boyfriend now?

dad- no, you can only have a boyfriend if you're 21 and besides your 17 now just fucos to your study.

but it was upset to hear what dad said who wants to wait that long hello it's 4 years and it's so long,

i was walking in the hallway then i heard someone called me as i turn back i see mason my child Hood best friend, it was very different now she was so hot and also cute, handsome he was very strong,

mason- hi gela long time no see

gela-yeah by the way what are doing here

mason-my mother said i should visit here in America

gela-so your new student here?

mason-yes i am

wee were talking about 50 minutes and the ring bell and i was running he followed me, then we arrive in the classroom and the teacher said that wee have a new student who name mason,

mason- hello everyone I'm mason nice to meet you All

and i heard someone shouting at the back as i look at it was zera zera was my anemy, she was shouting for mason

zera- yeahhh that's the hot boy i ever seen before new target

ouh please stop that you can't have him after all, the 3 hours past and the ring bell me and mason was planning to go to the library because of our assignment in English, when suddenly dad call me so i answer

dad- gela were are you?

gela- in the library why dad?

dad- I'm coming there

before i answer what he said he ended the call so I'm very nervous about my dad when he see that I'm with a boy, i was overthinking that maybe dad will not angry that I'm with a boy? and dad came and he see me ang mason he's face was turned into a red like a strawberry Right and he pull mason up and i was shouting to him that please dad he is not my boyfriend wee are just childhood best friend and then dad put mason down and mason was running like a baby,

gela- dad what are doing, why did you do that

dad-i said no boys or Friend,let's go home

i was very nervous because what if mason is gonna think that I'm a jerk or my dad is a jerk,then at school mason was changed he ignore me left me and i try to move on, 2 years past i move on from mason but not the other boys who trying to love me those strong fellings but my dad was very strong and they said that my dad was scary and i just laugh, i was walking in the hallway and my books was Fall i was going to get it but suddenly some guy pick it first, as i was looking the face my belly was full of snails inside he was so handsome cute and i was Just smile at him and he said he's name

??- hi im kurt

gela-ouh hi kurt

kurt-and you are ?

gela- ouh I'm gela, wait are you the pupilar i the school and the richest boy at school,

kurt - maybe

kurt and i was became friends or not just friend he said he's fellings from me and he said that he loves me and i said i love you too, wee start dating and even doe im 21 by the way, so i decided to tell dad about our relationship

and dad agreed

gela-dad there something i can tell you

dad- what

gela-i have a boyfriend and he's name is kurt

kurt- hi Mr

dad- ouh maybe it's time to say goodbye to you i know you can take care of your self but please promise me kurt that you never ever hurt gela,

and me and kurt have house and dad was exploring everywhere and he finally find he's own love and they get married at the 3 years past me ang kurt are married to and have a 2 kids.

That was the end of my story

this is my first story hope you like it guys

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