
A frnd and love story of my life in school days

A few years back in my child hood days I am interested to listen music I don't any one words in house in my school days I have greatest, happiest, not having words to express about my friend{ gulshan}.he was only one friend in my life .I share my all feelings with him after completing 5th class we enter into 6th class we both are so excited with new friends.we enjoyed lot and throwing small papers on teacher and one day a back bang student throw pencil lid in my ear on that my friend beat him very lot after coming out school. one day the final exams we both are passed with high rank .and after completing 6th we enter into 7th class.in 7th class 1st day I saw a girl in our class with pretty cheeks and hair cruling with beautiful eyes she was very awesome on the day I was fixed on that she was my life partner I said to my friend about her and he said about her religion but I said to him for love religion is not important for love heart is more important .he encourage me and he this is our make it perfect and convince her to be life partner on that I started talking with her and what she I do. I do lot to love her but I love her 3years I don't tell her I am loving u. one days some of my friends tell this to her I am loving her on that she cried very lot and lot some of my friends told me she was crying because of you. on that I was fixed I don't marry any one in the world and I don't want to cry her any more. just I was frnd to her. on 15th agust 2019 is the memorable day in my life and I didn't talk to her any more in my life💔💔💔💔💔