
My Cute Gangster| YoonMin Ff

In which Jimin is the cutest gangster Yoongi has ever known...

missxxtery · Celebrities
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3 Chs


Min Yoongi

"Son, here's your allowance and I've already packed your lunch here, we will be going now, take care!" My mother hurriedly went out with my father. They are now going to work. It's only 6 am but they are all gone.

A happening that didn't really happened to us when we were still in Daegu. When we were rich enough to gather in a table and just wait for the appointments they have.

It's a happening that would always surprise me. I still can't believe that we are now living in a single storey and really small apartment.

Our family's business was bankrupt. My parents were scammed which results to too much debts. That's why we have to deal with our new life now.

I couldn't even believe that I'll be transferring in a public high school and I'll be heading to that school now.

I grabbed the packed lunch my mom never made me when I was young and money that is really little from what I had back then.

I already know the address since I passed by once so It would be easy for me to walk there.

I only have 10 minutes before the class starts. Our class starts at 6:30 and but I bet I'll just arrive on time since it's just really near. Btw, It's been a month since school started but I just transferred today. Good thing I didn't face struggles while getting all the papers I need. It wasn't me who got it though. I was helped by my loyal butler. He isn't not with us now since we don't have enough money to pay him but I'm glad he's still there when I need him. Speaking of, I noticed that my phone beeps. I opened it only to see my butler's text. Well, should I say ex-butler?

'Master, Where are you? I'm in school now.' The text said.

Aish. I told him to stop calling me Master already. It's embarrassing.

He also transferred to another school with me. Actually, he's just a year older than me and we have the same grade level. He's a son of one of our trusted Maid. Back then, we study together in my old school. My parents supported him to school since they want him to be with me 24/7. Yes, he did become my nanny.

Even though I told him not to, he still insisted to study in my new school. The tuition is really low so he said he can afford it now. Plus right after he knew we can't afford to pay him, he found a part time job in Seoul. They were originally living in Seoul though. Now that they lost their job on us, they came back to Seoul which coincidentally where we are now living too.

Now, he's waiting for me and he just texted 'I'll wait you at the entrance.'


After minutes of walking, I arrived at the school. I saw him waving at me. I just stared at him.

"Master!" He shouts.

"Stop it already Seokjin." Yep, he's Kim Seokjin, my ex-butler.

"I won't until you call me hyung." He crossed his arms as if he was waiting me to say it. However I just walk and pass him by.

"We shouldn't be late, it's our first day." I said without looking back at him. I then heard him replied, "Yes, Master."

He's serious isn't he?

"Fine! I'll call you Hyung. Stop it." I said. I don't have a choice. It would be really embarrassing if he continue to call me that. Our classmates might wonder and I don't really want that. I want a peaceful life, for damn sake!

"Yes, Master—I mean, Yoongi~" Aish -_-

We're now outside our classroom. We met our adviser and she told us to wait for awhile.

As if on cue, she opened the door for us and everybody in the classroom welcomes us.

They're so noisy. Tss.

"Okay, stop it now class. I told you not to be like that!" Our adviser said but the crowd just goes on. Some were really screaming. Obviously, it's because of this guy beside me, Kim Seokjin who is now doing pose like he's a real celebrity. He's always like that though. Bet he would brag about it in break time. -_-

"You should introduce yourselves before sitting." The teacher told us which we obeyed.

"Hi I'm Kim Seokjin! I hope you take care of me and let's all be—"

"Min Yoongi. Where can we sit now, Ma'am?" I cut him off since his obviously going to start his long speech now. I knew Seokjin for years so I would know if he's starting some shit.

"Wew, no need to be cold though but you could sit there." She pointed at the back area where there were 7 available chairs. "On that side." She was referring to the two chairs in the corner. I then went there and sit. I'm really curious of why there were 5 chairs that are empty. I wanted to ask Seokjin but he seemed busy chitchatting to everyone so I decided not to. I'm not really bothered.

Lunch break came and Seokjin dragged me to the canteen.

"I know we both don't have much money but let's try checking the canteen. I heard they sell cheaper here." He said while still dragging me. Don't mind it. He's always these disrespectful to me when he was my butler.

Seokjin was right. They did sell everything here way more cheaper than my former school.

We both buy a soda and find a table to sit.

"Wew. I never imagined you to bring a packed lunch." I suddenly felt sad but I didn't show it to him. I just looked blank but knowing Seokjin, he's the only one who can identify what my different kind of blank stares mean.

"I-I didn't mean to—Well, I mean that I'm just proud since you won't be wasting too much now. Cheer up Yoongi." He said and gave me a comforting look. Yeah. As if I could still cheer up.

"Btw, have you seen their look when I went to the classroom? They're all (Jung)shook!" I did warn you about this, right?

I nod without showing any emotions with his stupid statement.

We continued eating peacefully until I felt somebody's figures approaching or maybe would just pass us. Unfortunately, they did the latter. I don't like their vibe. There's something that annoys me even though they didn't even do anything yet.

"Ha! A packed lunch! What are you? An elementary?" I didn't bother to look up. I don't know them so why bother? But the voice though, it was thin. Kind of cute? I like the voice but the presence is just way too annoying.

I planned on not to answer and just wait until they gets done however this ex-butler of mine just ruined my plan.

"You wanna have some?" -_- yep he said that. I know it was sarcastic but Goddamn it! He sounds innocent.

In the blink of an eye, a guy wearing a cap raises Hyung's face by his pointing finger. He moved closer and. Whispered something that is enough for me to hear it.

"Man, you got a pretty face, eh?" I wanted to push him away but Seokjin himself, made it for me. He forcefully pushed the arm of the guy that his hand hit the table which made the guy groan in pain. As if on cue, a guy with big nose came and was about to fight Jin Hyung but the guy with a cap stopped him.

"No one hits my Rapmonnie Hyung!" He shouted at Jin which I found really funny. They got some drama here, eh?

"Cut it, Jungkook. I can handle this." That Rapmonnie guy told him. "He's probably just a guy who takes care with his face. Gay." Lol. Seokjin is a guy who takes care with his face but he's no weak. And what's bad about being gay? DUD IT'S 2020! Hating gays is now a sin!

"Ha! You should try being a gay for once though. So you can be handsome a little bit." Bitch. ThaT's My Ex-BuTlEr! Lol

Just when I heard a something like *boogsh*. That Rapmon just got K.O! He attacked Jin but he avoid it and punch the guy to the floor.

We are now surounded by the students. They were murmuring. Some were admiring Jin's strength but some were against it. They kept on saying that we're doomed. How are we doomed? They're the one on the floor not us.

Are they perhaps talking about us being expelled? Nahh… I researched. Public schools don't do that that fast. It's our first day so they'd probably give us a chance. Suddenly, A loud bang from the table made the crowd silent. It was from a short guy with an orange hair. I'm sure I'm taller than him though.

The two unknown guy who was just standing behind him started to smirk and talk.

"Uh oh. If I were you, I would run now. Right, Hobi hyung?" The guy with brown hair chuckled. To tell you honestly, I thought he was an anime character.

" Hahaha! Right V! Our Chimmie is now mad, so mad that you might pee in your pants." The one he called Hobi hyung answered.

Just then I felt myself being pulled up. He's pulling my shirt up and I don't want it to be ripped so I stood up. He pulled me closer to him (not in a romantic way though) and gave me deadly stares.

We stayed like that as if we were paused until a guard came to blow his whistle on us.

"I see why you don't look familiar. You're the new transferry. I won't forget your face. I'll make your school year a hell. Mark that." He whispered. Then I figured who owned that cute voice from a while ago. It's his. He was about to go with his squad but I spoke something. Something that I didn't even expect that would came out from me.

"Chimmie? Ha! You're cute." I smirked. I saw his pissed face and was about to get back at me but the guard whistled again which made them ran. More like, he was dragged by that V guy though.

"You okay?" Seokjin asked but I just nod.

This school isn't that bad at all. I just found an interesting subject to learn. Pretty interesting…