
what a day..

Kyoko got out of bed and got dressed. today she had to work early.

Kyoko worked as mix of a waitress and a bartender. she usually worked at night, but they were short staffed so she was working two shifts today, one from 6 am till 2 pm waitressing, and the other one from 9 pm till 4 am bartending.

Kyoko gently kissed mei's head. "I love you kitten. I'll see you later." she said softly. then she went to work. when she got there the place was a mess. the tables were dirty, the dishes weren't done, and the coffee pot was still on. "What the fuck! Haruno, what time did you leave yesterday?" Kyoko asked

"I wasn't the closer. it was Junko." he said.

"The new girl!? why the fuck was she closing!? " she yelled as she was cleaning tables.

thankfully they got everything done without a problem and she went home after her shift.

"Hey M, I'm home!" Kyoko said.

"Kyo!!" mei ran and hugged her. "I made you some Early dinner. I figured you should get some sleep before your next shift."

"thanks hun, your so sweet." she said before she gently kissed her. "come on, I'll eat in bed."

they went into the bedroom and she told Mei all about what happened as she ate. "well I hope your second shift is better."

"me too." she laid down and cuddled Mei before falling asleep.

TW sexual harassment.

Kyoko's second shift was fine until the very end. there was a few very wild and drunk men sitting at a table.

"is there anything I can get you guys?" Kyoko asked.

"you could get me your number" one of the men said

"very funny, but I'm married."

"your husband doesn't have to know."

"wife actually. either way I'm not into men."

"oh come on babe, even gay people like me."

"listen I'm not interested. now is there anything else you need?" she asked.

a bit later she was done with her shift, and she was walking out to her car.

"hey baby girl, how about I take you to my place?" the same man said.

"sir, I already told you I'm not interested."

at this point he was starting to get a bit aggressive.

"alright, maybe I'll just have to make you" he walked towards her and grabbed her arm. "come on, let's go." he said. she used her other arm to punch him and then grabbed out her pocket knife and started to run.

"oh you little bitch!" he said. he got up and chased after her. she pointed her knife at him. "get away, right now!" just at that moment one of her coworkers saw her and knocked out the man. "hey Kyoko, are you alright?"

"yeah, thanks Mitsui."

"of course. I'll call the police."

"oh, that's not necessary."

"but he just attempted to kidnap you!"

"I know, but I don't want my wife to find out." she put her knife away and walked back to her car.

once she got home she went straight to bed.